out of nowhere どこからともなく His career would be the history by morning. 昔話になってしまうだろう。 our lives in your hands 生殺与奪を握る birds-and-bees lectures 口語:子供に教える性の基礎知識。「おしべ」と「「めしべ」か You have been handed a torch.
make public 公にする Nobody deplanes until I get there. 「deplane」こんな動詞があるんですね! Her eyes welling with emotion. 目がウルウル After a beat, she nodded. 一拍おいて
Only cash is cash. ※ Business is business. とか言うなあ。ちょっと利口そうに聞こえる表現。 A knot caught in her throat. 「ああ、うまく表現できない」←という感じです。 lambskin vellum 羊皮紙 Force of a habit. 習慣のなせる業
As he gazed out at the sea of weapons aimed at him. 大げさな表現だなあ。 Your instinct tells you 本能が告げる doves cooed 鳩が鳴く、クー
I recommend you not to test my patience. 甘く見てもらっちゃ困る on the verge of losing everything 何もかもなくす瀬戸際 Forgive me if this seems rude. ぶしつけに感じられたらご容赦を He had wet himself. 失禁しました。
You are in no position to make demands. 要求できる立場じゃないだろう。 They had hatched their plan. 計画を温める。 Does it ring any bells? 思い当たることは?
Destiny has led us to this moment. 運命の時はきた extend you a helping hand. 救いの手を差し伸べる Speak openly. 素直に話してください
You are buying me off? 買収するつもりか? When it came to containing gossip, no walls in the world. The grey area between yes and no. グレーゾーン like a bull into a ring
price tag 値札 feeling bone weary 心底疲れ果てて The blind see what they want to see The fatigue in his body went to the core.
It seemed lifetime ago. 大げさな表現2 He feel his own eyes growing heavy. 眠い?かな the hairs on his neck began to bristle with anticipation うなじの毛が逆立つ http://www.vector.co.jp/soft/win95/util/se027730.html ↑ちょっと実用情報を 日本語と英語の入り混じった文章を書く時、すごく便利なフリーソフト(ウィンドウズ用)。 右の「Alt」キーだけで日本語入力と英字入力の切り替えができます。 一回一回、左手で二つのキーを押している人にオススメです。