全270件 (270件中 1-50件目)
EndLess Love (2014)という映画をあるきっかけで見ました。今時、こんなシンプルなラブストーリーの映画があるのかとちょっとびっくり。といっても、好んで探したことはないのですが。最近涙もろいせいか、何度も泣けるシーンがありました。笑最近は、映画のスクリプトなどもネットで探せるので、聞き取れなかった英語もバッチリ分かります。便利な時代になったものだ。Yet utterly alone. でも、全く孤立している。(←この訳はちょっと自信がない。文脈でこの様に訳してしまったが・・・)She spent all of her time secluded(世間とかかわらない) with her family or in comfort of books.She seemed content to disappear. 消えることは仕方がないと受け止めている。in my defense 自分の防御のために言えば、having much dough 金持ちjust to be safe 念のためにblowtorch ガスバーナーYour son's got a crush. 女性に夢中になるdare 敢えて思い切ってするmingled with masses 集団と交わるI would't say "stealing", technically borrowing.word traveled fast 言葉はすぐに伝わるchoreograph 振り付けをするyou emerged from a closet with my daughter クローゼットの中から私の娘と現れた。intrude 邪魔をする次回の日記に続く。。。
先週、インターネットで英語を読んでいた時ふと、「マウスで英語をポイントすると、即座に意味がポップアップされるというものはないのかな?」と思って、検索したら、あるではないか・・・どうして誰も教えてくれなかったのか? 笑Chromeの拡張機能だが、Chromeウェブストアに行って、機能を検索して、「+Chromeに追加」というボタンをクリックするだけ。私が選んだのは、この3つ。Weblioポップアップ英和辞典Weblioエクステンション速訳!英辞郎®英和辞書あ〜ほんとどうして誰も教えてくれなかったのか?笑これで、英語がサクサク読める!
https://www.ted.com/About TEDTED is a nonpartisan nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 110 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.nonpartisan 無党派の(人)、無所属の(人)、党[派閥]に属さない(人)devoted to (名詞) 献身的な、熱心な、専念したconverged 集中型の、収束したTEDx are independent TED-like events, which can be organized by anyone who obtains a free license from TED, agreeing to follow certain principles.
英語の勉強を何年もしているのに、なんの目標も持たずに勉強しているの?今更ですが、私は、きちんと目標設定していない。いや、漠然とあって、いくつか目標は達成してきたのだが、書いたことがなかった。これからは、きちんと目標を書いて行こうと思う。■長期目標職場で、スラスラ英語を話し、みんなを魅了したい。■短期目標次回のミーティングでは、パワーポイントできちんとした資料を作り、かなり流暢な英語で話す。■毎日の目標上記の資料づくりは、仕事時間内に終わらせる。英語音読 読むものは、なるべく仕事に関連すること。自分の好きな TED Talks (Super Presentation)のScriptを丸暗記して話せるようにすること。(最後に)今まで確実に英語が上達したと思えることは、下記の3つ。■毎日こつこつ生活の上で出てくる英語を覚えて来たこと。■人に頼らず、拙い英語でも、どんどん使って問題を解決してきたこと。■人前でプレゼンテーションすること。あなたは、どうかしら?
revisit ほじくり返すrevisit the same unaccomplished goals again sake ためsetting goals for the sake of setting goalsステークホルダー ステークホルダー(英: stakeholder)とは、企業・行政・NPO等の利害と行動に直接・間接的な利害関係を有する者を指す。 日本語では利害関係者(りがいかんけいしゃ)という。 具体的には、消費者(顧客)、従業員、株主、債権者、仕入先、得意先、地域社会、行政機関など。stakeholder requirementdeliverables〔作業やプロジェクトの完了により得られる〕成果物specific deliverablesretention 保持engagement and commitment より従事すること、責任感 献身
What comes to mind 何を思いつく?venue 会場、開催地 indigenous 地元on a larkいたずらで、ふざけてpull 筋肉などを〕無理に引き伸ばして痛めるI pulled a stomach mascle.defining elements ~を決定する要因[要素]one of the difining elements of the french open is....hard-pressed【形】〈話〉追い詰められて、四苦八苦して、苦境に立たされてI'm hardpressed.brick by brick一つ一つIt's brick by brick thing.on one's own terms自分の思うがままにFinish off a rally on your own termshomogenized【形】均質化されたsurfaces are more homogenized than they used to be.
graze 軽く触れるMy oppenent's service toss accidentally grazed his raquet.have no bearing on~に何の関係もないIt was a missplaced toss, plain and simple, and the fact that it grazed his raquest has no bearing on that.enlist 〜に協力を求めるin making 作る際にA player shall not enlist the aid of a spectator in making a call.ultimately【副】最後に、最終的に究極的には、突き詰めていくと、結局のところ(は)Ultimately we decided to play a let.concede【自動】敗北を認めるconcede the pointin the line of sight視線方向hindrance【名】妨害[邪魔](する[されている]こと)He caught the hat and then threw it to his right, in my line of sight as I was preparing to hit a sure winner.I stopped play and claimed the point for his hindrance.hindered 妨げられるdeliberate 【形】よく考えた、熟考した上での故意の、意図的な、計画的なIf a player is hindered in playing the point by a deliberate act of the opponent, the player shall win the point.
paramount〈文〉最重要[優先]のBut in matches, the issue of winning is paramount.intolerance for~への[に対する]不耐性Intolerance for risk causes this to happen,conceptualize【他動】~を概念化するSo it's useful to re-conceptualize riskdeliberately【副】わざと、故意にPlayer should pause for a moment before they play and deliberately work to adjust their thinking about the game.inescapable【形】避けられないThis involves taking focus away from winning and accepting that errors are an inescapable part of the game.embrace〔進んで〕~を利用[活用]するDuring this pre-match pause, it is more useful to embrace risk as one of the exciting and positive parts of the game.reconfigure【他動】~の型を変更する、再設定する、再構成するAnother helpful approach is to mentally reconfigure the match.smack【1他動】~をピシャリと打つ、強くたたくsmack a few balls,poking ball ボールを打つtendency〔人が~しがちな〕性向、傾向dig in【句動】〔仕事・勉強などに〕専念する、腰を据えるgrimly【副】〔人の態度や表情が〕厳格に、残忍に、険しい顔をして、顔をゆがめてengross【他動】~を没頭[専心・夢中に]prevailing勝利を得ることWinning feels important, so players have a tendency to put their heads down, dig in and grimly engross themselves in the process of prevailing.
Debenture 債権queue (車や人の)列rest assured 〔確実なので・保証されているので〕安心するnoteworthy 注目に値する、特筆すべきerratic〔人の言動が〕とっぴな、風変わりな、異常な、常軌を逸した一貫性のない、不安定な、一定しない、出来不出来がある、不規則なconferring 《契約》権利の許諾prevail 勝つclinching 《a ~》確かな[確たる・決定的な]changeover〔生産方法などの完全な〕変更、転換、改変〔状況などの〕逆転、様変わり、どんでん返しtap into ~に入り込む、~に侵入する、~と接触する◆【同】enter〔資金・情報・知識・経験などをうまく〕利用[活用]する文例(人)に近づく、(人)と親しくなる、(人)と有利な関係を作るrapport 〈フランス語〉〔お互いの〕ラポール、感情的な親密さ◆お互いが信頼し合い、また好みや感じ方などが一致しているという関係。bombarded 殺到preach 説教する
feat 〔勇気ある〕手柄、功績、〔技能や想像力などに優れた〕妙技、業績jaded pundits 疲れ切った、疲れ果てた、〔過度にふけることで〕飽き飽きした、うんざりした 〔マスコミに登場する〕評論家critics 批評家legions of fans 多数のファンlengthy malaise 長期に渡る 《医》不快感◆病気の前兆などとして現れるもの。〈フランス語〉〔無力感を引き起こす〕不安、不満、沈滞How far the mighty hath fallen hath=has (強かった人)どのくらいまで落ちたのか。equanimous way (心が)落ち着いたoddly blase reactionblase〈フランス語〉享楽に飽きて、飽きて関心のなくなった、熱中することのない、歓楽に飽きた、感動しない〈フランス語〉気ままな、気楽な、心配事のない〈フランス語〉非常に洗練されたattributed ~の結果であると考える、~のせいにする、~をゆえんとする、~のおかげと考える、~に帰する、~に起因すると考えられるedicts 〔政府・支配者などの〕布告、政令、法令〔正式な〕命令、指示 いーディクトlethal 〔政府・支配者などの〕布告、政令、法令〔正式な〕命令、指示formidable 〔敵などが〕手ごわい、恐るべきserviceable 使いやすい、実用的な、じょうぶで長持ちする、便利な、役に立つvigorously 元気にself-inflicted 自ら自分に課したgrue-like-figure grue=恐怖の身震いget the heave-ho追い出される、振られる、首にされる、解雇されるsoon thereafter その後すぐin the latter half of 2016 2016年の後半にtriumph 勝利in desperate straits 《be ~》大変な難局にある、窮地に陥っているit will be his tonic to get fire lit under him againtonic=〔人の気持ちを〕元気づける[明るくする]もの
What you should know? Where you can go?the call of nature トイレに行きたくなることunderestimate the power of mother nature 母なる自然の力を侮る[見くびる・甘く見る]fail to take account of human nature 人間性[の本質]を見落とすof a public nature 公共性を持つ of extremely grave nature 《be ~》極めて深刻であるof the same nature 等質の、同質のof a sexual nature 性的なinterfering 干渉するhostile 敵意[敵対心・反感]を持った[抱いた]、非友好的な はストォルretaliation for ~に対する報復[返報・仕返し]sexual advances 口説き、性的な誘いかけendure 耐えるdemote〔人や物を〕降格させるsexual remarks 性的な話sexually assaulted 《be ~》レイプされる、性的暴行を受けるevict〔合法的手段によって人を〕立ち退かせる、強制退去させるbias ~に偏見を抱かせるnoose ロープで輪を作り、ロープの端を引っぱると輪が縮まる。絞首刑や動物捕獲などに使われる。derogatory 軽蔑的な、相手を見下した、権威を傷つけるような、名誉を毀損するようなswastika まんじ、卍 ナチスのシンボルtaunt 嘲る、なじる、愚弄するridicule〔人を〕意地悪く笑い者にする、嘲る、あざ笑う、冷笑する、からかうcripple (手足の)身障者hijab ヒジャーブ◆イスラム教徒の女性が顔を隠すために用いるスカーフinterracial 異人種間のcross burning 十字架を焼くこと◆アメリカで人種差別のシンボルとして行われることが多いgraffiti 落書きalleged 〔証拠なく〕申し立てられた、主張された 〔疑わしいが〕そう思われている、いわゆるaccountable 〔行為などについて〕責任がある
defy 〜に従わないseductive 誘惑的Eternal 永遠の、不変のgut 内部を破壊するin the immediate aftermath of ~の直後にcase in point ぴったりした例silver lining 希望の兆し ライニング coveted 誰もが欲しがる[待ち望む]こベテットmarriage 組み合わせstock in trade 常用手段、おはこsmother the net ネットを制圧する(テニス)スまザーgrant 与えるbeing outmuscled 筋骨隆々であることpart of the equation of 〜の均衡を保つために不可欠[必要な要素]であるcruelest 最も残酷なdeft footwork 巧みなフットワークotherworldly 別世界のascent 上昇adversaries 敵sidelined 休場する、追いやられるfor the taking 〜の時期hurdle 乗り越えるべき〕障害、困難、ハードルquests 探求、冒険の旅between the lines 行間に, 〔言外の意味を〕ほのめかして, 状況的に
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMLong Conversation 3Get ready to listen to the following long conversation.A: Hi Mike! How are you? B: Hi Sara. Boy, I'm gald I run in to you. I just got this letter in the mail from the residence and housing office and looks like I'v got stuck in the dorm the other side of campus. I know you had work study job there last semestors, so is there anything I can do?A: Well, yes actually you can do something. First take that letter over to the office and apply to transfer over to another dorm.B: Really? Is that that simple? A: If you do it today, You'll be first on the list to move. It usually takes 2 or 3 days to process your request, but I can assure you that the staff there very good moving students around.B: That great news! i was worried it would take me extra half hour to get classes every day.A: Well, make sure you take the copy of your class schedule with you. Since you're physics major and you spend a lot of time in Windom Hall that would be able to see the really need to be to close to that side of the campus.B: Thanks for your help. I'll let you know how all turns out.
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMLong Conversation 4Get ready to listen to the following long conversation.A: Have a seat. What can I do for you today?B: I'd like to talk to you about my schedule. I want to graduate in May. So I'd like to permission to 18 units this semester.A: I see. How many hours per week are you working?B: 20. But it's easy work.A: Well according to your transcript, your great has been okay so far, but even if you have to take 18 units this semester, you will stil have one more class to complete. That on top of your workload, we'll make it impossible for you to graduate in May.B: But I need a better job. I have a family to support.A: I'm sorry but the best I can do is to suggest enroll for summer school and file you papers in order to graduate in August.
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMLong Conversation 3Get ready to listen to the following long conversation.A: Hi! You must be Andre. I’m your neighbor Jane.B: Oh, hello. Nice to meet you Jane I didn’t know this was coed dormitory.A: Well, until recently it wasn’t. But that just changed this semester. And it is the best housing and campus.B: Have you moved in already? d it is the best housing and campus.A: I just got here today. But I’ve lived here last year. I like the fact we’re so close to the campus and we get a lot of space. I have to talk to my roommate about showing on the phone and setting up the cleaning schedule. You will have to do that tooB: So there is no cleaning service here.A: No, not unless you can afford to hire someone to do it for you, it’s just like a regular apartment building. There is laundry apartment in the basement, and super attendant on the second floor who takes care of leaky pipe and broken toilet thing like that.B: I’m a little overwhelmed. When I get my cloth on packed. I will ask you all kinds of questions. But right now I’ve gotta find my friends. They must be on a way up here with my suitcases and books. g like that.
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMLong Conversation 2Get ready to listen to the following long conversation.A: Hi Andrea. How did you do on an anatomy test?B: Not so great. I totally blanked out one of the diagrams.A: Which one? The diagram of the skull?B: No, the spinal column.A: Really? That one was easy for me. Actually all of the diagram seem pretty easy to me.It was the fill in the blank section killed mw.B: I was prepared for that section. Hey maybe we could study together for the next test. I will help you with the terms of fill in, you can help me with the diagram.B: Great! That sounds like a plan.
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMLong Conversation 1Get ready to listen to the following long conversation.A: Excuse me. Is this professor Wilson's office?B: Yes, it is. But she is on the another line. Would like to hold?A: About how long do you think she will be, I just want to set up an appointment to discuss my research paper with her.B: It's hard to say. If you leave your name and number though, I can have a TA to call you back to arrange the office visit. I know she usually has hours on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons from 3 to 5.A: Yes, that would be great! This is Make Philips at 333-555-3655.B: Okay. That's Miss Philips at 333-595-3655?A: No, it's 555-3655.B: Oh, sorry. Thanks. I will give her the message.
またまた、最後に書いてから1年以上経ってしまった。しかも、最後の日記は、手首の痛みが治らないで終わっている。誰も心配しないだろうが。あまりにも治らないので、リウマチの先生に見てもらったら、先生もこんなに酷いことになっているとは思いもしなかったようで、コルチゾン注射しましょうと。コルチゾンの注射は手術と一緒で高額なので、先生も躊躇していたのかもしれない。まずもって最初は見てもらわずにメールで話していたのがいけなかったのだが。リウマチ科はすぐに予約が取れないと思い込んでいた自分もよくなくて、ひどい場合は、2,3日中に見てもらえたのだ。ということで、このブログを書いたあと、すぐに先生にみてもらって、5日後に注射。効果てきめん。ですぐに治った。2ヶ月苦しんだのは何だったんだろう。注射も高額だが、セラピーも回数行ったので、かなリ高額になってしまった。アメリカの医療費はほんと高い。私は、病院通いするために、働いているといっても過言ではない。笑英語を使う職に就いて、5年以上が経った。未だにというか、もちろんというべきであるが、今も毎日あたらしい単語やイディオムに出会うので、辞書にお世話になっている。他の日本人従業員も同じだ。PCをつけていれば、英語の辞書サイトはいつも開けっ放しである。英語の辞書サイトは、ここもそうだが、広告が多すぎて、スピードが落ちる事があるので、最近は、Google.comの検索で「xxxxxxxx definition」と入れて、検索ですぐに出てくる英英辞典を使っている。synonym同義語が出てくるから、わかりやすいし、その中にまたわからない英語が、また新しい言葉を習う事が出来る。明日から、アメリカ独立記念日のホリデーで3連休。ちょっとのんびりしている間のブログでした。^^カテゴリー別記事一覧月別記事一覧
手首が痛くなってから全然薬で治らないので、先月からハンドセラピーに通っています。いくつかやった中で効果があったのは、パラフィンバスです。パラフィンバスとは、パラフィンワックスをお湯の中に入れて溶かし、その中に手を入れたり出したりしてワックスをしっかり手につくようにします。そして、ビニール袋にワックスがついた手を入れて、さらに、布袋の中に手入れて20分ほど温めます。パラフィンバスcapacity 〔仕事などが〕処理能力いっぱいのlimb 手足pores〔皮膚の〕毛穴radiant つやつやにversatile 多用途のsoothe 鎮静化するカテゴリー別記事一覧月別記事一覧
何度も訪れたWEBの広告が、他のサイトを見ている時にも、表示されるのは知っているが、今日は、昨日物色していた車の広告が表示されている。いつも、広告はうっとおしいなぁ~と思っていたが、好きな物が広告になっているのは、気分がいい。笑結局その車は買わないけれど、何度も広告が出るように、頻繁にそのWEBを訪れる事にしようかな?この考え方は変?笑本当は、昔のように、自分でホームページ作って、広告表示の位置をコントロールしたいんだけど。とことで、今日の記事は、About Google Ads内容は、皆さんご存知のことですが、一応英語を読むというのが、目的ですので。to name a few 2~3例を挙げるとカテゴリー別記事一覧月別記事一覧
大雪の写真大雪のビデオ3rd-highest-snow-fall-in-detroit-historyto no avail 〔努力などが〕無駄にon top of it その上日曜日は大雪で、夜遅く帰ってきた夫の車も家のドライブウェイに上がりきれず、雪かきをするはめに。夜中のうちに、除雪車も来ていたので、翌朝の出勤には問題なかったが、大通りに出たら、車がほとんど走っていない。学校はお休みになっただろうから、車がいつもよりも少ないのはわかるが、それにしても、車が走っていない。。。会社に電話したら、今日は、非常事態なので、マネージャーに相談して出勤するか決めるように。。。という留守電が。う~ちっこい日系企業らしいHRの逃げだ。ほとんどの会社はお休みにしている。月初なので、休むということを考える頭は到底なかったし、家の周りは除雪されていたので、普通に出勤。でも、大通りの雪かきは完全にされていないので、これは結構危ないなぁ~無理していくことないかと、引き返そうとおもったが、道路を曲がるところが一番雪かきされていないので、引き返す場所を選んでいたら、会社に着いてしまった。笑ニュースのWEBでは、たくさん大雪の写真がアップされていた。カテゴリー別記事一覧月別記事一覧
最近は、右の手首と手の甲が痛いので、仕事をしていないときは、音声入力でメールやブログを書いています。かなり速く喋っても、しっかり入力してくれるので非常に驚きました。こんなに簡単に入力できるんだったらもっと早くやってたら良かったなと思いました。ハンドセラピーに通って治療していますが、なかなか進展が見られません。仕事中は痛み止めを飲んで頑張っています。キーボードは比較的大丈夫なのですが、マウスをクリックしたりドラッグしたりするがつらいです。なので先週末は、ショートカットキーもかなり覚えました。これも結構便利なものがたくさんあって、もっと早く覚えればよかったなと思いました。笑 楽天ブログでは最初携帯からの入力ができないと思っていましたが,携帯からアクセスしたら、アプリをダウンロードすればできるということがわかってよかったです。月曜日からオーストラリアンオープンが始まりました。いつも大会サイトのニュースを読んでいますが、U.S. Openのサイトのニュース記事より難しい単語が使われていて一気に読めません。これもお国柄かしら。笑カテゴリー別記事一覧月別記事一覧
1996年に渡米し、18年と4ヶ月が過ぎました。渡米2年前から、「アメリカに行くことになったらどうする?」と聞かれて、慌ててNHKでやっていた「やさしい英会話」を毎回ビデオテープに撮って、テキスト片手に、英語を覚えました。5歳の娘と、7歳の息子と主人と4人での渡米、慣れない土地での生活はそれはドラマチックではありましたが、当時33歳でしたので、なんとか若さで頑張れました。英語が嫌いにならない程度に勉強し続け、21年というブランクがありましたが、英語を必要とする仕事に就くことも出来、同時にストレスで関節リウマチという病気も発症してしまいましたが、どうする事も出来なかった母の時代とは違い、良い薬に恵まれ、なんとか楽しく過ごせております。仕事でも認められ、昇給もありました。これもひとえに、多くの皆さんの助けがあったからこそ。只今、録画しておいた紅白を見終えました。今年私が密かにまっていた歌、薬師丸ひろ子のWoman,松田聖子のMissing you、コーラスで歌った嵐のふるさと、そして明菜ちゃんも紅白に復活。とても嬉しい紅白でした。現在こちらは、午後4時29分。2015年も良い年となりますように!カテゴリー別記事一覧月別記事一覧
最近時間と心に余裕が出来ましたので、ほったらかしにしておいた、ブログの管理をまたし始めました。よく復活できました。(笑)随分前から、郵便も、オンラインでpostageの印刷、支払いが出来るようになって、料金もポストオフィスにもって行くよりも、少し安くなりました。しかし、日本への小包だけは、税関申請書見たいなものを書かないといけなかったので、ポストオフィスに持っていかないといかなければなりませんでした。ふとしたきっかけで今日、ポストオフィスのサイトをみていたら、オンラインでもラベルの印刷、郵便料金の支払いが出来、少し料金もディスカウント価格が利用できる様になっていました。2ヶ月に一回は、お友達に、サプリメントを送っているので、助かります。郵便料金は毎年上がっています。もちろん微々たるものですが、毎年上がるようになったので、今では、Forever Stamps,Prepaid Forever Envelope,boxなど、たとえ郵便料金が上がったとしても、規定の重さ以内なら、いつまででも使えるというものも何年か前に登場いたしました。出た最初の年は、使いもしないのに、買いだめで、沢山売れたことでしょう^^Forever Stampが売り出されてから、毎年1セントずつ上がっていて、普通の切手は、切手代が印刷されているので、切手代を覚えているのですが、Foreverスタンプは、Foreverと印刷されているせいで、いっつも、「今幾らで買えるんだっけ」と覚えられません。(笑) 郵便といえば、毎月の支払いで小切手を送るということによく使っていましたが、最近は、オンラインでクレジットカードや、デビットカードで払えたり、銀行が代行して小切手を送ってくれたりして、自分で送ることは少なくなりました。アメリカ在住も、17年と2ヶ月を過ぎました。カテゴリー別記事一覧月別記事一覧
明けましておめでとうございます。現在1月1日午前2時39分です。さてさて、今年の私の抱負は・・・嫌いな自分直して、もっと自分を好きになる・・・です。嫌いな自分というのは、やりたいと思っている事があり、そしてそれが十分出来る状態であるのに、やらないでいる自分のことです。今年はそれを少しずつクリアーして、もっと好きになれそうな気がします。^^そして、今年も英語しっかり頑張ります!あっちもこっちも世話が出来ないので、楽天で日記を書くことはほとんどないと思いますが、一緒に英語を頑張っている方の日記を読ませていただいてパワーをもらっています。今年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。^^bonchuckstory (^_^)
◆今日の英語(36) definitionword or phrasedefinition in Englishexample sentence1~であるのに対し(反して)~する)困難、むずかしさwhereasホゥェアあーずdifficulty in doingWhile on the contraryA laborious effort; a struggle; troubleJapanese language has 18 consonants, whereas English has 24 consonants.Japanese speakers may experience difficulty in producing.2発音、発声、話し方utteranceThe act of uttering; vocal expressionWord is that something said, an utterance, a remark or a comment.3~を捜し求めて寄席演芸in search ofvaudeville う゛ぉードヴィルan act of searchingStage entertainment offering a variety of short actsHe often goes to see vaudeville theather not only for pleasure but also in search of good jokes he can use in his own speeches.4条例ordinanceおーディナンスA statute or regulation, especially one enacted by a city government.The city of Birmingham has a new ordinance which will require lawn sprinklers to operate only overnight.5押収するseize すぃーズconfiscateU.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers had seized more than $35,000 of Ecstasy and methamphtamine from a vehicle entering the U.S..6〈特に将来の事を〉想像する,心に描く;…に思いを巡らすenviionto picture in the mind, imagineI can envision a context in which this would be a correct sentence.7あいまいさambiguityDoubtfulness or uncertainty as regards interpretationThis is quite tricky. There are always ambiguities when translating sentences out of context8(能力が)さびついた,落ちた,鈍くなった,衰えたrustyWeakened or impaired by neglect, disuse, or lack of practiceMy English is a bit (tad) rusty.9事件のない,波乱のない,無事平穏な比較的に、割りにuneventfulrelativelyLacking in significant events, occurring without disruptionIn a relative manner; in comparison with something elseThankfully, the rest of the evening was relatively uneventful.10過剰に負担を負わせるoverburdeningoverloadingThink about choosing curses that will complement your other selections without overburdening you in any one skill category.11〈心・人などに〉重くのしかかる,重圧感を与えるoppressto weigh heavily onI'm oppressed with worry.12飲食物をずるずると吸い込むことslurp スらぁープto eat something noisilyYou can make noise slurping your noodle.13(態度が)無礼なflippantフりっペントッMarked by disrespectful levity or casualnessWhat is worse than his lack of parting etiquette are his flippant responses to your requests14目に付きやすいconspicuouseasy to noticePlace the document in a conspicuous location accessible to everyone.15(命令、指示など)に応じてin compliance withcomplying with a wish, request, or demandThis product must be installed in strict compliance with the enclosed installtion instructions.16一家族用の一戸建てsingle family detachedRelating to or being a dwelling designed for one family onlyMy house type is single family detached.17鍵をかけられる入れ物にしまい込むlock upput something in a container having a lock.lock up prescriptions(drugs)18パーティの客人party-goersguest for a partyParty-goers can not leave and return.19門限curfewsThe time to be home.Recognize compliance with curfews.20(飲食,買い物を)しまくることbingeA period of excessive or uncontrolled indulgence in food or drinkBinge drinking of alcohol (more than 5 drinks in a row) has even more alarming physical damage.
◆今日の英語(35) definitionword or phrasedefinition in Englishexample sentence1のろわれた、たたられた好都合に)恵まれるcursedfavored withSo wicked and detestable as to deserve to be cursedto have something fortunatelyMaybe I'm cursed to not have fair weather.I'm not favored with fair weather when I have special events.2(表現が)あからさまの,率直なsexually explicitせぇクシュアリィ エクスぷりシットッDescribing sexual activityHe was part of an Internet sexual misconduct sting where police said he engaged in sexually explicit chats with an officer posing as a 13 year-old male3逃げるfleeTo run away fromDeputies said a man walked into the bank and announced to a teller that it was a hold-up. Witnesses said the man fled the building with the cash and drove away in an aqua-colored compact car.4痛々しい体験~への途中でordealen route topainful experienceon the way toA woman trapped in a submerged SUV tries to recall an ordeal. Her family thinks she swerved to miss a deer on that rainy night while en route to her grandmother's house.5状態が~までよくなるupgrade toTo raise to a higher grade or standardThe girl was shot in the stomach and has been upgraded to stable condition.6~を詳細に調べる、吟味するscrutinizeTo examine or observe with great care; inspect criticallyEyeball is to look over carefully, scrutinize, and also is to measure or estimate roughly by sight.7〔文法〕屈折,語形変化声[音調]の変化,抑揚inflectionAn alternation of the form of a word by adding affixesAlteration in pitch or tone of the voiceCadence is a falling inflection of the voice, as at the end of a sentence.Modulation is a change in stress, pitch, loudness, or tone of the voice; an inflection of the voice.8連音音の高さa liaisona pitchPronunciation of the usually silent final consonant of a word when followed by a word beginning with a vowel.The relative position of a tone within a range of musical sounds.(省略)9~を当然の事と思うtake it for granted that...Think that it's natural.Don't take it for granted that the "experts" know everything.10(歌・物語などの)一片,小片,断片snatchA small amount; a bit or fragmentI read it when I was a child, but I only remember snatches of the story.11…としたらどうなるだろうかたとえ…でもなんでもない[かまうもんか]What if....?What would occur if; suppose that.What does it matter ifWhat if all the students fail?They won't object, and anyway, what if they do?12発音の仕方;(明瞭(めいりょう)な)話し方,(はっきりした)発声enunciationarticulation(省略)13越権(行為)arrogationtaking or claim for oneself without right(省略)14取調べ、尋問interrogationexamining by questioning formally or officially(省略)15暴動(行為)insurgence, riot, insurrectionThe action or an instance of rebellion(省略)16偽名,仮名,(特に著作者の)雅号,筆名(略:pseud.)ペンネームpseudonym すードニム allonym あロニムA fictitious(フィクてぃシャス) name assumed by an author; a pen name(省略)17飾るadornto decorateThe walls of the restaurant are adorned with beautiful French paintings.18空間に関するspatial or spacialrelating to spaceThe American Medical Association found that teens who used alcohol scored worse on vocabulary, visual-spatial tests (the ability to think in pictures and images), and memory test.19性交intercoursesexTeens who use alcohol are more likely to become sexually active at earlier ages. to have sexual intercourse more often, and to have unprotected sex than teens who do not drink.20一歩も引かないhold one's grounddon't budge an inchHold your ground! Don't provide, ignore or exsuse the use of alcohol with kids.
◆今日の英語(34) definitionword or phrasedefinition in Englishexample sentence1相性がいい親和力have a natural affinityアふぃ二ティappetencyPasta and seafood have a natural affinity2(人に)親しみを覚えるfeel a sence of companionship for someonefeel friendly toward someoneI feel a sence of companionship for them.3専門的知識expertiseエクスパてぃーズ(発音注意)Skill or knowledge in a particular areaFreestyle: A competition, as in figure skating, skiing, or surfing, in which any maneuver or movement is allowed and competitors are judged on their artistic expression, acrobatic skill, and athletic expertise.4器用さmaneuverA movement or procedure involving skill and dexterityデクスたぁゥリティ↑5~に対して劣等感をいだくfeel inferior toインふぃァリァLow or lower in order, degree, or rankHe secretly feels inferior to others.6劣等感inferiority complexA persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensationHe has an inferiority complex.7劣等感などを克服しようとする過度な行動overcompensationExcessive compensation, especially the exertion of effort in excess of that needed to compensate for a physical or psychological characteristic or defectNeurotic behavior is an overcompensation for feelings of inferiority8大学、就職が決まると成績を上げる必要がなくなって怠慢になることSenioritisSlacking off during their senior year.After you get accepted into college, your grades in high school don't matter anymore, so you tend to slack off for the remainder of the year. It's the same in college after you get a job. These are seniorities.9縛られたboundtiedA police found a bound body of a woman in a home on G Street on the city's southwest side.10激論、口論altercationA vehement quarrelう゛ぃーアメント(激しい)After an altercation broke out, police said Mark went inside and got a gun and fatally shot a gas station owner, Brian, 45, in the forehead.11応ずるcomplyTo act in accordance with another's command, request, rule, or wishPeople who comply with the writers' demands are told to tie one balloon to their mailbox, and the other to their house.12騙されやすい、担がれやすいgullibleがぁらボルEasily deceived or dupedIt is a ploy to scam thousands of dollars from gullible people, police said.13水鳥waterfowlswater birds, especially swimming birds, such as ducks, geeseI like watching waterfowls in a lake.14立派なnobleHaving or showing qualities of high moral character, such as courage, generosity, or honorYou're very noble to do something like this.151(ほめて)(才能などが)多芸多才の、融通のきく2(ほめて)(物などが)多用途の、万能の3(気持ち・政策などが)気まぐれなversatileう゛ぁーシァトル1. Capable of doing many things competently2. Having varied uses or serving many functions: "The most versatile of vegetables is the tomato."3. Variable or inconstant; changeable: a versatile temperamenta ~ artist 多才な芸術家 a ~ instrument 万能道具a ~ disposition 移り気な性格16(日曜日ごとに)教会へ通う人,熱心な信者churchgoerOne who attends church (on every Sunday)Chuchgoer want to "investigated" priest back.17着服、横領、使い込みembezzlementTaking (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of a trustThe priest has been investigated as part of an embezzlement case.18大司教[大主教,大監督]管区archdiocese アーキだいぁシスThe district under an archbishop's jurisdictionThe priest was investigated, but never charged with anything. The Archdiocese of Montee said he did not follow procedures as parish (教会区)administrator.19雰囲気をかもし出すgive it an ambiance (ambience)create an atomosphereThe traditional design of this inn gives it a very romantic ambiance.20お金をもっていないbe brokehaven't got a pennyWell, I wish I could go with you, but to tell the truth, I'm broke today.
◆今日の英語(33) 2~16はIncome Tax Return (確定申告)の申請書類の中に書かれていた英単語です。 definitionword or phrasedefinition in Englishexample sentence1いずれにせよat any rateWhatever the case may be.At leastAt any rate, it is a proven fact that he did not take that train.2担保(For loan)、担保物件securitesSomething deposited or given as assurance of the fulfillment of an obligation; a pledgeDid you sell any securities not reported on your 1099-B?3(負債、損失、罰などを)負う、こうむる、受ける、背負い込むincursustainDid you incur any casualty or theft losses during the year?4損害casualtyOne that is harmed or eliminated as a result of an action or circumstance↑5召使の仕事domestic serviceservant, menialDid you pay in excess of $1,000 in any quarter, or $1,500 during the year for domestic services performed in or around your home to individuals who could be considered household employees?6信託trustA combination of firms or corporations for the purpose of reducing competition and controlling prices throughout a business or an industryDid you create or transfer money or property to a foreign trust?7懲罰的損害保証金punitive damageThe money of the damages awarded by a court against a defendant as a deterrent or punishment to redress an egregious wrong perpetrated by the defendantHave you received a punitive damage award or an award for damages other than for physical injuries or illiness?8(物資、役務などの)交換取引をするbarterTo trade goods or services without the exchange of moneyDid you engage in any bartering transaction?9〈財産権などが〉延期された,据え置きのdeferredWithheld until a future dateDid you receive deferred retirement or severance compensation?10(雇用の)契約解除、退職severanceretirement↑11報酬金compensationSomething, such as money, given or received as payment or reparation↑12~に関して(は)with respect towith (all) dueWith respect to any trust you have created or for which you are the trustee, have any beneficiaries died during 2007?13免除exemptionOne that is exemptedPlease list the years for which a release of claim to exemption is given for a dependent child not living with you.14片付ける、人に譲る、売り払う、~を捨てるdispose ofTo transfer or part with, as by giving or selling., to get rid of; throw outDis you dispose this buisiness?15源泉徴収税、源泉課税withholding (tax)A portion of an employee's wages or salary withheld by the employer as partial payment of the employee's income taxA substantial change in your withholding?16かなりのsubstantialConsiderable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extent↑17(人を)しょげさせるdeflatディフれいトッTo reduce or lessen the size or importance of:dashIt sounds like you feel deflated more because of your pearents' nagging18壊血病scurvyスかぁーヴィA disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by spongy and bleeding gums, bleeding under the skin, and extreme weaknessHealthy people eat balanced meals. But not people like this, might get scurvy.19~に関して、~についてwith (in) respect to~, ~ in respect of ~with[in]regard to ~,in regard of ~With respect to your application, we are sorry to say that we cannot hire you.20完全に,まったく,もっぱら,全面的にwhollycompletely, entirelyFor many years I bounced among the three cultures, trying on each but never being wholly comfortable.
◆今日の英語(32) definitionword or phrasedefinition in Englishexample sentence1把握するpin downTo fix or establish clearlyHowever, living off campus involves costs, like furnishings, utilities, and groceries that are hard to pin down.2〈事・物が〉抑えられない,抵抗できない;圧倒的なirresistibleイリじスタボォルimposible to resistThe urge to get overly involved can be practically irresistible.3ぐずぐず遅らせる急降下する子孫衝動、本能和らげるもの容易にするprocrastinateプロくラスティねイトswoopすうープoffspringinstincta bufferpave the way toTo put off doing somethingTo make a rush as if with a sudden sweeping movementThe progeny or descendants of a personAn inborn pattern of behaviorSomething that lessens the shock of an impactTo make progress or development easierParents faced with a child who procrastinates, or even one who doesn't, some parents cross the line between helping and hovering. You've probably heard of these "helicopter parents" in the media. They're overprotective and have been known to swoop in at the first sign of their offspring's distress or independence. The instinct is understandable; every parent wants to be a buffer to life's pain and help pave the way to achievement.4〈栄誉などを〉(人に)授ける,贈る,与えるbestow onベスとぉウ通例目上の人から与える場合に用いるTo present as a gift or an honor; conferThe Presidential Award is very prestigious and is the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning independent careers.5まっとうなdecentadequateRight now my biggest personal dream is to get decent at speaking English.6保管場所となるhouseto keep or storeThis databace houses student's assesment data.7およそ、約circa すぁーカin approximately, aboutCirca 1920’s-1950’s music cd’s8急に活気付く怯えさせる元気づけるspring into actiondauntingreassureTo appear or come into being quicklydiscouragingTo restore confidence toEvery fall, almost two million students begin working on their college applications, and parents spring into action. What's the best way to help your child through this daunting process and resist the urge to do the work yourself? First, reassure your child that this is a challenge that can be overcome; all it takes is a little organization.9不都合なものdrawbackA disadvantage or inconvenienceEarly action plans are less restrictive, but also have some drawbacks.10微調整、つねる(ひねる)事tweakA sharp, twisting pinch, fine-tuneYour English is very advanced, so the corrections I made are really just tweaks that will further improve it11(言葉表現が)差別的でないpolitically correct PCnot discriminativePolitical correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term used to describe language, ideas, policies, or behavior seen as seeking to minimize offense to racial, cultural, or other identity groups.12国外居住者expatriate エクスぺぃトゥリエイトResiding in a foreign country.Expatriate Democrats voting at a hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, gave the early nod to Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton, 75 percent to 25.13じろじろみる、目分量で測るeyeballTo look over carefully; scrutinize. To measure or estimate roughly by sighI eyeballed the area of the wall that needed paint.14〈人を〉(…で)苦しめる逸話的burdenanecdotalアネクどぉートァルoppressOf, characterized by, or full of anecdotesI've often heard the opposite happens, where doctors don't tell their patients what's wrong in the first place so as not to burden them or something. That's anecdotal though so it's probably not true. 15慈善の心に富だ、情け深いbenevolent バァねヴォレントッCharacterized by or suggestive of doing good.Of, concerned withMedecine is a benevolent art.16変装するdisguiseディスがぁーィズwear or dress something to trickIf you don't want anyone to recognize you, I suppose you could wear a disguise or something.17〈人・乗り物が〉(…に)ぶつかるcollide withコァらイド本来は動いているもの同士の衝突をいうTo come together with violent, direct impact.現在は片方が静止している場合にも用いるWhile kids many love trampolines, they are very dangerous and do not make good toys. Injuries are caused by colliding with another person, landing improperly, or falling off the rampoline or onto the frame.18so on の形式ばった言い方so forthAnd similarly; and continuing in a like mannerThere are apples, lemons, bananas and so forth on the table.19〈ビジネスなどが〉もうかる,有利な,金になるlucrativeるークァティブProducing wealth; profitableUnfortunately, there are many reasons why young people tend to avoid traditional things these days: traditions are old-fashioned, unpopular, and not very lucrative.20(人、物を)危うくするimperil インぷぇラァオendangerimperil my life
◆今日の英語(31) definitionword or phrasedefinition in Englishexample sentence1空気恐怖症,恐気症:気体の流れや異常状態を極度に恐れる症状aerophobiaエアロふぉービアAn abnormal fear of air, especially draftsMy mother gave up to fly to Hokkaido, because she have aerophobia.2高所恐怖症acrophobiaアクロふぉービアAn abnormal fear of high placeI don't want to ride the roller coaster, because I have acrophobia.3〈人が〉(…を)容易に信じない,疑って《 of, about, at... 》incredulousインくれジュラスskepticalShe is still incredulous of the fact.4菓子製造業洋菓子屋confectionaryA confectioner's shop, they produce sweet snacks, such us candies, cakes.This cake is made by one of our favorite confectionary.5(前言の訂正に用いて)少なくとも,ともかくも.?orに続くことが多いat any rateWhatever the case may beAt leastThis plan should revive(復興) the economy, or at any rate create more jobs.6まとめて整理するconsolidateカンさぁラディトTo unite into one system or whole; combineWe will consolidate your questions by topic so they are concise.7〈言葉・文体・人が〉簡潔な,簡明なconciseカンさイズExpressing much in few words; clear and succinct(サクしんクトッ)↑8今日的な意義のあるrelevantmeaningful for the timeOur counselors will present material appropriate to each grade level. They would like this to be as relevant as possible, so we are asking parents to submit questions in advance.9~に関連するpertain torelateThe main guideline for questions is that they pertain to students in general, not personal ones which would apply only to your son or daughter.10自分の意思でof one's own free willat one's own discretion, at the discretion of ~He changed his job of his own free will.11判断discretionFreedom to act or judge on one's ownHe used his discretion.12少しだけ顔を出すlook in ondrop in onWe're going out now. Please look in on the baby every hour13(人など)を得るwinto gain peopleThe sales staff is working on a summer sales campaign to win new clients.14《米》(地方教育委員会の)教育長superintendentA person who has the authority to supervise or directThe guest speaker for this evening is Dr. XXX, superintendent.15時間が許せばif time permitsIf there is time to somethingThe couselors will answer all advance questions first, but wil be happy to also answer any additional ones, if time permits.16用心するbe on the lookout forobserving or keeping watchThere are many reputable services out there, you need to be on the lookout for the telltale signs of a scam.17秘密を暴露する人telltale or tattletaleOne who informs on another↑18病弊,悪弊,悪癖病気maladyめぁラディAn unwholesome conditionIf your child once motivated, energetic child seems to be coasting toward high school graduation, the problem could be senioritis. This all-too-common malady causes even the most dedicated students to slack off and tune out their senior year.19~勢いを弱めるslack offTo decrease in activity or intensity↑20道徳的に有害な、健康に悪いunwholesomeInjurious to physical, mental, or moral health; unhealthyA malady is an unwholesome condition.
◆今日の英語(30) definitionword or phrasedefinition in Englishexample sentence1食い道楽,グルメ;料理好きfoodieふーディA person who has an ardent interest in food; a gourmetI'm also a bit of a foodie.2熱狂的なardentあーデントッDisplaying or characterized by strong enthusiasm or devotionan ardent fan3すでに体験して所持してunder one's beltIn one's possession or experienceI have one semester under my belt so far, so I'm pretty new.4今までのところso farup to the present moment↑5〔文法〕(代名詞などが指し示す)先行詞antecedentGrammar. The word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refersIt might be a good idea to establish just who "we" is and give your pronoun an antecedent in the title of your entry.6混乱させるmuddledconfusedThe problem lies with the fact that the middle of your sentence sounds a bit muddled.7あら探しをするnit-pickypicking nits(シラミなど寄生虫の卵、幼虫)Most of my fixes were nit-picky.8~と仲良く付き合うkeep company withget along withPaula keeps good company with Terry, but she doesn't think she'll ever marry him.9適用、応用~を加えるapplication of~The act of putting something to a special use or purposeI can supplement my language studies with interesting reading, real-life application of grammatical principles, and level-headed discussion.10分別のある、穏健なlevel-headedsencible, moderate↑11(語呂(ごろ)合わせの)なぞ,判じ物;難問 conundramカなぁンドュラムA riddle in which a fanciful question is answered by a pun.A paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemmapose a conundram12食べられない食用に不適なinedibleインえディブルUnfit to be eaten; not ediblea tachibana; an inedible green citrus fruit native to Japan13…であるのに対して[反して];…であるのに,としても,ところが,実はwhereasフゥェアアズIt being the fact that; inasmuch as.While at the same time.While on the contrary.He drives to school, whereas I always walk.14~だから、~ゆえに~の限りではinasmuch asインアズまっチアズsince, becauseinsofar as"whereas" means inasmuch as.15ほのめかすimplyTo express or indicate indirectlyAre you implyng that I am a thief?16言外の意味,含蓄,含意;(語の)第二義的[情的]意味connotationカナてぃションThe set of associative implications constituting the general sense of a word in addition to its literal sense.Depending on the context, the word "fight" will have a little different connotation.17げんこつでの殴りあいfistfightA fight with the bare fists"The two guys got into a fight." or "There was a fight."This probably means a fistfight, but it could just be an argument. You'd need to hear more of the story to know for sure.18感動的な、人の心を動かすtouchingEliciting or capable of eliciting sympathy or tenderness, movingThat was a touching story. It's always a pleasure to read your mixture of inspiring, serious and witty entries.19(潜んでいるものを)~から引き出すelisite エりぃシットッTo bring or draw out (something latent),To call forth (a reaction, for example)"Touching" means eliciting or capable of eliciting sympathy or tenderness.20~であると分かるperceiveパァしぃーヴapprehend(アプリへんドッ)Perceive the difference between right and wrong.
◆今日の英語(29) definitionword or phrasedefinition in Englishexample sentence1需要(人気)のあるsought-afterbeing searched for, in great demandThis is a sought-after item.2(…するのを)思いとどまらせる(やめさせる)deterto prevent or discourage from actingI don’t think it would deter me from coming back to the shop, as long as they took care of the incident.3~ということであればas long asunder the condition↑4~罪で罪状認否を求められるbe arraigned on a charge [charges] of...Law. To call (an accused person) before a court to answer the charge made against him or her by indictment, information, or complaint.We have learned a 19-year-old man will be arraigned on misdemeanor charges on Tuesday.5起訴、告発indictment インだイトメントッaccusationHe is under indicment for robbery.6~したい気分だfeel like ~ingwant to do somethingI feel like playing tennis.7期待の成果を上げるpay offachieve a success that was expectedThank you for all of your hard work. It certainly paid off with a wonderful show!8ほのめかす引喩するallude to アるードッTo make an indirect referenceThe high school will also be piloting a new English course first hour that will examine the use of religious texts as they are alluded to in literary works.9(好まない結果に)陥るincur インかぁcome into (something usually undesirable)You will incur a penalty if you don't pay the remaining balance by end of month.10ひるむ、たじろぐ(寒さなどで)縮み上がるwince atflinch, shrink withI winced at his rude manner.11最も効果的にする、楽観するoptimizeto make as perfect or effective as possible, to make the most ofShare safety information with your family to optimize safety in your home.12急に曲がるswerveto turn aside or be turned aside from a straight course.Never swerve when you see a deer. You can easily lose control and confuse deer as to which way to run.13~についてas toabout↑14胎児姿勢a fetal positiona medical term used to describe the positioning of the body of a prenatalfetusShe said she fell to the ground in a fetal position and told the attacker she would start screaming if he didn't leave her alone.15発見する、突き止めるspotTo detect or discern, especially visuallyA worker at the scrap yard told police he spotted the body about 9:30 a.m. along the inside fence, in a remote area of the property. 16検死autopsy オーたぉプシィExamination of a cadaver(カだぁバァ 解剖用の死体) to determine or confirm the cause of death.Autopsy results are expected in the next few days.17(じっとしていられないほど)神経を悩ます,いらいらさせるnerve-wrackingIntensely distressing or irritating to the nervesThe day before a test is nerve-wracking!18その機会にtake the chancetake the opportunityWhen I'm on holidays I take the chance to go to stay up late.19(人が〉(…から)(病後)徐々に回復する,快方に向かう( from... )convalesceカンバれぇスto return to health and strength after illinessI'm covalescing from an injury.20〈語・句・表現などが〉口語[話し言葉]の,口語[会話]体の,くだけた(informal)colloquialコウろクィアルCharacteristic of or appropriate to the spoken language or to writing that seeks the effect of speech; informal.collocuial expression
こちらも31日に日付が変わりました。^^時差なのでしょうがないけれど、毎年年末は特に日本のみんなから置いていかれるような感じがします。^^行かないで~♪^^今年1年、拙いブログにお越しくださった方、ありがとうございました。夏以来、私的に気忙しくなって、英語の勉強に集中できなくなってしまったけれど、皆さんに励まされて、細々と続けていたおかげで、成果も見られました。ありがとうございました。それでは、みなさん、よいお年をお迎え下さい。Have a Happy New Year!明日の朝は、早起きして紅白みま~す。^^
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMLong Conversation 1Get ready to listen to the following long conversation.A: Excuse me. Is this professor Wilson's office?B: Yes, it is. But she is on the another line. Would like to hold?A: About how long do you think she will be, I just want to set up an appointment to discuss my research paper with her.B: It's hard to say. If you leave your name and number though, I can have a TA to call you back to arrange the office visit. I know she usually has hours on Tuesday or Thursday afternoons from 3 to 5.A: Yes, that would be great! This is Make Philips at 333-555-3655.B: Okay. That's Miss Philips at 333-595-3655?A: No, it's 555-3655.B: Oh, sorry. Thanks. I will give her the message.
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMCD1 Lecture 20 (Campus Life & Popular Culture)Listen to a talk in a film class about Walt Disney.Walt Disney was born in 1901 in Chicago, but soon moved to a small farm near Marceline, Missouri.From these rural and rather humble beginnings, he later became one of the most famous and beloved motion picture producers in history.Although he died in 1966 his name and artistic legacy continue to influence the lives of millions of people throughout the world.lives lifeの複数形legacy 遺産、遺物After several years of barely making ends meet as a cartoon artist operating from his Los Angels garage, Disney had his first success in 1928 with his release of a Mickey Mouse cartoon.make ends meet 借金しないで(収入内で)暮らす、分相応に暮らすThroughout the next decade, he continued to produce a number of cartoons and developed more of these highly profitable and enduring creations, such as Donald Duck and Pluto.enduring 不朽のIn the late 1930s, he issued the first full-lengths cartoon film, Snow White became an instant commercial and critical success.This was only the first of many films both animated and not, produced by Disney and his studio, but as renowned as the Disney name is for cartoons and movies is probably best known for a string of spectacular amusement and theme parks.renowned 有名な、名高い、名声のあるa string of 一続きのStarting with California’s Disney Land in 1955, and culminating with the fantastically successful Disney World and Epcot Center in Florida, Disney became a household name.culminate 最高点に達するhousehold name よく知られるIn recent years the theme park concept has become international, and has been imitated if not always matched by many competitors.
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMCD1 Lecture 19 (Campus Life & Popular Culture)Listen to part of a television program doing a biography of Oprah Winfrey.Perhaps the most powerful woman in media today is Oprah Winfrey.To quote an old TV commercial when she talks, people listen and they’ve been listening in record numbers since our daytime talk show “Debut” in 1986.Since then, she has covered a broad range of topics from family issues and drug abuse to celebrity profiles.A shrewd business woman, Oprah has inspired trends in the market place simply by mentioning a product on the air.shrewd シュぅるードッ 敏腕の、洞察(どうさつ)力のある,鋭い、明敏な、賢明な、抜け目のないOn top of all this, she has battled with her weight and won while motivating many to make the connection.Oprah has also championed literacy and inspired thousands to read.As a result, she has single handedly propelled unknown authors to the top of the best seller list.All this power did not come easily however, born in a small town rural Mississippi on January 29th, 1954, Opera had a difficult childhood, but eventually over came many hardships.And at age 19, landed her first job as a radio reporter in Nashville, Tennessee where she attended college.In her sophomore year, she became the first African American anchor at WTBF TV in Nashville.After that, it was only a matter of time until she was hosting a talk show in Baltimore which led to her transfer to Chicago in 1984.Then in 1985, she received an Oscar nomination for her role in “The Color Purple”.Oprah is only the third woman in history after Mary Pickford and Lucille Ball to own a major studio from which she produces her talk show and numerous other projects.Recently she produced and starred in a movie version of Toni Morrison Pulitzer Prize winning novel “Beloved”.A billionaire today, she is now ranked as one of the highest paid entertainers in America according to Forbes Magazine.
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMCD1 Lecture 18 (Campus Life & Popular Culture)Listen to a lecture in a museum give a talk an American artist, Andy Warhol.Andy Warhol, known chiefly as a painter, was a leader of the pop art movement of the 1960s.chiefly 主にWorking in a collective known as “The Factory”, he used the process of silkscreening to reproduce recognized American cultural images and icons, such as soap-pad boxes and celebrity photographs.collective 集団、集合体、団体This mechanical process made the point that the painted image was mundane and the artist's detached.make a point 主張の正しさを力説するmundane現世の、世俗の、平凡な、ありきたりのdetached独立された 別離したWarhol is also known for as films, such as “Chelsea Girls” 1966, and “Blue Movie” 1969.Some of his movies are incredibly long more than 24 hours.incredibly 途方もないほどIn 1966, New York City, Warhol worked with The Factory, in a rock band, the “Velvet Underground” to produce a multimedia events called “Andy Warhol Up Tight”.He produced the Velvet Underground’s first album in 1967, and took part in the “Exploding Plastic Inevitable”.take part in ~に参加するA 12 person team that produces multimedia events combining film, photographs, music, lights, and dance.His main contributions to modern American art are his invention of the artist as an impersonal agent and his role as a catalyst for many other artists.impersonal 非人的catalyst きゃタリスト (触媒的な)要因となる人After he was shot nearly killed in 1968, Warhol was less active. He died in 1987
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMCD1 Lecture 17 (Campus Life & Popular Culture)Listen to part of talks given by a tour guide on a college campus.Hi, my name is Robert, and I will be your Miller college tour guide today.We only have 20 minutes before we have to go to the orientation lecture, so we will be speaking constantly and quickly as we cover as much of the campus ground as we can.But please don’t be shy. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to interrupt me at any point, just jump right in.And for those of you want to see more of the campus, I’ll meet you in front of the building after the talk is completed.Okay, let’s begin.First of all, on our left here you can see “Batson Library”, the main library on the campus.Batson was built in 1874 and is the oldest building on campus that is still used for its original purpose.It’s also one of our busiest buildings and is open 7 days a week, from 9 to 9, except on weekends when it closes at 7.Right behind Batson is the oldest building we have here.This is “Miller Hall” used today as a small art gallery that mainly displays student and faculty art shows.faculty ふぁカォルティ 学部、教職員On our right are the three main student class room buildings adjacent to each other.adjacent アじぇイセント 隣り合ったThese are known as the Stanley Trio since they were all funded by large donations from the industrialist Henry Stanley.Now if you follow me over the bridge over looking 6 Street, you can see “Kramer Dormitory”.The only dorm we have here since we only have a little over 700 students.It has been coed since 1989.Before that all the male students had to find off-campus housing.Today about half of our students body reside in the dorm which is mandatory for all freshman.
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMCD1 Introduction to the talks about campus life & popular cultureNow you will hear a series of talks from many different fields and from various media.These talks cover a wide variety of topics, including campus life and popular culture.They are similar to what you might hear while touring a college campus or while listening to a radio broadcast or an educational program on television.You may want to replay these tracks, and take notes on any words that you don’t understand.After every 4 talks, you will hear 5 vocabulary words taken from those talks with definitions and sample sentences from the talks.
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMCD1 Vocabulary PracticeNow, listen to some vocabulary words taken from the previous talks.Listen to each word as it is pronounced, and repeat it after the speaker.Then listen to the definition and an example sentence that you heard in the talk.#16 predatorsdefinition: those that prey upon, devour, or destroy others example: Other cnidarian are important as predators in the open ocean.devour ディばうワー むさぼり喰う#17 transparentdefinition: something that is see-through or clearexample: Jellyfish range in size from tiny transparent forms of a few millimeters across to huge undersea creatures 6 feet in diameter with 100 foot long tentacles.#18 secreted (secrete)definition: producing or releasing a liquid or substance.example: These very small tubes carried the bile that is continuously secreted by the liver cells#19 consequentlydefinition: as a resultexample: Even though with the smaller than the alligator in length, generally from 6 to 10 feet. It is considered more aggressive and consequently more dangerous by most people. #20 facilitatedefinition: make a situation or process easier or smotherexample: In circumstances which more air needs to be exhaled than normal, such as when blowing out candles on the birthday cake the abdominal muscles may contract to facilitate the exhalation.
KAPLANのTOEFL Listening Practice CD-ROMCD1 Lecture 16 (Biological Sciences)Listen to part of lecture on breathing given in a biology class.Though adults breathe 12 times a minute, breathing is so automatic that the average person hardly ever thinks about it.But how does it happen?The breathing process is quite complex and controlled by the medulla of the brain, in an area called the breathing centermedulla 髄The power required for breathing comes from the intercostals muscles and diaphragm.intercostals muscles 肋間筋diaphragm だいアフラム 横隔膜During quiet normal breathing inhalation or the intake of air occurs when the intercostals or thoracic muscle, the muscle within the rib cage contract, and the three dimensions of the chest expand allowing the expansion of the lungs.thoracic 胸部のrib cage 胸郭contract 引き締めるWhen the pressure inside the lungs increases, the air is exhaled.Interestingly, while inhalation during quiet breathing required muscle contraction, exhalation does not.interestingly 面白い事にIn circumstances which more air needs to be exhaled than normal, such as when blowing out candles on the birthday cake, the abdominal muscles may contract to facilitate the exhalation.While the basic breathing pattern remains the same, there can be variations depending on the location of the expansion during inhalation.Some people exhibit a large protrusion of the abdominal wall.protrusion 突出部They stick their stomach out, while others show more lateral expansion in the thoracic region.lateral 横に向ったThese two types of breathing are called diaphragmatic and thoracic, respectively.respectively それぞれに(語尾に用いる)A third type of breathing involved expanding the muscle of the extreme upper chest.People with this breathing pattern often lift their shoulders as their inhale.For this reason, this breathing type is known as clavicular relating to the clavicle.clavicle クらバコォル 鎖骨People who breathe in this manner may have an extensive tension in their throat and often few as though they can get it enough air due to their shallow breathing.
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