全11件 (11件中 1-11件目)
When I'm working on draft product, I think that I have used my findings from my research pretty good because my research was pretty much from internet and the magazine I bought from Japan. When I talked about for example on-plane swing in golf, that was based on the DVD that was together with the magazine. One problem is that throughout this Personal Project, I have to keep in mind that I have to relate all this project with the AoI and essential question. my essential question was:How can my understanding help people who are starting to learn golf?To talk about my essential question, I think it is about how effectively I can demonstrate or communicate my understanding of golf for their benefit. When I say effectively, it should be able to tell as much information as I can to the audience, in detailed way so that the audience can refer to my product to help with their golf swing. Right now, I am developing my product in order for me to communicate my understanding in detailed way which audience can easily understand. In a way, I am developing my essential question because I am thinking about how effectively I can demonstrate my understanding to others and trying to find a best way to do that. I have not developed much about my AoI which is community and service. However I think that this comes after I'm done with my product and after surveying to the target audience. I can use the audience responce and reflect on it and refer or connect the feedback based on AoI. When it comes to talking about applying informations effectively, like I mentioned, I am now developing how I can do that which is part of my essential question. To modify my to improve my result, I think this is something that I can reflect back on after I'm done with my product. Something that requires audience opinion, should come after I'm done with the product because I am going to survey to the audience and ask question that will assess quality of my product. And based on the feedback I got from the audience, I will refer that to modification of my results and essential question.
Jan 31, 2012
Today, I worked a bit more on my draft product. I have been working on my draft product for about 3 days now, and have got to the point where I'm analyzing the backswing difference of Luke Donald and the amateur for Driver swing. What I realize was that for amateur, compared to Luke Donald the 2 point that I pointed out which were keeping the right arm-pit closed and trying to keep the club face square to the ball. One example of the amateur that I picked had his right arm-pit closed however, he was not able to keep angle on his wrist until the impact. For Luke Donald, although he had his club face open during the backswing, he managed to keep the club face square to the ball because he turned his wrist back to left so that the club face comes back to face left side. But for amateur, he did not turn his wrist to make the club face turn to left side, which he ended up hitting the ball with open club face. Since the due date of draft product is next friday, I will need to keep working on the draft more often and compare many part of the swing against Luke Donald to find points to focus in golf swings.
Dec 1, 2011
Today, I have analyzed the set-up motion along with the image of Luke Donald, the professional golf player that I am using as an good example. I have compared one amateur player motion during the set-up against the set-up motion of Luke Donald. What I found out is that the foot placement of Luke Donald is parallel to the direction of hitting the ball however, the foot placement of the amateur is not parallel to direction of hitting the ball. I have also mentioned that when you have right foot front more than left, that will have higher chance of hitting the ball to left because when you put a horizontal line through the toe with right foot front, that line will point to left. The direction of the ball when you hit most often goes in a direction of line parallel to your toe. And for the amateur, he had his right foot front which the ball should be going to left. But at that time when he had his right foot front, he actually managed to hit the ball straight. This means that when he had his foot placed perfectly straight pointing front, he will end up hitting the ball to right. Beside the foot placement analysis, I have also mentioned some on keeping your knees bent in order for the player to get the club head back to the place where it started. Also the posture of the player. When we look at posture of Luke Donald, his shoulder lies vertically with his toe. And last thing was keeping a certain angle on your wrist that was made when it started. This keeping the same angle on your wrist will help closing the face of the club, and also to let the club head lie nicely on the ground.
Nov 27, 2011
Today, I brought a camera with me to the golf course and I took pictures of the golf swing that I had round with. I used a burst mode in the camera where I can take 10 pictures at around 2 second. What I did with this was that I took pictures of 3 amatuer that plays golf often. I devided one whole golf swing motion into two which are the back swing, and the down-blow swing. Back swing is the motion when the club goes back to gather all the momemtum. Down-blow swing is the motion when the player is actually trying to hit the ball and movement of the club is going down. I took one back swing motion for all of the 3 amatuer that I am using as an example. I also took one down-blow swing of one amatuer, and two down-blow swing of 2 amatuer. Because burst mode is useful for capturing the moment of short time, we can clearly see each part of the swing and compare the those example swing to professional golf swing. I will compare the difference in each part of the swing and professional golf swing will be the good example of the golf swing. For the professional golf swing, I will use current world golfer rank #1 player, Luke Donald as a good example. The pictures I took of the 3 amatuer also includes image from 2 different angle. One angle is from front of the player, and another one is from the right-hand side of the player. The reason is that from front side of the player, we can clearly see the motion of the knee if it is bent or not, the rotation of shoulder and hips because rotating shoulder and hips horizontally is one of the most important point to focus. Other point that we can focus on are either if arm-pit is open or not. If the right arm-pit of the player is open, that will increase the chance of hitting the ball to right. If the left arm-pit is open, that will end up bringing the club head more to the player's side which will end up slicing the ball diagonally, and that will make right-rotation spin on the ball and will also have more chance of hitting to right. Another point that we can focus on is the face of the club head. Usually, when the club face is square to the ball, that will have better chance of hitting the ball straight. However, if the club face is open to right side, that will not be able to meet the ball during an impact and it will end up slicing the ball as well.
Nov 26, 2011
Ever since I started my research on my personal project, I have keep telling myself that I need to fix my problem and being able to know answers to all the questions that might be asked. So just like on the previous process journal uploaded, I am now in progress of trying to fix my own problem. On the previous post, I have discussed my problem of not actually hitting the ball in the right place on the club head. And what I did to solve that problem was to keep my knees bent so that even after the swing, the head of the club goes back to the same location as where I started in the beginning of the swing. I have been focussing on getting to hit ball in straight direction. Although I hit the ball in the right spot of the club head, if the ball is not going straight, then there is no point. For me, the reason behind is that I tend to open the face of the club and end up hitting the ball with the open club face. Another reason that might cause this problem is that with a slight open on the club face, it does not affect the direction of the ball however, with slight open club face and end up hitting the ball with out-to-in motion. Out-to-in motion is when you swing back, and when it comes back to hit the ball, the head of the club comes from outside and kind of slicing the ball with open club face. This will cause the ball to spin to right and the ball will also turn right. The only way to fix this problem is trying to keep the face of the club square to the ball, and during the swing, make sure that the head of the club does not go pass the line where the ball is at when there is horizontal line running next to the ball. These days, this is what I have been working which is hitting the ball straight. Although my cause of hitting the ball to right is not because of swinging the club with out-to-in motion. It is only because I have club face open during the swing. I am also focussing on keeping my elbows straight so that it keeps my armpit closed and makes it easier to go straight since I am trying to make the club head go to front as much as I can. If you don't have your elbows straight and trying to stretch your elbows, then you will end up opening your armpit and making the swing motion similar to out-to-in motion. Without stretching your elbows, you will end up swinging the club with your right arm only. Also, by having your armpit open, there will be very likely chance of slicing the ball and the ball will go to right. For Ms.Scales - 先生
Nov 24, 2011
As part of my personal project research, I have been going to golf practice range most of Wednesday and going to golf course on Saturdays. I know my common mistake now which are that I cannot hit the ball in the right direction, and that sometimes I hit the top of the ball. The main point in golf is to actually hit the ball at the middle of the club head. Although you are not getting the ball into right direction, we should always start with actually hitting the ball in the right spot. The reason that I hit top of the ball is because during the motion of when I am trying to hit the ball, I shift my weight to left side too much and that is making the club head kind of lift a little bit. From this problem I have, based on what I have been trying to solve this problem and listening to my father's advice, I decided that I will need to keep my knee bent so that the during the swing, the club head goes back to the same place as it started. 先生 this is for you to be able to comment on my post.
Nov 23, 2011
Since i don't use this blog to write about my daily life, i decided to use this website as a process journal for my personal project. My areas of interaction: community and serviceEssential question: How can my understanding help people who are starting to learn golf?This essential question shows that I will need to be able to have my own understanding on golf swings by using magazines i bought in Japan, asking friend of my dad who have very wide experience on golf, my dad have many magazines where it can help me understand a lot about golf swings. For the second bit of the question, i have specified the target audience where i used to say for both advanced golfers and beginner golfers, but i realized that it will be too hard for me to complete all the work in short period of time. And now i decided to focus the target audience to beginners where i am also a beginner in golf and i might be able to know some difficulties on golf swing for beginners, and i don't think i will be able to get into lot of detail for advanced level. I might be including some techniques used for advanced golfers where it can also help for beginners but I will have to make sure that i don't include many information that will also be appropriate for advanced golfers because then my product will end up as a guide for both advanced and beginner golfer. For this personal project, my goal is to be creating a golf instruction guide for those who are interested in playing golf or who are new to golf that are having bit of difficulties on the golf swing where they are not hitting the ball really well, or not getting their ball to hit straight. The age group of my target audience is going to be in range of 15 to 35 where I feel that this age group can manage to try a similar type of swings where if you are old enough, it is hard to make one certain motion. This is the word for you to be able to comment on my post. 先生
Sep 23, 2011
Dec 2, 2010
二回連続で、肉の日記。 まぁ、いいや。今回は、近所の人たちと、外食。しかも、焼肉!!!今回は、肉の日だったので、安く済んだ。と、思いすごしている伸治。まぁ、結局払ったのは、和君だけどね。神戸に行った時の、写真を同封します。
Oct 29, 2010
Oct 21, 2010
毎週のようにやる宴会を今回は日記にしてみた 久しぶりに楽しくやれた宴会だった。 いつものように、専門家Yは酒で酔っ払って、 自分の事をパシリ扱い、 最近はさすがに我慢もできなくて、無視している事もある。ただ、逆切れされないので、それだけは良しとしよう。いとこと、従兄の友達と、自転車で世界を縦断するとゆう、無謀な挑戦をしようとしてる人たちと、仲良くやれた。別に、喧嘩を毎回してるわけでわないが、取りあえず、楽しかった。専門家Hも来てくれて、職員Sと、次長Hも来てくれた。素直に嬉しかった。明日は、ついに、待ちに待った、神戸牛!!!昼飯は、控えめで行こう。
Oct 20, 2010
全11件 (11件中 1-11件目)