★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

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May 3, 2023
カテゴリ: 株式投資

魔法使いの家 075-681-5227 ​​

Am8 - Pm10, Over  Offer:" At anytime ."
 タロットカード 使い方. 方.

From the beginning of the week, the story might begin !

Maxoptionstrading Mot GIF
川崎 重工業・2023.5.2 終値¥2984 ¥ー6 ー2.0% 

​​​​​これって火事になりますか? あるいは、火事の元になりますか?
​​​The use of multiple plugs in outlets ​​​​​Will this start a fire?    
Or will it the cause of a fire?
​​​回答 :​電線の先が見えませんので、以下の設定になります。                                                                       ​​​差し込み口に、ゴミが入らないようにテーピングをしておきましょう、​
注意 :壁の差し込み口の合計能力は、
合計・12Kw (単独では、クーラーなどでは~20Kwまで) 以下が望ましいです。​
​​​​Answer: ​The end of the wire cannot be seen,
so the settings are as follows. ​​
Let's tape the outlet to prevent dust from entering,
and also make sure that the power limit of each device used
does not exceed the wattage capacity of the wire.
Use it at 12KW (10Ax120V) or less.
Note: The total capacity of the wall outlets should be less
than 12Kw in total (individually,
up to ~20Kw for coolers, etc.). ​​
Also, be careful not to curl the wires.
​​For multiple outlets,
flat outlets with house current protection are better.
​​Also, if you are worried about using multiple devices,
you can put a breaker such as a 15kw limit use between
the wall outlet and the outlet. ​
Caution : It may cause a fire​​
​​​​ Answer:  ​The end of the wire cannot be seen,
so the settings are as follows. ​​
Let's tape the outlet to prevent dust from entering,
and also make sure that the power limit of each device used
does not exceed the wattage capacity of the wire.
Use it at 12KW (10Ax120V) or less.
Note: The total capacity of the wall outlets should be less than 12Kw in total (individually,
up to ~20Kw for coolers, etc.). ​​
Also, be careful not to curl the wires.
​​For multiple outlets,
flat outlets with house current protection are better.
​​Also, if you are worried about using multiple devices,
you can put a breaker such as a 15kw limit use between the wall outlet and the outlet. ​
Caution: It may cause a fire​.​
Wednesday Morning Laughing GIF by The BarkPost laughing, dogs, wednesday, laughter, wfh, hump day, humpday, working from home, wednesday morning, happy wednesday, wednesdays, hehehehe, wkwkwk, barkpost, wkwkwkw, remote working, working remote, wednesday vibes, remoteworking, telecommuting, work remote, telecommute, 週の真ん中水曜日, working like a dog, workingremote, dogsoncomputers

​​ ​​ ​​ ​​


Last updated  May 3, 2023 03:23:22 PM
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