みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…


[Prince Earth in the Galaxy] ⑭ - Mars.

The planets have their own missions and challenges.
We intend to have provided a suitable environment for them to meet those challenges.
We believe it is inevitable that there will be differences in progress between planets over time, even if they are similar children at birth. We do not see ourselves as superior because we are ahead and inferior because we are behind. We believe that the process of striving for the tasks we have set ourselves is important. I think that is the same feeling for both the Galactic Divine Spirit and the Aum Divine Spirit. If you have raised some children, you will understand. The planets in our solar system are all equally cute children of our own.
You may find it hard to believe, but there was once a planet in our solar system that had an advanced civilisation. It was Mars, the neighbour of Earth. On Mars, humans similar to you earthlings lived and developed science. You may think of Martians as funny-looking creatures, but they looked a lot like you Earthlings.
This was long before humans were born on Earth.
The Martians had a scientific civilisation that was much more advanced than that of today's Earth.
At that time, there were underground cities on Mars. The Martians created androids that looked like themselves and had them do different jobs. The androids were closer to humans than you might think of robots, and they had the ability to sense what humans were thinking. They were beings of considerable advanced intelligence. The Martians allowed the androids to work in their underground cities, while they themselves lived above ground doing what they liked.
The Martians came to believe that nothing was impossible for them. They thought they could do anything with the power of science. Of course, there was water on Mars at that time. There were weather changes - rain and sunshine. It was hot or cold, depending on where you were. The Martians began to want to make the weather the way they wanted it. To do this, they built a large device and installed it all over Mars. At first, the device seemed to work well. They were happy that they had the weather the way they wanted it.

Every human being is a child of God. Human beings were created in the image of the Ohm divine Spirit. Not only in form. Man was created to have all the attributes of Aum. And it is the Divine Spirit of Om who guarantees free will to all human beings. It is Divine Providence that man must accept the consequences of his acts of free will.
The Martians on the surface died in the accident. The androids operating in the underground cities were saved. But of course they cannot have children. Because they have some intelligence, they have been living underground on Mars for hundreds of millions of years.
When their bodies died out, most of the Martian souls came to Earth.
In fact, they live among the people of Earth.
Superficially, they are the same as earthlings, so there is nothing strange about them. However, their souls also dream of returning to Mars and living there.
Today, there is very little water on Mars. There must be traces of where water used to be.
There should also be traces of a civilisation.
In fact, the subterranean androids should be sending signs to the probes from Earth to let the people of Earth know that there used to be a civilisation.
St Antonius (male body of solar consciousness).
From Gaia Dawn: How the Living and Conscious Earth Was Born.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


最終更新日  2022年06月11日 09時22分06秒
[銀河系のプリンス地球] カテゴリの最新記事

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