Hello, this is YouTube acupoint.
What do you guys use for your smartphone? Is there anyone using a tablet?
In Japan, Apple products such as iPhone and iPad are strong, and I think that Apple-related sales of software and contests are quite major.
That's why I was so happy when I got an Apple gift card from a friend as a birthday present, and I'm also a heavy iPhone user, so it was very helpful.
I'm happy with the gifts, but it's even better if they are practical. 【ポイントアップ★7月25日がおトク★店内全品対象】【新品 未開封品 国内正規品】 Apple アップル iPad 第9世代 64GB Wi-Fiモデル 10.2インチ 2021年秋モデル MK2L3J/A シルバー Apple A13 アイパッド 4549995249996