Walk in the Spirit

Walk in the Spirit






加藤和典@ Re:人生に失敗がないと人生を失敗する(11/09) New! 朝鮮支配勢力が、日本民族にfascismを、仕…
toshichan-man@ Re:玄米には発芽/酵素/発酵などあるがフィチン酸を押さえておく(12/19) このホームページの食養家は、玄米を始め…
ソライ@ Re:虚しいこの世を生きる目的は何か(06/20) 気持ち良く大笑いしました! 神の世?千年…
ダイス@ Re:毒になるか薬になるかは量次第、Sエルム(11/02) 尾西食品は、白飯以外は添加物入ってて非…
龍神お宮@ Re:毒になるか薬になるかは量次第、Sエルム(11/02) 「毒とは量である」ですからね
何かのジョークかと、本当にすみません@ Re:毒になるか薬になるかは量次第、Sエルム(11/02) 体によいはずの自然食品なのに。
森の奥のトラン@ Re:イスラエルを全面バックアップするロシア(10/14) いくつかの情報や違和感から おそらくね…















































カテゴリ: ミニストリー

1867年12月13日-1917年6月15日(享年49歳)はノルウェーの物理学者で東京 上野精養軒で怪死 (もろ暗殺だよね)。


オーロラが太陽からの荷電粒子の大気との反応であることを示し、実験室でオーロラを発生させた。 1913年に宇宙空間が高速の電子やイオンで満ちていることを予測、 宇宙空間が真空でないと示唆し、代わりに プラズマで満たされていると主張した 。(Wiki)

今来ている​ CME ​もプラズマの塊、




​​The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented Part Two
Published on October 29, 2021
Written by Arthur Firstenberg
Principia Scientific International





携帯電話 を手に持ったり、体に近づけたりすると 、セルタワーから受けるマイクロ波よりも、携帯電話から受けるマイクロ波の方が多く、 太陽や天の川、その他の自然界から受けるマイクロ波の 100億倍 ものマイクロ波を浴びることになります。

米連邦通信委員会FCC(Federal Communications Commission)が策定した暴露ガイドラインは、この現実を反映しています。





電磁界は、鉛や青酸カリのように生物にとっての異物ではない 。異物の場合は線量が多ければ多いほど影響も大きくなる、つまり投与量的反応関係がある。

むしろ、 生物は電気化学システムであり 、タンパク質の折り畳みから細胞間のコミュニケーション、神経系の機能に至るまで、 あらゆる場面で低周波電磁界を利用している。


電磁波が生体に与える影響をモデル化するには、 音楽を聴くためのラジオに例えることができます---


同様に、 非常に弱い電磁波信号でも生体に課すと、正常な機能を阻害する可能性があります


フライが1975年に発見した 血液脳関門の効果 については、スウェーデンのルンド大学で1980年代後半からさまざまなマイクロ波を使った研究が行われ、その後1990年代から2000年代にかけては実際の携帯電話を使った研究が行われました。



すると驚いたことに、 血液脳関門に最も大きな損傷を与えたのは、フルパワーで照射したラットではなく、 放射線量を1万分の1に低減した携帯電話で照射した ラット であることがわかったのです。


研究チームのリーダーである神経外科医のレイフ・サルフォードは、携帯電話を使用していない人が、隣人の携帯電話によってダメージを受けていると警告し、この技術は" 世界最大の生物学的実験 "であると述べました。


その結果、通常の電力で作動する 普通の携帯電話を1回使用しただけで、ほぼすべてのラットの最大2%が永久的に破壊された ことがわかりました。


携帯電話の出力を10倍に下げる と、すべてのラットの脳に損傷が生じました。

携帯電話の出力を100分の1に下げる と、半数の動物でこのような永久的な脳の損傷が見られました。



つまり、 電力レベルを100分の1に下げても、携帯電話の危険性は減らないということです




The selling of cell phones is, and always has been, based on lies and deception. The biggest lie is that they are “low power” devices and that this makes them safe.

That is a double lie. It is a lie because they are not low power.

If you put a cell phone — any cell phone — in your hand or next to your body, you are being blasted by more microwave radiation from your phone than you are getting from any cell tower, and by ten billion times as much microwave radiation as you are getting from the sun, the Milky Way, or any other natural sources.

The exposure guidelines established by the Federal Communications Commission reflect this reality:

cell towers are permitted to expose your body at a specific absorption rate of 0.08 watts per kilogram, while cell phones are allowed to expose your brain at a specific absorption rate of 1.6 watts per kilogram, which is twenty times higher.

And it is a lie because low power devices are not any safer than high power devices.

The reason for this is that electromagnetic fields are not toxins in the ordinary sense, and the rule in toxicology that a lower dose is a safer dose does not apply to microwave radiation.

As Allan Frey wrote in 1990:
    “Electromagnetic fields are not a foreign substance to living beings like lead or cyanide. With foreign substances, the greater the dose, the greater the effect — a dose-response relationship.

Rather, living beings are electrochemical systems that use low frequency EMFs in everything from protein folding through cellular communication to nervous system function.

To model how EMFs affect living beings, one might compare them to the radio we use to listen to music…

    If you impose on the radio an appropriately tuned EMF or harmonic, even if it is very weak, it will interfere with the music.

Similarly, if we impose a very weak EMF signal on a living being, it has the possibility of interfering with normal function if it is properly tuned.

That is the model that much biological data and theory tell us to use, not a toxicological model.”

The most thorough investigation of the blood-brain barrier effect, which Frey discovered in 1975, was done at Lund University in Sweden beginning in the late 1980s with various sources of microwave radiation and later, in the 1990s and 2000s, with actual cell phones.

They found not only that there is not a dose response, but that there is an inverse dose response for this type of injury.

They exposed laboratory rats to what is now called 2G cell phone radiation, and then they reduced the power level of the radiation ten-fold, a hundred-fold, a thousand-fold, and ten thousand-fold.

And they found, to their surprise, that the greatest damage to the blood-brain barrier occurred not in the rats that were exposed at full power, but in the rats that were exposed to phones whose radiation was reduced by a factor of ten thousand!

This was the equivalent of holding a cell phone more than one meter away from your body.

The leader of the research team, neurosurgeon Leif Salford, warned that non-users of cell phones were being damaged by their neighbors’ cell phones, and that this technology was “the world’s largest biological experiment ever.”

And in a further set of experiments, published in 2003, Salford’s team exposed young rats to what is now called a 2G cell phone, just once for two hours, either at full power, or at two different levels of reduced power, and sacrificed them 50 days later to examine their brains.

They found that a single exposure to an ordinary cell phone operating at normal power had permanently destroyed up to 2 percent of almost all the rats.

Damaged neurons dominated the picture in some areas of their brains.

When the power of the phone was reduced ten-fold it caused brain damage in every rat.

When the power of the phone was reduced one hundred-fold, this type of permanent brain damage was observed in half of the exposed animals.

And in still further experiments, published in 2008, they exposed rats to a cell phone for two hours once a week for a year, still using what is now called a 2G cell phone.

The exposed rats suffered from impaired memory, regardless of whether they were exposed at an SAR level of 60 milliwatts per kilogram or 0.6 milliwatts per kilogram.

In other words, reducing the power level by a factor of one hundred did not make the cell phone less dangerous.

The lack of a dose response has been reported over and over. Physicist Carl Blackman spent much of his career at the Environmental Protection Agency figuring out why not only particular frequencies but also particular power levels of RF radiation cause calcium to flow out of brain cells.

Ross Adey at UCLA, Jean-Louis Schwartz at the National Research Council of Canada, and Jitendra Behari at Jawaharlal University in India reported the same thing.

1986年にハワード大学で同じ現象を研究していた遺伝学者のSisir Duttaは、SARレベルが2W/kgと1W/kgの時にカルシウムの流れのピークを発見し、0.05、0.0028、0.001、0.0007、0.0005W/kgでも効果があり、0.0001W/kgでも効果がありました。



マリア・サドチコワと彼女のソビエトの同僚たちは、1960年代と1970年代に、仕事中に マイクロ波 にさらされた何百人もの労働者を調査し、 最も病気になった労働者は、最も高い電力レベルではなく、最も低い電力レベルにさらされた労働者であることを発見しました。

ストックホルム大学のIgor Belyaevは、遺伝的影響は特定の周波数で発生し、 影響の大きさは16桁以上の電力レベルダウンでも変化しないことを発見しました。

これは1平方センチメートルあたり0.0000000000000001ワットという、 携帯電話が脳に与える影響の1兆分の1のレベルです。

アテネ大学のディミトリス・パナゴプロスは、 1日1分、5日間携帯電話に触れさせたミバエは、全く触れさせなかったミバエに比べて子孫の数が36%少ない ことを発見しました。

さらに、 1日6分、5日間携帯電話にさらすと、子孫の数が50〜60%減少 しました。


さらに研究を進め、 この効果は放射線によるDNA損傷とその結果としての細胞死によるもの であることを明らかにしました。



いずれの条件でも、 携帯電話は卵巣細胞の死滅量を3倍から6倍に増加させました


最も影響が大きかったのは携帯電話とコードレス電話 でしたが、WiFi、ベビーモニター、Bluetooth、電子レンジでもハエの繁殖力が大幅に低下しました。

昆虫への影響 は、高校生でも簡単に実証できるほど明白です。






ミツバチがお互いに餌の場所を知らせるためにワグルダンスをするとき、それは 視覚的なダンスだけでなく 電磁的なダンス でもある のです。




ベルリン自由大学のUwe Greggersは、これらの自然信号を模倣して人工的に発生させた電磁場に反応すると、視覚や聴覚の手がかりがなくても、ミツバチが歩き出したり、触角を活発に動かしたりすることを発見しました。

彼が 触角を取り除いたり、ワックスを塗ったりしたミツバチは、この信号に反応しませんでした。

受粉 は、ミツバチと花の間の電磁的なコミュニケーションにも依存 しています。

ミツバチは 地球上の大気電界の中を飛んでいるため、 体にプラスの電荷 を帯びており、一方、 花は地球とつながっているため マイナスの電荷 を帯びています。


Geneticist Sisir Dutta, studying the same phenomenon at Howard University in 1986, found peaks of calcium flow at SAR levels of 2 W/kg and 1 W/kg, and also at .05, .0028, .001, .0007, and .0005 W/kg, with some effect all the way down to .0001 W/kg.

The effect at 0.0007 W/kg SAR was quadruple the effect at 2.0 W/kg, in other words a 3,000-fold reduction in power level resulted in a 4-fold increase in calcium disturbance.

The frequency was 915 MHz, the same frequency that was later to be used for cell phones.

Maria Sadchikova and her Soviet colleagues, in the 1960s and 1970s, examined hundreds of workers exposed to microwave radiation on the job, and consistently found that the sickest workers were the ones who were exposed to the lowest, not the highest power levels.

Igor Belyaev, at Stockholm University, found that genetic effects occurred at specific frequencies and that the magnitude of the effect did not change with power level over 16 orders of magnitude, all the way down to 0.000000000000000001 watts per square centimeter, a level that is one quadrillion times lower than what a cell phone delivers to one’s brain.

Dimitris Panagopoulos, at the University of Athens, found that fruit flies exposed to a cell phone for just one minute a day for five days produced 36 percent fewer offspring than flies that were not exposed at all.

When he exposed them to the phone for six minutes a day for five days, it reduced the number of their offspring by 50 to 60 percent.

And the maximum effect occurred when the cell phone was about one foot away from the flies, not when it was touching the vial that the flies were in.

In further research, he showed that the effect is due to DNA damage and consequent cell death caused by the radiation.

In another experiment, Panagopoulos’s colleague, Lukas Margaritis, exposed fruit flies to various frequencies of RF radiation at exposure levels ranging from 0.0001 watts per kilogram to 0.04 watts per kilogram, and found that even a single exposure to any of these frequencies at any of these power levels for just 6 minutes caused a significant amount of ovarian cell death.

And in further research, Margaritis’s team exposed fruit flies to a cell phone either once for 6 minutes, once for 12 minutes, 6 minutes a day for 3 days, or 12 minutes a day for 3 days.

Under each condition the phone tripled to sextupled the amount of ovarian cell death.

And then this team tried other sources of microwave radiation for between 10 and 30 minutes per day for up to 9 days and found that each of them reduced the number of offspring by between 11 and 32 percent.

The cell phone and the cordless phone had the greatest effect, but the WiFi, the baby monitor, the Bluetooth, and the microwave oven also substantially reduced the fecundity of the flies.

The effects on insects are so obvious that even a high school student can easily demonstrate them.

In 2004, Alexander Chan, a sophomore at Benjamin Cardozo High School in Queens, New York, exposed fruit fly larvae daily to a loudspeaker, a computer monitor, and a cell phone for a science fair project and observed their development.

The flies that were exposed to the cell phone failed to develop wings.

What Are We Doing to Nature?

We are distressing and disorienting not only birds, but also, as is being discovered, insects.

It appears that all little creatures that have antennae use them to send and receive communications electronically — communications that are being interfered with and drowned out by the much more powerful communications of our wireless devices.

When honey bees perform their waggle dance to inform one another of the location of food sources, it is not only a visual dance but an electromagnetic one.

During the dance they generate electromagnetic signals with a modulation frequency between 180 and 250 Hz.

And they send another kind of signal, which has been called the “stop” signal, up to 100 milliseconds long, at a frequency of 320 Hz.

The stop signal is used when the colony already has too much food, and it causes the dancers to stop dancing and leave the dance floor.

Uwe Greggers, at Freie Universität Berlin, discovered that bees will start walking and actively moving their antennae in response to artificially generated electromagnetic fields that imitate these natural signals, even in the absence of any visual or auditory cues.

Bees whose antennae he had removed or coated with wax did not respond to these signals.

Pollination is also dependent on electromagnetic communication — between bees and flowers.

Bees carry positive charge on their bodies from flying in the global atmospheric electric field, while flowers, being connected to the earth, carry a negative charge.

Dominic Clarke, at the University of Bristol, has proved that not only does this facilitate pollen transfer from flowers to bees, but that bees sense and are attracted not only to the colors of flowers but also to the distinct patterns of their electric fields.

花の電界は、ミツバチが訪れた直後に弱まり 他のミツバチはそれを見て、電界が強い花にしか訪れません


これは、彼らを独特の生き物にしているだけでなく、 一種のアンテナとしても機能していることを示します。

2007年、ドイツの生物学者ウルリッヒ・ヴァーンケは、「Bienen, Vögel und Menschen: Die Zerstörung der Natur durch 'Elektrosmog'(蜂、鳥、そして人間:エレキテルスモッグによる自然破壊)」という重要な冊子を英語とドイツ語で発表しました。

その中で彼は、私たちの体を含む宇宙のすべてのものを形作っているのは、 引力と電磁気の2つの遠達力(two long-range forces)だけであり、 私たちがその事実を無視することは危険であることを指摘しています。

電気は生命の基盤 であり、「生命の基盤を破壊することで、すでに多くの種が永遠に消え去ってしまった」と警告しています。

自然放射線の100億倍もの強さを持つ電磁波の海( すべての生命を破壊に導くもの )に世界を浸すことは出来ません(許されません)。




1901年に グリエルモ・ マルコーニが世界初の長距離無線通信を行ったイギリス南岸の小島では、1906年になるとミツバチがいなくなってしまいました。

飛ぶことができない 数千匹のミツバチが、巣箱の外で地面を這って死んでいるのを発見したのです。



1960年代から1970年代には、" 消滅病 "と呼ばれるようになりました。

1990年代後半には無線革命によって緊急性が高まり、2006年には " コロニー崩壊病 "と呼ばれるようになり、世界的な緊急事態となりました。

現在、国内のミツバチだけでなく、 すべての野生のミツバチが絶滅の危機に瀕しています。

両生類は消滅しつつあるだけでなく、世界中の最も人里離れた自然のままの場所でさえ、 大量の 両生類 の種がすでに絶滅しています --つまり、マイクロ波を放射する通信塔やレーダーステーションがなく、自然のままの場所です。

両生類は地球上のすべての動物の中で最も電磁波の影響を受けやすい動物 であり、1980年代以降、その数は減少し、絶滅の一途をたどっています。



ブラジルの熱帯雨林保護区では、 13種のカエルのうち8種が絶滅 していました。オーストラリアの有名な胃袋を持つカエルが絶滅しました。

西半球の熱帯地方の小川を彩っていた カラフルなハーレクインフロッグの75種が絶滅しました。

現在では、カエル、サンショウウオ、アシナシイ(ヘビのような両生類)の半数以上にあたる 4,300種が絶滅したか、絶滅の危機に瀕しています

1996年、 アメリカの遠隔地にセルタワーが進出してきた頃 、アメリカ中西部の湖や川、 森に突然変異したカエルが数千匹出現し始めました






ドイツのオルデンブルク大学の科学者は、2004年から、それまで研究していた渡り鳥が、 春には北の方角に、秋には南西の方角に向かえなくなっていることに気付き、ショックを受けました

電磁波汚染が原因ではないかと考えた彼らは、数年後にバルモリがオタマジャクシに行ったように、 鳥小屋にアルミシートを敷いて冬の間、電波を遮断しました。

The electric field of a flower diminishes immediately after being visited by a bee, and other bees “see” this and only visit flowers whose electric field is robust.

While honey bees see the fields with their antennae, bumble bees see the fields more with the hairs that cover their bodies.

which not only make them such distinctive creatures but also function as a kind of antenna.

In 2007, German biologist Ulrich Warnke published an important booklet in both English and German titled Bees, Birds and Mankind: Destroying Nature by “Elektrosmog” (Bienen, Vögel und Menschen: Die Zerstörung der Natur durch ‚Elektrosmog’).

In it, he reminded us that there are only two long-range forces — gravity and electromagnetism — that shape everything in the universe including our bodies, and that we ignore that fact at our peril.

Electricity is the foundation of life, he warned, and “this destruction of the foundation of life has already wiped out many species forever.”

We cannot immerse our world, he said, in a sea of electromagnetic radiation that is up to 10,000,000,000 times as strong as the natural radiation that we evolved with without destroying all of life.

He summarized the research that he and others had done with honey bees. It is no wonder, wrote Warnke, that bees are disappearing all over the world.

They began disappearing at the dawn of the radio age. On the small island lying off England’s southern coast where Guglielmo Marconi sent the world’s first long-distance radio transmission in 1901, the honey bees began to vanish.

By 1906, the island, then host to the greatest density of radio transmissions in the world, was almost empty of bees. Thousands, unable to fly, were found crawling and dying on the ground outside their hives.

Healthy bees imported from the mainland began dying within a week of arrival. In the following decades, Isle of Wight disease spread along with radio broadcasting to the rest of Great Britain, and to Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Brazil, Australia, Canada, South Africa, and the United States. In the 1960s and 1970s its name changed to “disappearing disease.”

It became urgent in the late 1990s with the wireless revolution, and became a worldwide emergency by 2006, when it was renamed “colony collapse disorder.” Today not only domestic bees, but all wild bees, are in danger of extinction.

Amphibians are not only disappearing, but large numbers of amphibian species have already gone extinct, even in the most remote, pristine areas of the world — pristine, that is, except for communication towers and radar stations emitting microwave radiation. Amphibians are the most vulnerable of all classes of animals on the planet to electromagnetic radiation, and they have been dwindling and going extinct since the 1980s.

When I looked into this in 1996, every species of frog and toad in Yosemite National Park was disappearing.

In the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve of Costa Rica, the famous and highly protected golden toad had gone extinct. Eight of thirteen frog species in a Brazilian rainforest preserve had gone extinct. The famous gastric-brooding frog of Australia was extinct.

Seventy-five species of the colorful harlequin frogs that once graced streams in the tropics of the Western Hemisphere were extinct.

Today, more than half of all known kinds of frogs, salamanders and caecilians (snake-like amphibians), amounting to 4,300 species, are either extinct or in danger of extinction.

In 1996, when cell towers marched into remote areas of the United States, mutant frogs began turning up by the thousands in lakes, streams and forests all across the American Midwest.

Their deformed legs, extra legs, missing eyes, misplaced eyes, and other genetic mistakes were frightening school children out on field trips.

In 2009, wildlife biologist Alfonso Balmori did a simple, obvious experiment on the balcony of an apartment in Valladolid, Spain not far from a cell tower, an experiment that proved what was happening:

he raised tadpoles in two identical tanks, except over one of them he draped a thin layer of fabric that was woven with metallic fibers, which admitted air and light but kept out radio waves. The results shocked even Balmori: in a period of two months, 90 percent of the tadpoles in the tank without the shielding had died, versus only 4 percent in the shielded tank.

Similar shielding experiments have confirmed, in spades, what is happening to birds, and what is happening to our forests.

Scientists at the University of Oldenburg in Germany were shocked to find, beginning in 2004, that the migratory songbirds they had been studying were no longer able to orient themselves toward the north in spring and toward the southwest in autumn.





2ヵ月後、 電波シールドを施したアスペンの新芽は、模擬シールドやシールドなしのアスペンに比べて74%長く、葉は60%大きくなっていました

また、秋になると、 電波を遮蔽した木には、アスペンの特徴である鮮やかなオレンジ、黄色、緑、えんじ、黒の秋の色をした大きくて健康的な葉がついていました


2004年にコロラド州のロッキー山脈で変わったことといえば、203本の電波塔からなる「Digital Trunked Radio System」という新しい緊急通信システムが導入され、その電波が州内をくまなくカバーするようになったことです。

Suspecting that electromagnetic pollution might be responsible, they did for their birds what Balmori did for his tadpoles a few years later: they shielded the aviary from radio waves during the winter with aluminum sheeting.

“The effect on the birds’ orientation capabilities was profound,” wrote the scientists.
The birds all oriented toward the north the following spring.

And in 2007, in a backyard laboratory in the foothills of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, Katie Haggerty decided to do the same experiment with aspen seedlings.

She wanted to find out if radio waves were responsible for the decline of aspen trees all over Colorado that had begun in 2004.

She grew 27 aspen trees — nine without any screening, nine with aluminum window screening around their pots which kept out radio waves, and nine with fiberglass screening which kept out just as much light but let in all the radio waves.

After two months, the new shoots of the radio-shielded aspens were 74 percent longer, and their leaves 60 percent larger, than those of either the mock-shielded or the unshielded aspens.

And in the fall, the shielded trees had large, healthy leaves in brilliant fall colors that aspens are famous for: bright orange, yellow, green, dark red, and black.

The mock-shielded and unshielded trees had small leaves in drab yellow and green, covered with gray and brown areas of decay.

The only thing that had changed in Colorado’s Rocky Mountains in 2004 was the installation of a new emergency communication system called the Digital Trunked Radio System composed of 203 radio towers whose transmissions covered every square inch of the state.









2021年10月21日 Principia Scientific International


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