


日本海軍、市丸海軍少将、書ヲ「フランクリン ルーズベルト」君ニ致ス。
Rear Admiral R. Ichimaru of the Japanese Navy sends this note to Roosevelt.

我今、我ガ戦ヒヲ終ルニ当リ、一言貴下ニ告グル所アラントス。 日本ガ「ペルリー」提督ノ下田入港ヲ機トシ、広ク世界ト国交ヲ結ブニ至リシヨリ約百年、此ノ間、日本ハ国歩難ヲ極メ、自ラ慾セザルニ拘ラズ、日清、日露、第一次欧州大戦、満州事変、支那事変ヲ経テ、不幸貴国ト干戈ヲ交フルニ至レリ。 之ヲ以テ日本ヲ目スルニ、或ハ好戦国民ヲ以テシ、或ハ黄禍ヲ以テ讒誣シ、或ハ以テ軍閥ノ専断トナス。思ハザルノ甚キモノト言ハザルベカラズ。 貴下ハ真珠湾ノ不意打ヲ以テ、対日戦争唯一宣伝資料トナスト雖モ、日本ヲシテ其ノ自滅ヨリ免ルルタメ、 此ノ挙ニ出ヅル外ナキ窮境ニ迄追ヒ詰メタル諸種ノ情勢ハ、貴下ノ最モヨク熟知シアル所ト思考ス。 畏クモ日本天皇ハ、皇祖皇宗建国ノ大詔ニ明ナル如ク、養正(正義)、重暉(明智)、積慶(仁慈)ヲ三綱トスル、八紘一宇ノ文字ニヨリ表現セラルル皇謨ニ基キ、地球上ノアラユル人類ハ其ノ分ニ従ヒ、其ノ郷土ニ於テ、ソノ生ヲ享有セシメ、以テ恒久的世界平和ノ確立ヲ唯一念願トセラルルニ外ナラズ。

I have one word to give you upon the termination of this battle.
Approximately a century has elapsed since Nippon, after Commodore Perry's entry to Shimoda, became widely affiliated with the countries of the world.

During this period of intercourse Nippon has met with many national crises as well as the undesired Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, the World War,the Manchurian Incident, and the China Incident. Nippon is now, unfortunately, in a state of open conflict with your country.

Judging Nippon from just this side of the screen you may slander our nation as a yellow peril, or a blood thirsty nation or maybe a protoplasm
of military clique.

Though you may use the surprise attack on Pearl Harbour as your primary material for propaganda, I believe you, of all persons, know best that you left Nippon no other method in order to save herself from self-destruction.

His Imperial Highness, as clearly shown in the "Rescript of the Founder of
the Empire" "Yosei"(Justice), "Choki"(Sagacity) and "Sekkei"(Benevolence),
contained in the above three fold doctrine, rules in the realization of "Hakko-ichiu"(the universe under His Sacred Rule) in His Gracious mind.

之、曾テハ「四方の海 皆はらからと思ふ世に など波風の立ちさわぐらむ」ナル 明治天皇ノ御製(日露戦争中御製)ハ、貴下ノ 叔父「テオドル・ルーズベルト」閣下ノ感嘆ヲ惹キタル所ニシテ、貴下モ亦、熟知ノ事実ナルベシ。 我等日本人ハ各階級アリ。各種ノ職業ニ従事スト雖モ、畢竟其ノ職業ヲ通ジ、コノ皇謨、即チ天業ヲ翼賛セントスルニ外ナラズ。 我等軍人亦、干戈ヲ以テ、天業恢弘ヲ奉承スルニ外ナラズ。 我等今、物量ヲ恃メル貴下空軍ノ爆撃及艦砲射撃ノ下、外形的ニハ退嬰ノ己ムナキニ至レルモ、精神的ニハ弥豊富ニシテ、心地益明朗ヲ覚エ、歓喜ヲ禁ズル能ハザルモノアリ。

The realization of which means the habitation of their respective fatherlands under their own customs and traditions, thus insuring the everlasting peace of the world.
Emperor Meiji's "The four seas of the world that are united in brotherhood will know no high waves nor wind"(composed during the Russo-Japanese War) won the appraisal of your uncle, Theodore Roosevelt as you yourself know.

We, the Nippon-jin, though may follow all lines of trade, it is through our
each walk of life that we support the Imperial doctrine. We, the soldiers of
the Imperial Fighting Force take up arms to further the above stated "doctrine".

Though we, at the time,are externally taken by your air raids and shelling
backed by your material superiority, spiritually we are burning with delight
and enjoying the peace of mind.

之、天業翼賛ノ信念ニ燃ユル日本臣民ノ共通ノ心理ナルモ、貴下及「チャーチル」君等ノ理解ニ苦ム所ナラン。 今茲ニ、卿等ノ精神的貧弱ヲ憐ミ、以下一言以テ少ク誨ユル所アラントス。 卿等ノナス所ヲ以テ見レバ、白人殊ニ「アングロ・サクソン」ヲ以テ世界ノ利益ヲ壟断セントシ、有色人種ヲ以テ、其ノ野望ノ前ニ奴隷化セントスルニ外ナラズ。

This peacefulness of mind, the common universal stigma of the Nippon-jin, burning with fervour in the upholding of the Imperial Doctrine may be impossible for you and Churchill to understand. I hereupon pitying your spiritual feebleness pen a word or two.
Judging from your actions, white races especially you Anglo-Saxons at the sacrifice of the coloured races are monopolizing the fruits of the world.

之ガ為、奸策ヲ以テ有色人種ヲ瞞着シ、所謂悪意ノ善政ヲ以テ、彼等ヲ喪心無力化セシメントス。 近世ニ至リ、日本ガ卿等ノ野望ニ抗シ、有色人種、殊ニ東洋民族ヲシテ、卿等ノ束縛ヨリ解放セント試ミルヤ、卿等ハ毫モ日本ノ真意ヲ理解セント努ムルコトナク、只管卿等ノ為ノ有害ナル存在トナシ、曾テノ友邦ヲ目スルニ仇敵野蛮人ヲ以テシ、公々然トシテ日本人種ノ絶滅ヲ呼号スルニ至ル。之、豈神意ニ叶フモノナランヤ。 大東亜戦争ニ依リ、所謂大東亜共栄圏ノ成ルヤ、所在各民族ハ、我ガ善政ヲ謳歌シ、卿等ガ今之ヲ破壊スルコトナクンバ、全世界ニ亘ル恒久的平和ノ招来、決シテ遠キニ非ズ。 卿等ハ既ニ充分ナル繁栄ニモ満足スルコトナク、数百年来ノ卿等ノ搾取ヨリ免レントスル是等憐ムベキ人類ノ希望ノ芽ヲ何ガ故ニ嫩葉ニ於テ摘ミ取ラントスルヤ。 只東洋ノ物ヲ東洋ニ帰スニ過ギザルニ非ズヤ。 卿等何スレゾ斯クノ如ク貪慾ニシテ且ツ狭量ナル。

In order to attain this end, countless machinations were used to cajole the yellow races, and to finally deprive them of any strength.
Nippon in retaliation to your imperialism tried to free the oriental nations
from your punitive bonds, only to be faced by your dogged opposition.

You now consider your once friendly Nippon an harmful existence to your luscious plan, a bunch of barbarians that must be exterminated. The completion of this Greater East Asia War will bring about the birth of the East Asia Co-Prosperity Area, this in turn will in the near future result in the everlasting peace of the world, if, of course, is not hampered upon by your unending imperialism.

Why is it that you, an already flourishing nation, nip in bud the movement
for the freedom of the suppressed nations of the East.
It is no other than to return to the East that which belongs to the East.

It is beyond our contemplation when we try to understand your stinted narrowness. The existence of the East Asia Co-Prosperity sphere does not
in anyway encroach upon your safety as a nation, on the contrary, will sit as a pillar of world peace ensuring the happiness of the world.

飜ッテ欧州ノ事情ヲ観察スルモ、又相互無理解ニ基ク人類闘争ノ如何ニ悲惨ナルカヲ痛嘆セザルヲ得ズ。 今「ヒットラー」総統ノ行動ノ是非ヲ云為スルヲ慎ムモ、彼ノ第二次欧州大戦開戦ノ原因ガ第一次大戦終結ニ際シ、ソノ開戦ノ責任ノ一切ヲ敗戦国独逸ニ帰シ、ソノ正当ナル存在ヲ極度ニ圧迫セントシタル卿等先輩ノ処置ニ対スル反撥ニ外ナラザリシヲ観過セザルヲ要ス。 卿等ノ善戦ニヨリ、克ク「ヒットラー」総統ヲ仆スヲ得ルトスルモ、如何ニシテ「スターリン」ヲ首領トスル「ソビエットロシヤ」ト協調セントスルヤ。 凡ソ世界ヲ以テ強者ノ独専トナサントセバ、永久ニ闘争ヲ繰リ返シ、遂ニ世界人類ニ安寧幸福ノ日ナカラン。

His Imperial Majesty's true aim is no other than the attainment of this everlasting peace.

Studying the condition of the never ending racial struggle resulting from mutual misunderstanding of the European countries, it is not difficult to feel the need of the everlasting universal peace.

Present Hitler's crusade of "His Fatherland" is brought about by no other than the stupidity of holding only Germany, the loser of the World War, solely responsible for the 1914-1918 calamity and the deprivation of Germany's re-establishment.

It is beyond my imagination of how you can slander Hitler's program and at the same time cooperate with Stalin's "Soviet Russia" which has as its principle aim the "socialization" of the World at large.

卿等今、世界制覇ノ野望一応将ニ成ラントス。卿等ノ得意思フベシ。然レドモ、君ガ先輩「ウイルソン」大統領ハ、其ノ得意ノ絶頂ニ於テ失脚セリ。 願クバ本職言外ノ意ヲ汲ンデ其ノ轍ヲ踏ム勿レ。

If only the brute force decides the ruler of the world, fighting will everlastingly be repeated, and never will the world know peace nor happiness.

Upon the attainment of your barbaric world monopoly never forget to retain in your mind the failure of your predecessor President Wilson at his heights.



市丸 利之助(いちまる りのすけ、1891年(明治24年)9月20日 - 1945年(昭和20年)3月26日)は、日本の海軍軍人。最終階級は海軍中将(戦死後)。佐賀県唐津市出身。横浜市磯子区に居住していた。

日本航空機草々の時代のパイロットとしてその名を知られ、海軍の航空畑を歩む。1944年に硫黄島に赴任し、翌年の硫黄島の戦いで戦死。 硫黄島で玉砕にあたり、米大統領に当てた手紙を書き、戦後、有名となる。


最終更新日  2007年01月06日 15時24分02秒
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