みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…


カテゴリ: 地球人類創世

The Creation of Humanity on Earth (3) - From the spirit world to the earth

There is naturally a spirit world in Beelda. It is very difficult to explain the spirit world to people on earth, but there are many spirit realms. In each spirit realm, the mode of existence of the spirit people present is different. To put it plainly, some people look like people on earth, while others do not. All spirits are different in terms of the amount of energy they have and their individuality.

El Ranti was a very huge energy body. To put it in a way that is easy for people on the ground to understand, there is a huge cloud that is like a swirling gob of energy. It is not big enough to fit inside another human being. But there were many spirit people in Beelda who had equally big energy. Of course, they are all in the leadership class.

On Earth today, people are supposed to be born on Earth at regular intervals. The interval between births on earth varies from 200 to 300 years to 1,000 years, depending on the person, but most people are supposed to be born on earth at regular intervals. In Beelda, however, each person decided whether or not to be born at will. They were born on earth only if they had some purpose. Some people were born on earth simply because they preferred the earth to the spirit world. Some people were not born for tens of thousands of years if they wanted to stay in the spirit world forever.

The story of going to an undiscovered planet was actually something I heard when I was in the spirit world.
At first I thought I was going to that planet in a spirit body. It is not that difficult to travel in a spirit body. However, when I asked him about it, he said that I would have to take my physical body with me. To be honest, I thought, "That's a bit difficult". Apparently we will be the first people on that planet." When I heard that, I realised once again that we are really starting from zero, from a place where there is nothing. It was a much more drastic decision than if we were to go and live on a deserted island from a civilised country on modern-day Earth.

Those who wanted to go to an uninhabited planet had to take their physical bodies with them, so they were all born on earth at the same time. I asked a couple of people I knew who already had a physical body on earth to give birth to me. It was nothing special to ask to be born before being born. It was a very common thing. Of course, it is not common on Earth today. But it is planned that in the future the Earth will be like that. If we can agree on the parent-child relationship before birth, then of course there will be no such thing as abortion. I was born safe, raised to adulthood and able to become a member of the Undiscovered Planet Row.

From 'Gaia Dawn: How the Living, Conscious Earth Was Born'


最終更新日  2023年04月08日 07時05分02秒

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