返事を書く Re:Blue Peter Sale(03/12) えぞ太郎1さん Wow! You must have been very fortunate to get the game that you wanted! It's not every day that happens. Infact, I've never been in that kind of situation. Lucky duck!
返事を書く Plumちゃん Atsさん Hi,Plum! You're just like me! I always get blamed by Mum and Dad even though it was my little brother's fault. Have you started your diary yet? If so, please send me the link.
返事を書く あやはやるい的愛人さん Atsさん Thank you for the Chinese message! My mum read it to me. My chinese is a way worse than English and Japanese. I go to Chinese school on Saturdays to learn Chinese. Please come again!
返事を書く Re:Tricking My Little Brother 弟をだます(03/04) プラムさん Hello again. I'm Plum. I always trick my sister such as blaming her when I did something bad, however my mum always finds out. But when my sister blames me, my mum always believes her. Not fair!
Re:Plum Atsさん Hi,Plum! I know who you are because my Mum told me. I heard that you were making your own website as well. Looking forward to visiting it!
返事を書く こんにちは! プラムさん Hello, Ats. I am Plum. If you want to know my real name, ask your mum. Yu-Gi-O cards are banned in my school! I will write again soon.
返事を書く Re:Yutaro Atsさん Thank you for visiting my website, Yutaro! OK, I’ll bring my GBA when I come to Japan in April. Please let me know which games you have.
I’m looking forward to playing with Yutaro again!! Does he know that you can play gameboy and GBA games on GameCube? ( Only with the Gameboy Player connected to the bottom, though.) Would you please ask Yutaro to send me a message?
Nice to meet you! I am looking forward to seeing your son’s message! はじめまして! むすこさんからのメッセージたのしみにしてますね。 (2004年02月19日 20時56分49秒) [関連の日記へ]
返事を書く Re:ナンシー Atsさん >Wow, you cool! >ATS,かっこいい。
I want to thank you again for the Kiasu books. I especilally like the one with the movies inside. キアスの本のお礼、もう一度、いわせてね。 僕が大好きなのは中に映画が入っている本です。 (2004年02月19日 20時55分02秒) [関連の日記へ]
Thank you!! This is the first ever message I received on my website! I don’t know where Reading is but I have heard of its name. Please visit my site again.