

Poetry of Tadami Yamada(7)

Copyright (c) 2008 Tadami Yamada. All Rights Reserved.

The Soul Roams at Midnight

I become the soul
By the lonly heart
Come out of the window
At twelve midnight.
It is snowy storm.
The town closes its eyes
Shadow of death appears.
The ground is frozen over
And howl.

Deities! Hear it!

The earth is crying.
Since all environment
Cold and painful impression,
I have a longing, crying
And drift the dead towns.
There is no reliance to which
I return. When I roam about,
The pupil of the affection
Of the universe also freez

Deities! Leave the earth!.

I becomes the soul
By the lonely heart
Quietly knock at the door
Of the dead's house
Run through a main street
Crouche down to an alley.
It snows briskly in darkness.
The naked body of regret
Is burned at last.

White Bone

If I am alone, it will smile
If I'm gazing, it will smell of the soul
While I make smiling face,
It will beckon me
Opening the sexual organ
Of a dark night by the middle finger
A white bone

I know it, an illusion
I throw myself before it,
Screaming, standing erect
To a dark cave
And am crushed by the bone
In the end of the world
Spouting my brains, tearing my soul


The moon shines with winter sky palely
The electric wires are gliittering tautly
Nature complains of sadness to Deities
With the insistent beat of cold winds

However if there are forgotten people
Let's become irises together with me
In the spring; The flower language is
"Good fortune of people to believe"

(You may change the flower for rose, lilac, bellflower, lily and some others you like.


Such a blue sky is spreadin' o'er me
With open arms I'll go to meet thee
Dandelions are in bloom there and here
I picked and sowed the seeds last year
Murmurin' "Nothin' comes of nothin'"

Many such golds are brightenin' up me
Like the stars I kissed thee under those
Embracin' closely and fallin' on my knees
Oh! I remember thee dyin' thy cheeks rose
Although it's memory which passed away

It's been long long time since thou left me
But now I'm going to accept thy return with smile
I aged, and probably, thou also grew old
Let's see dandelion's downy seeds dancin' in the wind
It'll seem that dreams of our youth had scattered

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