全20件 (20件中 1-20件目)
Lately I have been hearing a lot of news about mothers deserting their newborn babies or leaving them in a bathroom somewhere. And I can't help but feel so much sadness....I know I should not judge others because I am not them, but I feel so terrible for the children and the poor babies that never had a chance to live and to have a happy life. It's so easy to make excuses though, and make decisions that might seem easy and make our lives more comfortable, but those choices come with a price. The children are the ones that are suffering.I feel llike all my life I have felt distanced from these things and that the problem was just so far a way from me and that it wasn't related to me. But lately, as I have started to open my eyes a little wider, I am so much more aware of it and feel a more personal crisis toward it. As if it was me that was really suffering from this all."The children, the children" seem like simple words and tools to be used for political and social debates, but the truth is that the problem is real. They need us. We need them. They might not be our children and we feel like it is not our right or our business, but we need to open our eyes. Open our hearts and feel alive in the face of our little ones. And be their life and strength, and hold them tight and protect them.But I can't stop feeling the sadness, knowing that there is little I can do....xsismx
★合格★昨日、結果が届きました!日本語能力試験の2級を合格いたしました! thank you everone for your support,especially my MeYouKeyI couldn't have done it without you!
it has been a long time since I have writenin this journal. Laziness seems to get the best of me.speaking of that, i am too lazy to write in 日本語so 英語で頑張って読んでください.so taday, i talked to my mom....you know everytime I call her, she always says:"when are you coming 'home'"it drives me nuts. dude Japan is my home.And I have told her that several times.MeYouKey incouraged me to actually tell her to stopusing those words like 'home' and 'staying in Japan'so I will the next time we talked.I just figured that she would stop if I told herthat this is my home. but i guess not.As MeYouKey will point out, i am a mammas boy.I am the youngest of four kids(3girls and me), and she considers me like a "special son." ....lets not forget that she replaced me as the baby a long time ago with her new son when I was 13. (she remairied when I was 10 and had a baby with him).so lets get to it.here is the conversation - in shortmom: "if you are never coming home, I just want you to say it." xsi: "if i did, would you be able to accept it?"mom: "well I would feel like i didn't have another son"(this is what killed me)can you beleive it? she is basing me being apart of herfamily and her life by how close i am to her.so should i start saying that I don't have a mother?of course not.well to sum things up, i was hurt, but sadly it issomething that I am used to. i grew up with the whole emotional manipulation thing.but i am not ok with it anymore.Mom, if you ever read this, i want you to know, thatyou replaced me a long time ago, so why do you haveto worry if I am gone or not?maybe that is just the hurt little boy inside of me, or maybe its the man coming out? i have no idea.I just want to be a good man, with or without her in my life.I am so greatful for my MeYouKey.Honey, thank you so much for suporting me and helping me.I value your advise so much.I love you.well that was this morning in a nutshell. I might add more later. I just wanted to get it out.later.xsismxps- everyone who comes to my site, thank you too!
これは多分一番好きなデザインです。MeYouKeyはいつも「毛みたい!」って言うけど。ご覧下さい!! これは手で書いて、それで Adobe Illustrator でなぞって、Adobe Photoshop で影と文字をつけました。xsismx
私は、3年前の9月7日に2回目の来日をしました。実は私とMeYouKeyが付き合って一周年に間に合う様にその日にちを選びました。でも私達の記念日は9月13日でした。チケットを買おうと思った時に、11日までに着けば良いと思いました。でも買ったときに頭の中で、どうしてか分からないけれど、間違って7日だと思って、7日に着くようにチケットを買ってしまった。買った後すぐ「ああ!7日じゃないよ!13日だよ」と思った。でも13日より前だったから、そのままにしました。どうして7日と勘違いしたか分からないけれど、その気持ちを忘れられない。「7日のチケットを買って」と言う声が聞こえたような気持ちでした。911が起こり、どうしてだったのか分かりました。私はその時、軍隊に入るべきだと思いました。その気持ちが強くて、もし日本に来なかったら、入ったかもしれない。軍隊に入る人を尊敬してますけれど、やはり私が歩くべき道ではないと思います。たくさんの人の、このようなストーリーがあると思うけれど、本当に7日に来日したことは運命でした。テロが起こって2ヶ月以上、911について考えないでいられなかった。いつも想像して「私がその飛行機に乗っていたら、どうしたんだろう」とか、世界貿易センターにぶつかった飛行機に乗っていた人達はどんなに大変な恐ろしい死だったとか。4番目の飛行機に乗ってた犠牲者のこともいつも想像しました。「私も彼らみたいに行動したい」とか「私だったら、そういう勇気があったのかな」とか4番目の飛行機の人達は一番勇気のある人達だと思いました。自分の命を犠牲にする、その勇気。私が一番欲しいものです。結局とっても大変な事件が起こりました。この世を本当に変えるしかない。人々が自分の事だけを考えている為こういうことが起こっていると思います。テロリストの話をしていません。私も含む全人類の話です。私達、人類は皆兄弟です。兄弟と姉妹達のことをもっと良くしないといけないと思います。あなたと違う国の人でも、違う信仰の人でも、違う民族の人でも、あなたの周りの人から世界の遠い所まで、皆人間だから、私達は全員同じです!!!3年前に私が運命の手で無事に日本に来て、MeYouKeyと一緒にいられました。本当に感謝しています。そして世の中が大きく変化しました。私も出来るだけ、この世をもっと良くしたいです。To all those who have suffered from this terrible tragedy,My prayers are always with you.For the good of us all, I hope that we can change.xsismx
I found myself the other day judging rich people who spend incredible amounts of money on things again. The cause for my judgment was from a TV program about deprived children in the world.The first two stories were terrible and sad, but the last one didn't catch me at first. It was about a girl born into slavery because of an extraordinary un-payable debt. Yes this is a very sad story but I didn't really feel pity for her at first like I did the others- mainly because she wasn't forced to beg for food or find it in the trash. All be it, she was a slave though.Then she went into the city and worked as a maid for a family. The family had a daughter about the same age as the girl. While she was cleaning and doing house chores-not to mention not getting an education- the daughter was playing video games, and studying English, and going to school. The funniest thing is that the daughter's dream was to help change peoples lives who weren't privileged or were poor and what not. I suppose that she was too young or too blind to see that she was already contributing to the problem that she wanted to change.That is what got me the most. She was taking for granted a life of luxury and doing it right in front of her peer that had nothing and could only dream of having that kind of life.So back to my main point; We sit around in our nice warm, comfortable houses, drinking Coca-Cola, and snacking on junk-food while there are people, children none-the-less who won't even eat today, or tomorrow. Let alone some really wonderful meal.We wear nice fancy clothes and spend lots of money on things, when they have nothing- less than nothing. Even wanting of the bare essentials of life.Oh how easy it is to think only of ourselves and take for granted all that luxury that those poor children could never hope for.So back to when I found myself judging rich people, I was kindly reminded by my loving wife that I am not actually doing anything to help those people and I am don't have the right to judge those people.She is very right. I am not doing anything, I am just talking about it- which is very easy to do and expect some miraculous change to occur in the world. When actually, if we want to make that change happen, we, each and every one of us, has to contribute. No matter how little or how much it is. It has to be done by us all. Instead of looking up for the miracle, we must look to ourselves. For it is in us that miracles happen.永遠に終わらない悲劇・債務奴隷スニータちゃん 11歳(ネパール)Me+You=Key's Dairy about Alexeyxsismx
私はこの3年間、日本の会社に勤めています。(っていうか英会話の学校ですが、まだ会社と言えるかな?とにかく)それで色々な経験をしてきて、これはその中の一つです。今の会社の中には、あまりパソコンに詳しい人がいないのです。私は結構出来ますが、日本語のOSでも操作できる。それで、いつも誰か分からない事があると、私に頼んだり、私が自分から手伝ったりしました。また彼らから頼まれた事を自分の時間にも、家でも色々な事をやりました。この状態がずっと続いていました。別に悪い事だとは思わなかった。でも段々ちょっと何か気づきました。私はある人達(Manager T and Manager A)に依存されているという事に気づきました。その上、私が人に頼まれ安いなと分かりました。(奥さんがそれらの事について目を覚ましてくれました。 Thank you honey!)それでこの状態を続けたくないと思いました。それで自分から「手伝いましょうか?」って言わない事にしました。それは良くない面もあるかもしれませんが、ずっとずっと続いた事ですから、本当に使われるのには疲れました!!それで今日はMannager T が、本当に訳が分からない事をやっていることを見ました。「手伝おうかな」と考えながら、「ま、彼にはやりたいようにやらして、手伝いを直接求めたら、手伝ってあげる」と決めました。それはどう?結局、頼まれたけど、その方が良いなって感じました。気になっている方へこの事は日本の会社だからという意味ではありません。ただ現在、日本の会社に勤めて、一般の社員として経験しているだけです。全然日本の会社が悪いという訳ではないのです。xsismx
lately I had to re-instal everything on my computer....man, it is the biggest pain in the A○○i have to put som much on and restor soo much data.does anyone do this on a regular basis?since i bought my computer-2years ago- i have done it like 7~8 times.the reason is because of windows clogging up and also partly my fault.I download lots of stuff and instal lots of programs.i have decided that i will get a Mac next time i buy a computer.xsismx
Everytime I write, i feel like i have to write something that is interesting that will get lots of comments or lots of people will come and read it.....but obviously that is not true....yeah i want people to come and read my journal and to write to me and stuff... but yeah is that the point? Is the point to just have someone read my life or is it to have someone judge my life and my experiences? or is it to just get feedback about everything?well i hope that the people that actually read this are actually interested. but if not, here is my life to the public.comments anyone?xsismx
Today I am going to write in English cause I am to tired to think in Japanese....changed my mind↓今日はお祭りに行きました、MeYouKey と一緒に。人がいっぱいで移動が時々大変だったけど、楽しかった。私の仕事は夜遅くまでですから、去年いけなくて、だからことしを楽しみにしていた!MeYouKey と一緒に行くのは一番いいことですが、自分のコミュニティと交わるのも好きです。ただの他人という気持ちを感じない、その時。写真は↓↓↓↓↓ 祭りの跡見て!! こんなゴミ!!! よく若い女の子は道に座り込むのが多いですけど・・・ただの道だったら汚いけど・・・・下の女の子達は超~汚いところに普通に座っていた!!!実はその場所は上のゴミのすぐとなりだった!(>o
今年、日本語能力試験を受けるつもりです。2級を受けるつもりだけど、すごい緊張している。受けた事がないからかなと思いますけど・・・今、一生懸命勉強しようとしていますが、でも足りないかな??Miu Miu はいつも「自身を持って!出来るヨ!」とか言ってkくれる事によって安心しますけどまだ緊張は残っていますxsismx
今晩、寝る前にMeYouKeyが大好きなJessica SimpsonのCDをつけた。それで私が別の部屋にちょっと行ったら、彼女の声を聞こえた。CDと一緒に歌っていました!!!しばらく隠れて聞いて(彼女は人が聞いてることを気づいたら恥ずかしくなって歌わなくなるから)、その時に すごい嬉しい、暖かい気持ちが感じられました!彼女と一緒にいる時間は本当に大好きです!!I really love my MeYouKey!!!
You know when i was sitting at my desk at work writing some reports about students, surrounded by other teachers writing reports, i startred to think about what brought us all there at that moment together.why were we there all doing what we are doing? why do i know all these people from around the world that i wouldn't have other wise know existed if it haddent been for me being there?and its the same for them.does that mean that we are somehow in a way connected in some form of predetermined destiny, or is it just a random effect from the chioces that we make in our lives?
today i decide to write my journal in English.recently me and my wife went to Hawaii and I got a taste of american life again. its been about a year.and you know, it made me think about like how life is deferent here in japan.you know, i take the train everyday and i an am around many people, but not one of them says even a word to me. seriously, like its as though i'm not even there.you know i have lived here for a long time and i have been around it for a while, i guess that i was awakened to how friendly people are in america.i get this feeling that its just a big"SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST"game going on. like they only care about themselves.well i know that its just culture differences, but ....anyway, i am sure that for some people it is a pain to tlak to others. so many things going on in their own head that they don't have time to give the time of day to others.well enough complaining.xsismx
これは私の本当の初日記の書き込みです。私はアメリカ人です。(だから日本語を間違ってしまうから、許してください)今月で結婚の一周年です。後年の六月、 私の一番大好きな人と結婚しました! 一年中彼女と一生にして一緒に生活してきて本当に幸せです!!でも、「もう一年???」っていう感じ本当に良かったです。じゃあそれはちょっと結婚の紹介だったね。well.... もっと私の話をしましょう。日本に来て4年間を生活をしています。日本語をーーー 分かるかな~ps- まだ分かってない人には <男 で す>今は英語の講師として働いています。 英語を教える事によって:: 子 供 ::がすごい好きになってきたんです。奥さんはうれしいかな?(まだ子供は、でもそろそろ産んだほうがいいと思うかな。)趣味は パソコン、グラフィック・デザイン、電化製品、音楽、映画、スノーボー、とか とか とか将来の夢は 歯医者になることそれぐらいかな?質問があればどうぞ!これから、いっぱい話したいからよろしく!!x s i s m x
this is my test blog
全20件 (20件中 1-20件目)