最近は夜も泣いています。 ママは昨夜、最低4回は起こされました。 3回目に泣き声を聞いたときには無視してたら、泣き止んだ。 4回目はママ達の寝室に現れたマイラ。 お父ちゃんが”Go night night!"と言ったら、 泣きながら部屋に戻ったものの、 今度は部屋で「ママ~」と言いながらおお泣き。 仕方なく起き上がって、落ち着かせてあげた。
Maila cries a lot.
She does it for whatever reasons like when she can’t whatever she wants, when her brother take something from her, and when she is hungry. I and my husband are getting tired of her crying. So lately when she cries, we tell her “Go your room if you cry.” And she goes to her room and keeps crying on her bed. When she calms down, she comes out by herself.
I woke up at lease 4 times for her last night. When I heard her crying in third times, I ignored her. And then she stopped crying. In forth time, she showed up our bed room. My husband told her “Go night night!” She went to back to her room but kept crying and saying “Mama, Mama.” I finally got up and calmed her down. I am so tired today…