It's around 8am in the morning here! Let you know about my next trip to the USA.
I supposed to go to SF to see my ex BF, but I broke up with him since he got his new GF from Chaina. So I have changed trip plan to see my friends there. I have a friend lives in NY, he has known me over 3years. This time he accepted me to stay his house with my daughter. He is an English teacher online, he has many students from many countlies, then I will help him to make a blog here. We have some plans for teaching English online for japaneses.I think there are many english classes online but are they good? Some of them are not resonable, and some of them are not good quality. To learn a foreign language from native is not so easy, we need to build friendships between teacher and students first. Because we want to talk about some interest topics, it might be bit private. There for I want to make new learning style of English conversation. In a month I will introduce his Blog to you guys. then if you guys ask us any questions about us we would be very glad to have your questions here. Anyway Im gonna go!!!!!!