みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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A Message from Jesus Christ
【God and Love】
1. All Beings Are the Children of God
There were several questions in advance of the start of this the session.
――What is love, and what is its original and fundamental meaning?
――In the scene of the Bible, why did the lake become full of waves even though Jesus was there?
――How is "the stepwise development of love" to be understood?
Amor: I am Amor. I am profoundly grateful to God that I can send my message again in front of you like this today. You seem to have several questions, so I am going to answer them before I start talking about what I would like to tell you today.
With regards to the question about the episode in the Bible, I think it is very intimately related to what I am about to tell you after this.

I have come here today to tell you this matter. So, maybe you think that the wave has subsided because I scolded them, or that the waves could not be rising to me during those days in Nazareth, but that might be a very exaggerated way of talking about me.
We are the children of God who are all connected to one another. Like a twilled pattern interweaving all the children of God into one, or like one spectacular picture scroll, we are making up the grand universe. This is the true figure of the children of God.
And because of this, a variety of spirits are resident in nature; spirits of the sea, spirits of the sky, spirits of the mountains, etc. In each area, there exist the children of God living with free will, engaging in their own spiritual practice.
Therefore, with little respect for the wills of those spirits, there is no way that the sea would never get rough just because I was there. The sea ran high at the will of the sea-god spirit.
At that time, I was trying to preach the laws to many people as a messenger of God. The reason I proceeded toward the sea is because a crowd of people surged toward me. So I got into a boat to keep a distance from them. I recall that the sea was very stormy as well as the wind at the moment, so I prayed, "I would like to give a talk now as a messenger of God. So, may the waves flatten out, and may the wind cease to blow."
Well, as there are sea spirits for the sea and wind spirits for the wind in the world of nature, I think it is not very strange even if the surf and the wind were made by their free will. I just used their space at the moment to convey the word of love, the word of God to the earth children of God on the ground. It was no more and no less.
If you could understand so it would be all right. Though I had been the one who spoke God's word to the ground as a messenger of God, I am not God himself and I am merely a child of God like you. In order to fulfill the mission as a messenger of God, I am a person who was telling the word as a child of God. I was in a position of that sort. I remember so. Have I been able to make myself clear?
Amor (Jesus Christ)
Channeling message by Amarie
『Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age』(Kindle)

Known as Jesus Christ, born in Israel and preached the teaching of love.
In the age of Atlantis, he preached the teaching of love as the Great King Agasha.
In the heaven, he takes the role of the white ray, love, and he is in charge with deciding various guiding policies.
Messages to the Children of God in the Space Age


最終更新日  2024年05月20日 07時05分02秒
[キリスト,墨子 Amor, Jesus Christ] カテゴリの最新記事

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