日記: クリスチャンとビジネス 0
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7年前にTOEICを受けたとき 900点を超えていたNoriko ですo(^-^)o しかし、今はどうかな〜〜 履歴書用にTOEICを受けたので 今受けたら何点になるのかな… 昨日80代の可愛いおばあちゃんが 英語が流暢で感動し、 私もネイティヴ並みになるために また英語の勉強を始めるか! となっています。 が! ある程度英語が出来る人 私ならビジネス英語レベル の人にはまず英会話のクラスがない! そのレベルに到達した人は どうやってネイティヴレベルまで 這い上がったんだろうか… まず、外国人に 『英語が上手ですね〜』 と言われても、私には褒め言葉ではない。 日本人に日本語が上手ですね! とは言わないから 一度だけ! アメリカにいたとき、 『どこの州出身か』 と聞かれたことがあります。 これが最高の褒め言葉です。 私は毎日英語を使っていますが、 もう自分の知っているボキャブラ を使い回すことで どんな会話も成り立つので 上達はありません。 2年前にフロリダに帰ったとき、 グランマに英語が下手になった と言われました(笑) さて、どうしていくか。 もう使っていくしかないですね、もっと。 そして、ネイティヴの表現を盗む。 これしかない! 頑張ろ〜〜っと 神様英語の上達も助けてください^ ^ “この四人の少年は、知識と才能を神から恵まれ、文書や知恵についてもすべて優れていて、特にダニエルはどのような幻も夢も解くことができた” ダニエル書 1:17
I want to become a strong, very strong woman of God for God.I am weak, very weak, but I want to stand firm in Christ Jesus my Lord.I take this words personally. It might be out of context, but Jesus said, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority... to overcome all the power of the enemy; NOTHING WILL HARM YOU" (Luke 10:18-19).His name is Jahovah-Rapha, the LORD who heals.If my God is able to heal me, if my God is able to deliver me, and if my God is able to set me free, there is nothing I should fear.Help me and have mercy on me, Jesus, to cling to your strength and to your righteousness. I do want to be strong because of you."The name of the LORD is a strong tower.The rightous runs to it and are safe."Soemwhere in Psalm
For one of my classes, I need to pray for the nations daily. Well, I could not afford to buy the assigned book, so I found my way to do it. ;)Oh, this is truly heart-breaking.I am having a good life here in America, so my heart is numb. But I've been specifically praying for my brothers and sisters in Christ who are persecuted RIGHT NOW. I hope you will join my daily prayer.You can find the daily news for persecution at:http://www.persecution.org/suffering/index.phpToday's news says:A representative of the local government in Orissa, India estimated that more than 500 people died as a consequence of the anti-Christian program launched by Hindu fundamentalists.500 brothers and sisters were killed in India because of their faith in Christ. It's happening now.Have mercy, Jesus...
“God in heaven I thank Thee that you have not required of man that he should comprehend Christianity, for if that were required, I should be of all men, the most miserable…Therefore I thank you that you require only faith, and I pray Thee to increase it more and more.”He is an interesting guy.I should get to know him more.
I am in the Spirit.The Spirit is in me.I am not in the flesh.But the flesh is in me.Unregenerate don't strugglebecause they have only one bentThey are bent to the world.They follow their natural bent.That's all they know.But I strugglebecause I have two bents- Spirit and flesh -Two natures in me.The more I live in the SpiritThe more I struggle'cause the battle becomes greaterLike Isaiah cried, "Woe to me!"But thanks be to GodHe is compassionateHe exercises loving kindnessHe is merciful and graciousSo! I offer my broken and contrite heartMy broken spirit - my sacrifice to GodA broken and contrite heartO God, You do not despise
I am content.I am very contentif I don't see the thing.I am gratefuland very thankfulif the thing is not around me.but the thingthat thingsteals peace.the thingthat thingshakes the ground.'cause that thingreveals...that thingexposes the lackthe lack in me.don't remind me, the thing.So I cover my eyesto deceive myself.so I runfleefrom realityfrom that thing.hard to be...
Disappointment after disappointment.Stop discouraging me, life.I can easily be crushed down to the ground right now.I can easily give up on things that I've pursued.Life is disappointment after disappointment.And as you know, that is life.I used to pray that God would give me strength in discouragement.I used to pray that God would sustain me in despair.But after the years of my precious relationship with Jesus,I no longer pray that way.I proclaim that His divine power has given meeverything I need for life.I declare that He will never give me the thingsthat I cannot bear.Oh, I want to believe.Despite the circumstances,I CHOOSE.I CHOOSE to believe God is faithful and GOOD.No free will? Yeah, right.I don't have to ask God for strength and power.They are already given.They are already mine.Thus, I stand firm in faith and truthdespite the waves of discouragements.Oh, but do I look smiling?Don't ever assume you know me.
Loneliness is a killer.I don't know why, but I was lonely today.I was in the midst of the crowd, smiling,but I was lonely.Yes, Jesus is real.Yes, God Almighty lives in me.Any doctorine is not deep enough to explain this truth!But I must recognizethat the reality of the Fall is much worse than I know.I am grateful for joy, peace, and love given by Jesus. Yet this loneliness isa TENSION within mebetween the already and not yet.Can even this TENSION be a tool of God?To draw me closer?Then, I will praise Him even in the midst of its loneliness.
My American family took me to my favorite Japanese restaurant tonight. I felt loved again! I ordered Kushiage Combination (KUSHIKATSU) along with Sashimi, Chawan-mushi, and Greentea icecream. It was delicious as usual. Oh, my weakness emerged during this Thanksigiving break! Lack of self-control!! I was super lazy last three days. Didn't study at all... I just cleaned inside of the ref. in the kitchen, and I called it for today. Well, I'll catch up soon, I hope...Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we will decorate our Christmas tree! Cannot wait! I will post some pics when it's done! I am thinking about taking a course during this winter at my seminary. The course is called Judges through Poets, which means I will study from Judges to Song of Solomon within a month. It will be a very intense course, and I am kinda afraid of doing it, but I might try it out with God's help. This prof is a famous theologian! He is one of the committees who worked Bible translation for NIV. He is such a brilliant man, but might retire pretty soon, so I'd better take it while he is teaching. I've heard it's the best course at my school. I am scared, but excited!! If I take this course, I will not be able to update my blog for a month or so. Please pray for me! It will be in January.Have a fabulous week, everyone!↓ Please click below♪人気blogランキングへ
<今日はアメリカ人のお友達が数人遊びにきてくれるので全部英語です>I thought about my next step after graduation yesterday. Would You like me to be a missionary?? Or should I work somewhere and witness to my co-workers and my guests for Jesus Christ? What's next?I always think my character is very different from my friends who are missionaries. They are so humble!! On the other hand, I am very outgoing and full of guts. I also love to be SILLY!! Laughter is more significant than food for me. Well, maybe Lord has another plan for me.But last night just before I went to bed, Lord touched my heart deeply through His Word again! Praise God!! This is Paul talking, "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant." (2 Cor. 3:4-6a) This is so encouraging!!!! :)I thought I was inadequate to become a missionary because of my striking character, but I felt like our Lord said to me, "Noriko, it is not about you. It is all about Me." It is not about my inadequacy. It is all about GOD. How cool is that? If God wants me to be a missionary, it is He who makes me competent as His minister of a new covenant, the Gospel of Jesus Christ!! This is so beautiful, Lord!! You decide!! I obey!! Yeah!!So I have decided not to decide my next step until He leads me. I trust YOU!! I am so happy that You are with me!! :) He will guide my way; that is for sure. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God which surpasses understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus."I want to surrender everything to You, Jesus, so that You will live Your life through me, your bond-servant. "I have been crucified with Christ, I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me."I am stressful because of my final project, but despite the suffering, the joy of the Lord is really overflowing!! His grace is truly sufficient every single day, and I am so grateful for that!! Thank you, Jesus!! Change me whom You want me to be, and use me for Your glory and for Your Kingdom.Love you, Jesus.
Wow! I like John Piper very much because he is so profound and he really makes me think!Today, I have read his article online and it was fabulous. I thought his insight was so true!! Today's message was from Hebrews 11:29-38, and John Piper made five points out of the verses. 1. John Piper said, "Through our faith God can and does work miracles and acts of providence to bring practical earthly help and deliverance to his people.This really made me think, "miracles did not happen without faith?"And I thought of the miracles I experienced in my life. In retrospect, I needed to take a leap of faith "first" BEFORE He did His job. If I did not step out of faith or did not wait for the LORD by faith, there was no miracle. John Piper concludes: "The point is that God works through faith to do miracles and acts of providence to bring practical, earthly help and deliverance to his people."2. John Piper said, "God does not always work miracles and acts of providence for our deliverance from suffering; sometimes by faith God sustains his people through sufferings."Amen! This is so true. Becoming a Christian does not mean life is going to be easy. NO! Look at how godly people died in the Bible!! It was God's will that John the Baptist was born to prepare for the Way, but he was beheaded. Paul, Peter, Isaiah... Some Christians had truly horrific ending. I have peace because suffering in my life could be in the midst of God's will! One died by faith. The other escaped by faith. "To live is Christ, and to die is gain."3. John Piper said, "Having faith is not the ultimate determining factor in whether you suffer or escape, God is - God's sovereign will and wisdom and love."AMEN!!!!Oh this is so true again!!!John Piper also said, "Ultimately, it is GOD, and not we, who decides when and how we die. He has his purposes. They are hidden from us. And faith means, we believe they are good.God is sovereign. He has all of me inclulding death. I am so happy!!! :)4. John Piper said, "The common feature of the faith that escapes suffering and the faith that endures suffering is this: both of them involve believing that God himself is better than what life can give to you now, and better than what death can take from you later."Yes! Faith says God is better. God is No. 1!!! My faith makes God my first priority in my life. I want to ask why sometimes, but I do not have to. I have everything. I truly have everything because I am His who has everything.5. John Piper said, "Those who love God more than life and suffer willingly awaiting something better than what this earth can offer, are God's great gifts to the world."People can see big differences in God's children!!It is all about God!! God is in control!!And I have everything because I have God!!Dear heavenly Father,You are awesome. You are too big for me to fathom.But I know You are amazing God.I trust You and love Youand I am so happy that it is impossible for me to beout of Your hands. You are always in me.Even suffering I thank You because suffering advances the gospel.Help me to trust you completelywith all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength.Thank you Jesus. I am so blessedbecause I was chosen by You. I feel so special.What a joy.Love, Noriko :)
-- U --One day she met a man like a radiant morningThat day he met a woman like a moonlit eveningWithout knowing Without reachingThere, in the air, a secret appetite beating so fast, beaming so tight Desires hovering in the field Waves covering the whole two worldVainly both frozen like a pillar Tangled with a deceitful collarAlas! No! Dishonest wind!!But she is certain, so is hepride and fearWhat stops thee?she desires, so does hefear and prideseparate thee.
Always TogetherHow could I live without you? Oh, my rice ball...Once you were in my mother's hands and now in mine.With the rich nutrition in you, never will I fall.With you in me, I will not wither on the vine.Shining, sparkling, sticking rice -- All in all,Wherever I go, you make me shine.Square, triangle, heart, and round -- you are my call.Be there always and I will always be fine.
This is the day that the LORD has made;Let us rejoice and be glad in it.Psalm 118:24
All My Praise Word and music by Audrey HatcherSong by SelahI will follow You through green pasturesAnd sing hallelujah to Your NameI will follow You through dark disasterAnd sing hallelujah through the painAnd even in the shadow of deathI will praise YouAnd even in the valley I will sayHoly, my GodYou are worthy of all my praiseHoly, my GodYou are worthy of all my praise*********************Through this pain, O Lord,I will praise Your name,My holy God, for You are faithful.I worship You. Therefore, I rejoice!!!JESUS ROCK!Love, Noriko
Dear American friend,Could you be my friend even after you read this essay?A Gourmet or A BeastI came from the land of Sushi, called Japan. In other words, I am from the kingdom of raw fish. Japanese people love raw fish: Raw fish is healthy and tasty. I want to tell you that most of American people do not know how to eat raw fish properly. Therefore, I should share with you the ultimate experience in the eating of raw fish called sea breams in Japan.Where could I get the best, freshest raw fish? Of course, the ocean! My friends and I booked an oceanfront room for dining at a Japanese style hotel. The room, small, half the size of our classroom, has tatami mats on the floor and we all sit to eat. There is a long, low table, much like your coffee table here, and each one of us has a flat cushion to sit on the floor comfortably. There is a great view, overlooking the ocean, and we are getting excited because we are going to eat a sea bream that was caught just about a few hours ago. We are actually drooling in anticipation.From the outside of the shoji sliding door, we hear a server’s voice, “Excuse me, madam?” “Come in!” was said at the same time by all. The sliding door is pushed open, and a woman, dressed in a kimono, is seen kneeling in the doorway. She has in front of her a large dish, shaped rather like a boat. She bows her head to the floor in greeting before she enters to our room. This is a Japanese traditional way of serving guests at a Japanese hotel.The lady stands and picks up the boat, which is about a meter-long, raw fish on the top, puts it on the table. The fish is still alive, and his mouth is moving fast. But the body has only the head, the bones, and the tail; and the head and the tail are nailed to make the body U-shape. The part of his body that is missing is sliced and beautifully arranged on his bone. It cannot be fresher if it is still alive!We dip a slice of the meat into a soy sauce with Wasabi. “Yummi! It is so good,” my friend said. While eating, we can also play with the fish, putting a chopstick into his mouth and letting him bite it. Oh, what a beautiful dinner we had. And this is the ultimate Japanese raw fish feast.People all over the world would think Japanese people are real gourmets or…
I found this poem yesterday and loved it,So I wated to share it with you today."Is there some problem in your life to solve, Some passage seeming full of mystery?God knows, Who brings the hidden things to light. He keeps the key.Is there some door closed by the Father's hand Which widely opened you had hoped to see?Trust God and wait -- for when He shuts the door, He keeps the key.Is there some earnest prayer unanswered yet, Or answered NOT as you had thought 'twould be?God will make clear His purpose by-and-by. He keeps the key.Have patience with your God, your patient God,All wise, all knowing no Longer tarrier He,And of the door of all thy future Life He keeps the key.Unfailing comfort, sweet and blessed nest,To know of EVERY door He keeps the key.That He at last when just He sees 'tis best, Will give it THEE."The author unknown
Hey guys!I am back in FL, the sunshine state!! Yay!!I just arrived about three hours ago.It took almost 24 hours to get here from Japan.Japan is absolutely the opposite side of globe.This summer has been so wonderful andtruly our gracious Lord has blessed me abundantly.I was joyful, peaceful, and grateful every single day while I was in Japan.What surprised me was that I did not cry at allwhen the airplane took off.I usually cry out so loud on the airplane, looking down to the land of sushi; however,it did not happen this time!I did not feel sad. I was totally content with what I was trying to do.I have learned to be content in any circumstances, and the contentment is also God's grace.Thank you so much for welcoming back via e-mail and phone calls. I have second family here in Florida!!I am so happy! I love you and love to be back!!See you all soon!!Love in Christ,Noriko :)
Hello, everyone!!How are you doing?I wanted to write my blog in English today! Yay!In nine days, I will leave for the US to study English Literature at a college in Florida. I am a senior and will graduate from the college in December 2005!! I am kind of sad to leave my precious family and friends very soon, but at the same time, I am very excited to get back to America!I have a wonderful host family in Florida. My host family loves me and cares for me. They treat me like a real daughter. Their love always amazes me; they are truly a gift from God. (I have lived with them for five and a half years! Wow!)I have come to know God's love deeper through their love and cares for me. When I had questions and doubts about God, they answered all my questions. They are Christians and know the Bible very well. I highly respect them because their knowledge of the Bible is amazing and they are doers of the Word.I believe in Jesus Christ. It is very difficult for me to find Christians around me in Japan, but I hope that God will have mercy on Japanese people and save them by the power of God. Lord, please open their eyes to see their sins and their needs of salvation. We all need Jesus Christ.I do not know why, but it is hard for me to talk about Christianity in Japanese, so I have decided to talk about my faith in English today. Jesus Christ called me out of darkness several years ago. I am grateful and joyful every single day because I have faith in Jesus Christ who controls and knows everything. God has blessed me abundantly!! I am truly blessed!! Surely God can do the same to you. God loves you and wants to bless you. He is the Creater of the universe. He created you!! You were fearfully and wonderfully made by God!! Look at the pictures of the universe from Discovery. You will see the beauty of the earth. If you study the space, you will come to know that everything is perfectly organized. Nasa is paying a lot of money to discover the universe, but they are also discovering God because the system of the unvierse tells them that there must be a greater authority that controls the heavens and the earth perfectly. The universe also help people to see we are like a mist that appears for a little while and and then vanishes. If you read the Bible, you will be able to know God without a space shuttle: You do not have to pay billions of dollars just to know somebody created everything. God is powerful and almighty. God is the creater of all things.~Today's Words~"Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these?"Isaiah 40:26
全19件 (19件中 1-19件目)