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☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 新アダムとイヴの誕生

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 新アダムとイヴの誕生2

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 無量寿経シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings「私は美しい」シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings りんご充満空間シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 花のマスクシリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回 顧 展 part 1

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回 顧 展 part 2

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 1

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 2

☆Tadami Yamada's DRAWINGS 3

☆Tadami Yamada's 小さな絵日記より

☆Tadami Yamada's Still Life:静物画(1)

☆Tadami Yamada's Japanese style:「和」

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(1)野菜シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(2)貝殻シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(3)はんなりシリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's 素描(4)人形シリーズ

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回顧展Part3

☆Tadami Yamada's Paintings 回顧展Part4


part 2  早川書房版

☆Tadami Yamada's Poetry 詩画集「遊卵飛行」

☆Tadami Yamada's Works: ブック・カヴァー選集

☆Tadami Yamada's イギリス・ミステリ傑作選カバー

☆Tadami Yamada's サンリオSF文庫他

☆Tadami Yamada's 光瀬龍、宇能鴻一郎、泡坂妻夫、志水辰夫他カバー

☆Tadami Yamada's ハヤカワ・ノヴェルズ、他

☆Tadami Yamada's 絵のない装丁

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書

☆Tadami Yamada's Illusto., Part1『闇の国の子供』

☆Tadami Yamada's『妖怪博士ジョン・サイレンス』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part3『プラネタリウム』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part4『世の終わりのイヴ』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part5『洪水伝説』他

☆Tadami Yamada's Part6 児童書その他の挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's Part7 『心霊術入門』その他

☆Tadami Yamada's Part8『別冊宝島仕事の本』

☆Tadami Yamada's Part9 初期雑誌挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書『ジャンビー』挿画

☆Tadami Yamada's ドラキュラ叢書『幽霊狩人カーナッキ』

Tadami Yamada's monochrome cuts -#1

Tadami Yamada's monochrome cuts -#2

■Yamada's Article(1)卵形の象徴と図像

■Yamada's Article(2)ユングの風景画

■Yamada's Article(3)画家ムンクの去勢不安

■Yamada's Article(4)夢幻能と白山信仰

■Yamada's Article (5) 城と牢獄の論理構造

■Yamada's Article(6)ムンク『叫び』の設計と無意識

■Yamada's Article (7) 病める貝の真珠

■Yamada's English Article (8) 能の時空間の現代性

■Yamada's Article (9)『さゝめごと』に現われた十識について

■Yamada's Article(10)狐信仰とそのイコノグラフィー

■Yamada's Article (11) 江戸の「松風」私論

■Yamada's Article (12) 伊勢物語「梓弓」について


☆インタヴュー Vol.1

☆インタヴュー Vol.2



☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュ

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart2

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart3

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart4

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart5

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart6

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart7

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart8

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart9

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart10

☆Tadami Yamada's Collage:日替りコラージュPart11


☆ Tadami Yamada's short story

Death Mask

That Man

The Infancy Lover's Suicide

★Poetry of Tadami Yamada(1)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(2)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(3)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(4)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(5)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(6)

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(7)

Tadami Yamada's HAIKU

Tadami Yamada's HAIKU (2)


Free Poster (無料ポスター)

Free Poster 2 (無料ポスター)

Free Poster 3 (無料ポスター)












This is the world

命の尊厳:Sanctity of Life


Stop All Wars

✴️Tadami Yamada’s Brief Personal Record


Dec 26, 2022
カテゴリ: 社会、政治



 自己中心的な精神の幼児性が、日本の社会にどのように広がっているかについて、ごく卑近な例で示してみよう。近年頻繁に耳目にする「〇〇過ぎる」という言葉に現れている、と私は観察している。曰く、「可愛い過ぎる」「美味過ぎる」「上手過ぎる」「美し過ぎる」「ヤバ過ぎる」等々。 (注:ヤバイという俗語は危険というほどの意味であろうが、素晴らしいというほどの極めて多様性がある用法に変質している)
 このように言っている本人は、じつは褒め言葉であることが多いのだが、その無意識に横たわっているのは物事の判断が自己を中心にしている、ということである。素直にストレートに、「可愛い」「うまい」「上手だ」「美しい」と言えば済むはずだが、微妙に自意識が絡んでくる。前もって批判を軽くかわしているのだ。「可愛い」「うまい」「上手だ」「美しい」と言ったなら、「ヘー? どこがよ。あんた、そんなふうに思うの?」という批判が出るかもしれない。そこで傷つかない程度の自己基準を設けておいて、「過ぎる」と言って自己基準を曖昧にしているのである。彼らが「可愛過ぎる」と言うとき、その意識は他人に対して「大変可愛い」と言うのとは異なっている。この奇怪な日本語用法はナルシスティックな幼児性である。

 世界の或る権力者のようなパラノイアやサイコパスを指摘されないまでも、今や日本の社会が二進も三進も行かないほどに悪のガスが膨満し、国を動かし始めているのではないか? 私の懸念である。


 『悪党・ヤクザ・ナショナリスト 近代日本の暴力政治』
 朝日新聞出版 朝日選書997、2020年

  At present, psychiatrists and psychologists who

observe the behavior and political policies of top

powers around the world and those who have held

such positions have paranoia (delusions of grandeur,

persecution, and excessive lying) and psychopaths

(psychotic disorders with brutality and ferocity) have

been pointed out.

   It is actually difficult to point out whether the

number is large or small. However, the people who

are forced to live a life of anguish, and the psycho-

logical "twist" that unconsciously puts a mask on

their face has become a "national character." If a 

third-party majority of people from outside can point

it out, I think there is a pathological abnormality of the

individual in power.

   The interesting thing about "power" is that in the 

society that spreads from the top to bottom, abnor-

mal people and abnormal phenomena similar to the

abnormalities of those in power begin to appear

here and there. In that case, there is a word called

"Yamai Koukou", but the evil gas swelled so that the

society and misled the country move in the direction.

The sadistic corruption of the German people at that

WW II time by Hitler's Nazi regime teaches us this.

   Well, what about our Japanese powers?

   Isn't there anyone who points out paranoia and


   My opinion above is not only about matters related

to national politics.

   Of course, the repeated corruption of cabinet minis-

ters. rant. Those who stick their stinking hands into

the treasury. Lawmakers who prey on the people, ...  

Japanese politics has been tightly linked with violence

and the yakuza, who are experts on violence, long 

​before the Meiji Restoration (*). In fact, the violence of ​

uncontroversial words continues without stopping, 

and there are cabinet ministers who are tarnishing the

dignity of the Diet with yakuza tone.

   ... In a Japanese society that elects such low-ranking
legislators, school teachers verbally and violently act
against children, students, and students too frequently,
and kindergarten teachers violence against kindergar-
ten children occurs. ing. Violence and sexual abuse by
caregivers in facilities for the disabled. Neglect of duty,
deception, complicity in abuse, and cover-up work by
child guidance centers and boards of education.
Sadistic abuse of inmates by prison guards and police
in secluded prisons and detention centers. Abuse of
foreigners. ...These are all organized hierarchies,
and there are differences in the positions of the strong
and the weak that society accepts. Journalism de-
scribes it as “power harassment,” but psychologically it
is actually the manifestation of the sadism of the
strong. I think it's the same root as what happened
under the Nazi regime.
   As abuses and assaulys by the strong become
normalized, a kind of enjoyment of violence begins to
emerge in the strong. An example, the incident such as
prison officers stripping prisoner of his clothes and
spraying them with water so strong that they injure  
prisonaer's anus is nothing more than abuse that  lurk
in the sexual pleasures of prison officers.
   Or in another example,  this is a recent case of child
abuse by her stepfather, which led to her death. When
her stepfather began to abuse her every day, he told
the little girl, "Well, this is the beginning of the fun." He
stated to the police.
 ... There are some legislators, both male and female,
who openly declare that it is the duty of women to get
married and have children, citing the declining birthrate
as the root cause of the nation's weakening. However,
Japan is a country of child suffering right now. Isn't
that the inadequacy of national politics?

... And I also smell something similar to bureaucrats'
concealment of subordination to the regime and
maintenance of the organization through false

   I sometimes feel that the judges are flattered by the
administration of the time. Judges are renouncing the
independence of the judiciary. This is because the
appointment of judges is supposed to be made by the
emperor, but it is based on the nomination of the
cabinet, and the right to appoint judges rests with the
cabinet. The independence of the judiciary depends
solely on the character of the appointed judges. From
an institutional point of view, the separation of Japan's
three powers (judicial, legislative, and administrative) is
a mess.

   Sadism also appears in criminal cases such as kid-
napping, confinement, and abduction. In other words,
It ican be daid that an anti-social mental structure is
being nurtured that does not regard people as people. 
It is not that self-consciousness is clear and
self-consciousness has become an independent social
consciousness, but it is self-centered that it is dragging
the childishness that there is no distinction between
self and others.

   Let's take a very familiar example of how the child
ishness of a self-centered spirit spreads in Japanese
society. I observe that it appears in the word "too
much" that I hear frequently in recent years. He said,
"Too cute", "Too much delicious", "Too much good",
"Too much beautiful", "Too much dangerous (although
they mean "Too much great")", etc.

   In fact, the person who says this is often a compli-
ment, but what lies unconsciously is that the judgment
of things is centered on the self. It should be enough to
simply say "cute", "good", "skillful", and "beautiful", but
there is a subtle sense of self-consciousness involved.
They dodge criticism lightly in advance. If you say
"cute", "good", "skilled", and "beautiful", you might get
criticism like "Hey? Where are you? Do you think that
way?" Therefore, we set a self-standard to the extent
that it does not hurt, and then say "too much" to make
the self-standard ambiguous. When they say "too much
cute", their awareness is different from saying "very
cute" to others. This bizarre Japanese usage is narcis-
sistic childishness.

   Although the discussion has been somewhat
detoured, I observe that the narcissistic childishness
hat is prevalent in Japanese society forms the mental
structure of those in power, Diet members, and local
assembly members. They are all arrogant and tend to
be seen as adults among adults. However, it must be
pointed out that there is an anti-social flow of loose-
ness in the personality that should be cultivated by
their duties. Personality is social. For the narcissistic
childishness in which there is no society in conscious-
ness, there is no personality or sloppiness. It is natural
because there is only oneself.

   Even if the paranoia and psychopathy of some
powerful people in the world are not pointed out,
isn't Japanese society now filled with evil gas to the
point where it can't move forward or backward, and
is starting to move the country? This is my concern.


   There is the following notable research. I used the
expression "yakuza who are experts in violence"
above, but I borrowed the expression from Ms. Eiko
Maruko Sinawer.

Written by Eiko Maruwa Siniawer,
Translated by Minako Fujita

"Akutoh・Yakuza・Nationalists: Violent Politics in
Modern Japan"

 Asahi Sensho 997, 
 Asahi Shimbun Publishing, 2020

Original book;
"Ruffans, Yakuza, Nationalists: The Violent Politics of
Modern Japan, 1860-1960"

Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2008

Tadami Yamada


Last updated  Dec 28, 2022 05:01:36 PM
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