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Comments 私はピル輸出 これは、情報は何か新鮮なをこのブログを…
tcYuWpuNJ@ DwPInrIyxcxNxVYq 200701300000.. Smashing :)
AnBcanaDYFlsy@ eJpQGOGIGrmDMH 200512190000.. OMG! :)
qJJNysrGMAsMhahTf@ XlKTFXpRNcAk 200510260000.. Peachy :)
solar08 @ わははは ごぶさたしてまーす。お腹が痛くなるほど…
☆KlK☆ @ operaviewさん、遅レス申し訳無いです!!! リンク貼らせてもらって上にレスまで送れ…
☆KlK☆ @ モカちゃん、毎度の遅レスごめんねーっ!!! 今回は急におとーちゃんの出張の陣中見舞…
operaview@ ご紹介ありがとうございます 写真家です。
mocataro@ ほぉ~。 何やらものすごい舞台だったようですな。 …
☆KlK☆ @ お!ピカちゃん、フォローありがとーっ! 写真無くって困ってたんだわ! (いやだか…
Jun 5, 2008
カテゴリ: English only
Yeah I’ve been busy in May, and I feel really sorry for my hubby because…
1.) My hubby's b-day is in May
2.) I was too busy to fix fancy dinner
3.) I couldn’t afford to spend a lot of money on his b-day gift knowing I won’t be working for a while

In summary, I was a busy, cheap bastard back then (I’m a chap bastard with lots of time to spare now) so I got him a couple of ‘ Nosing Glass and fixed somewhat-fancier-than-usual meals over the weekend. See here?

フンパツ!ロブスターの刺し身! [1] Raw lobster! (sashimi)
ロブスターの味噌汁! [2] Lobster miso soup!
太刀魚の酢〆 [3] Raw cutlass fish! (sashimi)
生春巻きセット! 生春巻き!
[4] Vietnamese egg roll!

*Note: Vietnamese egg roll is NOT the egg roll you know. Your egg roll skin is made of flours and is deep fried, but this one is made of rice paper and is not heated. My friend, Pika-chan brought powder dressing (I used for the dip) from Berlin, Germany, and white asparagus is a staple agricultural product of Germany (but this one grew in Japan…oh well, better food mileage), uncured ham originated in Italy (now produced in Japan), Ah, the ingredients got nothing what-so-freaking-ever to do with Vietnam!! Maybe lettuce? They eat lettuce in Vietnam? Yes?

Anyhoo, I made lots of other stuff but they are all too hard-core Japanese and you prob’ly won’t appreciate detailed description, so I won’t go into that. Oh, my younger sis and her hubby and the kids are visiting me next week and I’ll be sure to fill you in on details!

Love ya!


ココで言った通り コメントスパム対策のため、『http://』を含むコメント・トラバを受け付けていません。お手数ですが、URLを入力する際には『http://』の部分を消してからコメントして下さい!
Like I told you HERE , I am not accepting comments that include "http://" to keep those frickin' spammers away! If you wanna give me a web address, be sure to delete "http://" before you post your responses!


Last updated  Jun 5, 2008 04:21:21 PM
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