★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

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Aug 30, 2024
テーマ: 雑学(499)
カテゴリ: 雑学

​​​ ​​ ​京都占い魔法使いの家​ ​075-681-5227​ ​​

​Kyoto Fortune Telling Wizard's House 075-681-5227​

Am8 - Pm10, Over  Offer:" At anytime ." ​​

 タロットカード 使い方. 方.

 "YOU TUBE" :  Original music     ​​


 How to use the Tarot cards !

​​​ How to find out the  WITCH'S 'HOUSE in Ky oto from the Hachijo entrance of Kyoto station,​ ​​​

​​ ​​ ロータス in Kyoto​​​ 今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube

​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube ​​
魔法使いのつぶや - YouTube  ​メロデイ―のみ​
​​​​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​
​​​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 -
​  YouTube​
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTube
魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​

Voice -  - ​​  YouTube 今あなたは、どこにいるのだろう  ​​ ​​
Melody YouTube 

"​​Where are you now ? "

JUSTICE ​: 正義・注意深く・・買いたい/解体・・??​ ​​​​
​​​ JUSTICE : Justice, careful, want to buy/dismantlize...?​​​

新日本理化 ​株価:2024.8.30 AM 11:30 ​:\200​  +\5   +2.56%
​​出来高:63,100 配当利回り:1.50%. PER 12.43 PBR 0.41
年初来高値¥226  年始来安値¥167
新日本理化(株)【4406】:株価チャート - Yahoo!ファイナンス

参照 ​​​ ​​​​​
​新日本理化・ ​¥210​ ​​ ​​​ 41,000株​ ​買い​ ​​ ​​​
​​ ​​ ​タロット占い​
新日本理化(株)【4406】:株価チャート - Yahoo!ファイナンス

​​ 2024.3.6. ​​

​​​ ​​​ ​結果​ 当分上がりそうにないです。 ​​ ​​​
​​​​ ​​ ​​ 怪しいいけれど
​再度かうかも?? ??​
It's a bit suspicious but I bought it and I might buy it again?
​The dividend payout ratio is low: just over 1.52%, which is significantly lower than the average of 30%. Is this due to disregard for shareholders or to capital expansion ?
A Great Investment, Sharzad Kiadeh, Worth It, Well Spent Money, You Wont Regret It
open, sign, lights, relationship ​​​​
東京ー>新大阪 994hPa NTTドコモ一部で支障も?
Typhoon No. 10 stops bullet trains.
Tokyo -> Shin-Osaka 994hPa - some disruptions to NTT Docomo services?
Communications, logistics, and retail are greatly affected. Beware of strong winds and power outages.

アクティングアウトとリビングアウトってなんですか教えてください ​​​​
Can you please tell me what is "acting out" and "living out"?

アクティング・アウト (Acting Out):
リビング・アウト (Living Out):
リビング・アウト (Living Out):
アクティング・アウト (Acting Out):
アクション・リサーチ (Action Research):
アンダードッグ効果 (Underdog Effect):
確証バイアス (Confirmation Bias):
アイヒマン実験 (服従実験):
リビング・アウト (Living Out):

アプローチ・アボイダンス理論 (Approach-Avoidance Theory): この理論は、人々が目標に向かってアプローチするか、避けるかを決定する際の心理的プロセスを説明します。目標に対する好意的な感情と不快な感情のバランスが影響を与えます。
認知的不協和理論 (Cognitive Dissonance Theory): この理論は、人々が矛盾する信念や態度を持っている場合、その不協和を解消するためにどのように行動するかを説明します。
パブロフの古典的条件づけ (Classical Conditioning by Pavlov): イワン・パブロフによって提唱された理論で、刺激と反応の結びつきを通じて学習が行われることを示しています。例えば、ベルの音と食事の提供が結びついていると、ベルの音だけで唾液が分泌されるようになることを観察しました。
自己実現 (Self-Actualization): カール・ロジャーズによって提唱された概念で、個人が自己の潜在能力を最大限に発揮し、成長し、満足感を得るプロセスを指します。

Acting out and living out are terms used in psychology and related fields. Below is an explanation of what each term means.
Acting Out:
Acting out is a concept used in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
It refers to a patient expressing feelings and conflicts through actions rather than words. It is considered a state that deviates from the therapeutic contract.
For example, a patient may directly show emotional problems through their actions. The therapist's role is to interpret their meaning and guide them to verbalization1.
Living Out:
Living out is a term used in the LGBTQ+ community.
Unlike coming out, living out refers to the act of others revealing the sexual orientation or gender identity of an LGBTQ+ person without their consent2.
In other words, coming out is when an LGBTQ+ person makes themselves public, while living out is when others reveal their identity without their consent3.
Both terms are used in different contexts and should be used carefully. 4.
Here are some examples of acting out.
Acting out in anger:
For example, an angry person may become emotional and throw things or yell abusive language. This is an example of direct behavioral expression of anger.
Acting out in love:
Acting out in love is when you act out your emotional problems toward your partner.
For example, jealousy caused by anxiety and doubt may increase, and you may become overly vigilant and restrictive towards your partner.
Acting out in self-harm:
Sometimes people who self-harm express their emotional pain directly through physical actions.
For example, they may cut themselves or hit themselves.
Acting out refers to showing emotions or conflicts through actions rather than words. The therapist interprets these behaviors and explores the patient's inner meaning.
Living Out and Acting Out are terms used in different contexts.
Living Out:
Living Out is a term used in the LGBTQ+ community.
Unlike coming out, Living Out refers to the act of others disclosing the sexual orientation or gender identity of an LGBTQ+ person without their consent1.
In other words, coming out is when an LGBTQ+ person makes their own public announcement, while Living Out is when others reveal their identity without their consent.
Acting Out:
Acting Out is a concept used in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
It refers to patients expressing their emotions and conflicts through actions rather than words. It is considered a state that deviates from the therapeutic contract.
For example, emotional problems may be directly expressed through actions. The therapist plays the role of interpreting the meaning and leading the patient to verbalization2.
Both terms are used in different contexts and need to be used carefully. 3.
There are a wide variety of terms in psychology, but I will introduce some of the most common ones. Below are some keywords that include terms from social psychology and learning psychology.

Action Research:
A research method that measures the effectiveness of on-site interventions with the aim of improving social problems.
Underdog Effect:
This phenomenon occurs when a person who was expected to win an election loses, or when a person who was expected to win wins.
Confirmation Bias:
The tendency to believe information that matches one's own thoughts and predictions and overlook information that does not.
Eichmann Experiment (Obedience Experiment):
This experiment studied the psychology of obedience in an experiment in which subjects playing the role of a teacher administered electric shocks to students who got questions wrong.
Living Out:
A term used in the LGBTQ+ community that refers to the act of revealing the sexual orientation or gender identity of an LGBTQ+ person without their consent.
These are just a few examples, but if you want to know more terms and theories, please refer to a psychology glossary website. 12345
Some psychology terms are given below:

Approach-Avoidance Theory: This theory explains the psychological process by which people decide whether to approach or avoid a goal. It is influenced by the balance of favorable and unfavorable feelings towards a goal.
Cognitive Dissonance Theory: This theory explains how people act to resolve dissonance when they have conflicting beliefs or attitudes.
Classical Conditioning by Pavlov: This theory was proposed by Ivan Pavlov and shows that learning occurs through the association of stimuli and responses. For example, he observed that when the sound of a bell is associated with the provision of food, the sound of the bell alone elicits saliva secretion.
Self-Actualization: A concept proposed by Carl Rogers, it refers to the process by which an individual maximizes their potential, grows, and feels fulfilled.
These are part of psychology and are used to understand 
There are many other terms, but these are the b asic ones

魔法使いの家​​​​​​ ​​​​ http://nttbj.itp.ne.jp/0756815227/index.html? ​​


Last updated  Oct 20, 2024 06:41:07 PM
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