みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…


カテゴリ: 絹井銀竹

Message from Toth the Atlantean (2)
Message from Toth the Atlantean Higher Dimension
Gintiku, are you awake?

(Ginchiku: Yes, good morning.)

Good morning.

I am also
I was summoned by this Gintchiku
In Atlantis, in Atlantis.
I am Toto, who was ordained

Shining souls of the heavens
From the incarnations of the gods
I am receiving daily words from the incarnate deities
I, too, was once a man
From the time Atlantis sank into the sea
I was assigned to lead the people
I traveled to Egypt
And after serving the people in my own way
I became the Egyptian god Thoth.

I did many things in Egypt.
I built the pyramids and the Sphinx.

The pyramids are the big ones.
I built them to hide the places where the gods moved
To hide the place of travel that leads to the chamber of the gods.
where the chosen ones were invited
to lie in the sarcophagus

"to the chamber where the Gods sit
deep beneath the earth.
to a place deep beneath the earth.

Only a very limited number of people
Only a very limited number of people could enter.
"The gods that sit beneath the earth...
The gods who rule this universe.
Beginning with Ohm, the Lord of the Universe.
The Lord of each universe
They are here to watch over the earth and you.
The Lords of the Universe.
The universe that you exist in now
The universe that the Aum Universe
is a relatively young universe
the second youngest of the nine.
There is only one universe
There is one young universe
And above it, there are seven more developed universes.
The decision to submerge Atlantis in the sea was made by the Lord of these universes.
The masters of these universes
And the subterranean chamber where these masters sit.
That is called the Hall of Amenty.
And the idea of the beings within that hall
Is based on the idea of the beings within that hall.

You people.
Some of you may think that Atlantis is an illusion.
Some of you may think it's a fantasy.
But its existence is a fact.
But Atlantis is...
Atlantis is a very advanced urban structure.
And the temples where the saints lived
did not belong to the third dimension.
It was a place of the seventh dimension, the ninth dimension, and so on.
in the higher dimensions.
They built their own sacred temples and halls.
Those who are truly powerful
who can control death and people's lives...
All existed in such places.

They are called the children of light.
Such as the souls that are descending here today
They reincarnate in the bodies of people
Reincarnating in the bodies of people
And led people's hearts to the light.
I am one of them.

In Atlantis
I learned from my beloved father Thothome
I learned many truths
Using the power of the soul itself
I have trained myself to see this cosmic space.
The soul is evolving.
When you people leave your physical bodies
And fly out into the universe
And you will be able to see many things.
And then you go back to your body.
And you can move your body
You can move your body as you always have.
I can use my power that I have at my disposal
I can use my power at my disposal
And I've been all over the earth.
I've come home.

The earth is in a difficult time.
But I would say that it's just before the dawn
It's like the dawn of a new day for the Earth.
The Earth has to get over it.
Let the pus out of its body, so to speak.
Completely heal old wounds
As the original healthy body that shines
And is turning towards the light.
I have already seen it with my own eyes.
It is a prerequisite that each one of you
It is a prerequisite that each one of you is a light.
Prince of the Galaxies, shining star of the Earth
Is the light
Is the light of your souls shining through
Seen from the Universe
That light is what you see from the universe.

How you must be
How you must be light.
I have preached it many times in the past.
I have told you many times.
You see, human beings...
Can be light and yet commune with darkness.
And yet be able to communicate with darkness.
We cannot go against the nature of this Ohm universe's unchanging 
We cannot go against the nature of duality
Therefore, without using the power to communicate with the darkness
Like a flower, we turn toward the light and aim upward
without looking back to the darkness below.
You must simply be
You must be the light.

Human beings have feelings
There is a vibration
These are sublime vibrations given to us by the universe
How you use it, how you use it, how you use it, how you use it
In the body of this Aum Universe
and how much you can spread the comfortable vibrations
That is the key to save this earth
That is the key to saving the earth and the Prince.
I have been talking about it
I went on and on and on and on
I kept saying the same thing
Because it's so easy
It's so easy to fall into the darkness

The darkness is always watching you
Always waiting to see when it can make you one of its own.
It is always waiting for you
You must overcome it
Fill its heart with light
Connect with the heavens
And join hands with the children of light
And lead its body upward
In this age of light
If you join hands with the darkness, it will be the end
Even we will not be able to lead you
We cannot lead you to the light

There is only one thing that can lead you to the light
There is only one thing
Is your wisdom and practice.
Live your life in a straight line
Let your beauty shine
Let your soul's nature shine forth
The loving nature that was given to you
Find it in yourself
Embrace and love all that is lovable in you
You are always blessed by the light
Reaching out to you
Take that hand and rise higher
The only thing you can lead
Lead your soul first to the light
That is your soul's journey in life
The journey of the soul

Even in the city of wisdom where we live
Even Atlantis
has fallen into the hands of darkness.
You are now
Do not suffer the same fate
You are living in an age of light.
Protected by God
In this beautiful Japan
Let yourselves shine
Know that you are worthy to shine
Don't try to be noble
Just be who you are
Allow yourself to be
For you are the light
Is the light itself

I am here now
I have risen from my deep underground slumber
I am with you again.
Do you think this meeting was just a coincidence?
Or a figment of your imagination?
We are all destined to meet.
He who hears my voice
Who are of a spirit close to me
Take my words
And put it into practice as wisdom.
Everything depends on you
Your entire reality
Only you can make it shine
Only you can make it shine.
I am doing this
To remind you of this
To remind you of it.

Just be the light
Be the light

That's what the universe
Is the wish of the universe.

That's all for today.
We'll be back.

Thank you very much.


In the "Emerald Tablet" written by the Lord Thoth, he repeatedly taught throughout the book to aim for the light and not to fall into darkness.
When you read this message, you must have felt a bit of a shock, knowing that the darkness is always watching you.
Then tell me what to do, you have to tell me that part, hey Machiko. Yes, it must be a real pain in the ass," you must have thought.

This is not the GINCHIKU blog to lead you astray.
Click on "Michael the Archangel" that jumps out at you from the categorization at the bottom of this page and read Michael's first message, and you will be given a way to be free from darkness by Michael.
If you practice this method daily, you are guaranteed to become a shining first-year student (old) who emits a dazzling light that even St. Antonius would be amazed at.
Please give it a try.

(April 14, 2020, revelation)

Please, everyone!

I have a request for everyone who reads Tenkei every day.
Please send your love and gratitude to Terra, the Divine Spirit of the Earth, at any time of the day, with your hearts in mind.
Michael taught me the words to pray to Terra,

Terra, I love you. Thank you for nurturing and loving us.

Thank you for nurturing us and loving us.
I would be grateful if you could chant this five times slowly with love and gratitude and believe in the power of the energy and practice it as many people as possible.
Thank you very much.

You can read the messages from all the other people in the categorization at the bottom of the page.

About the revelation I am receiving

The revelations that are currently being sent to me, Kinui Ginchiku, by various spirits from the heavenly realm every day are for the "Phoenix Project" (see link below), which is a plan to save humanity and build a utopian society, as well as to recruit others to implement the plan to lead to the ascension of the earth. This project is not a religion or a shady organization.

This project is not a religion or a shady organization, but an activity to promote love and light among people, which is being carried out by the divine spirits of all religions as one.
And this activity is only by the will of each individual.
If you have read the revelations in this blog, believe in them, and would like to participate in this activity using your own time, please contact Takeshi Yamato, the manager of the plan on earth, directly by clicking on the link below.

If you would like to spread the word as an individual on social networking sites, you are of course also welcome to do so.
We sincerely hope that as many people as possible will assist us in this great project of the gods.

About the Phoenix Project

Takeshi Yamato, the project manager on earth

Phoenix Project page


最終更新日  2024年01月14日 07時00分11秒
[絹井銀竹] カテゴリの最新記事

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