みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



When a soul is born on earth, it is fully aware of what it is supposed to do on earth. It is not born without knowing what to do. The soul itself chooses the most effective environment and the most effective body to inhabit in order to promote the necessary evolutionary improvement for itself. However, once you actually inhabit a physical body, your pre-birth awareness remains hidden in the depths of your soul and does not come up to your ordinary consciousness due to the dullness of the body.
 The big problem for you earthly humans, though perhaps unavoidable, is that you are looking at life from the wrong perspective. That is, you are thinking of life too much from a worldly, materialistic point of view only. Life has an earthly component, but it is also spiritual and eternal. We must not view the eternal from an earthly perspective alone. That is not a sufficient judgment. The principle of "compensation" works for all God's children, good and bad, without exception, but if we try to judge only from our earthly lives, we will not be able to take all factors into consideration.
 Life has a purpose. But that purpose is not so inflexible that the people involved in it are nothing more than puppets. We are not puppets dancing to the whistle. Each and every human being has an alter ego, and each and every one of you can participate in the unlimited creative activity. In other words, you are given free will within certain limits as well as responsibility as individual beings. Free will does not mean that you can prevent the laws of nature from working. It means that you have the right to make choices within certain limits. The framework of destiny as a whole has been established. However, within that framework, it is up to you to make your best efforts to fulfill your potential divinity according to the blueprints you have planned.
 Perhaps you may not even be aware of that blueprint. But the soul, because of its divinity, always seeks activity and swells like a wave in search of self-expression. Sometimes this takes the form of grief, regret, anguish, or illness, and it can be a rebuke to your lethargic state, a wake-up call. If God does not want you to participate in creation, and in doing so, to develop your latent divinity, then there is no reason for you to have come into this world. You must understand that there is a "principle of compensation" at work here. In other words, your human development will be promoted in a life in which you develop your latent abilities while engaging in work that contributes to creative activity.

Silver Birch's Spiritual Lesson (1)", edited by Ann Dooley, translated by Chio Kondo, published by Ushibunsha.
Chapter 2 Why Were We Born?


最終更新日  2023年12月10日 07時05分03秒
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