Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
1. Professional baseball season started, but in this season, it was a rough start after gambling on baseball by members of a big team and cash exchange among players were detected.
There was an opinion that it's premature to open the baseball season under such a situation .
I'm also the one who once suspected that they might hush up these problems.
On the second thought, if they put off opening during the investigation of the problems, game plans would be upset.
And without baseball games, means to relieve stress are lost for some people, and the society could be all the more gloomy.
Then; if gambling problems were detected again during the season, what if penalties were applied to teams and players according to the extent of problems?
From placing individual players on suspension to unconditional lost game for the team, even eliminating the team from league ranking...

2. A junior high school girl was kidnapped and confined by a college boy, but she took a chance to escape and asked her parents and police for help.
I'm NOT asking white-hat wannabes to refrain from enjoying sense of justice over this incident, since this brave and clever girl took the best measures at this moment, and did what she could do by herself. 
But instead...:
It's nothing new that more and more women raise in awareness against sex crime and to protect themselves,
And countermeasures are pressed forward, such as carriage of train for only women, expansion of awareness that sexual harrassment is human rights violation.
What about preventing males from getting tainted with such sordid acts? If they justify and dismiss that lechery is male's nature beyond control, it's just males' self-serving ideology, which is unworthy for civilized society.
A repeated question again to parents and educators: Do you want your sons and students and be sex criminals or sex pests?

3. May I question how FATHERS think about problem of children on waiting list for nursery schools?
Compared to mothers' distress and complaint, I think I haven't seen fathers' opinions coming up.
Needless to say , for mothers and families with infants, this is a compelled problem,
But there is no guarantee that fathers just want to enjoy sense of justice while being indifferent to child care are not included in people who cross swords on nursery school problems
-Especially who attack others with opinion different from majority online.


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最終更新日  2016.04.18 12:54:20
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