みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



Living for the Happiness of Others] ⑬ - A true great life is to return home after doing all you can to do what you need to do.

For some people, the greatest purpose of life is to live as a good person with their family and with love. Such people are fine if they live their lives to the fullest.

However, those who are here in Lemuria, in the plan that they themselves have written, they have to think about what is the greatest value, what is the purpose of their life, what is the graduation test of their soul, well, not the graduation of all of them, but a meaningful test of their soul in their own way, as if it were a meaningful test. In that sense, if you have not done anything as an apostle of God and Buddha, no matter how much you love your wife or how much you love your children, if you have not done your important work as a child of God or as an apostle of God and Buddha, then you have failed. If we have not done our work as God's children, as God's and Buddha's messengers, then it is not God Himself but ourselves who may put a stamp of failure on it. This is because the plan was written by all of you.

With this in mind, if you think about the original meaning of life on earth, you should not be unnecessarily fearful of losing or losing courage in the daily routine of life, nor should you be carried away by earthly values, but you should be aware of what is the most important thing for you to choose and to live for yourself. I believe that we will be able to see what we choose and try to live our lives with the utmost priority.

And although a long life span may be better than a short one, from my point of view, it is just too much work to do. The more hardships you go through, the more you think it would be better for you to return to this world sooner.

Therefore, the way we fight against illness, death, and life expectancy will naturally change.

When you die as a messenger of God and Buddha, you will return to this world with a satisfied feeling that “I did all I could, even though I don't know the result, but I did my best, so I can go back home. I believe that this is a truly happy life.

This sense of values will be passed down through heaven and earth, through reincarnation and reincarnation, and through eternal life.

If everyone on earth truly understands what is happiness for the soul in the eternal soul that lives through this life, then each one of us will be able to live as a child of God in the true sense of the word on earth. If each one of you on earth truly understands what happiness is for the soul, then each one of you on earth will be able to live as a child of God in the true sense of the word, and if each one of you becomes aware of this, I believe that humanity will be liberated from the suffering of squabbling with others on earth, the seeds of sadness and unhappiness that we all hold in our hearts.

If you will allow me, I would be happy if you could call on me again next time.

If you will allow me, I would be happy to be invited back again next time. I will now leave you for the day.

From “Female Spirits of Japanese Shintoism 1” by Princess Kozakura


最終更新日  2024年05月11日 07時05分04秒
[日本神道 天照大神 Amaterasu] カテゴリの最新記事

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