まあ僕がそれだけ日本を離れていたのは、数年前に失った僕の最愛の友人の事に触れたくなかったからだと思います。Hideのことは、未だに名前を口にするだけでも悲しくなります。 そんな中、今年の初めに行われたX JAPAN Film Gigコンサートで、久しぶりにステージに立ち、そこにいたファンの人達の顔を見ていたら、日本でもまたアーティスト活動を始めたいと思い始めました。
理由はたくさんあります。まず最初に思ったのはもちろん今まで僕を応援してきてくれたXファンの人達の気持ち、そして今回の決断を下したglobeのメンバーたちへのglobeファンの気持ち、ていうか、僕の参加は本当にglobeにとってプラスになるのか、ただの話題作りだけで終ってしまわないか、また何年も僕の事(Violet UK etc…)を待ってくれている自分のファンのみんなに何て言えばいいのか、僕はその他にも色々なプロジェクトを任されているので時間配分はどうすればいいのか、それに加えて今僕の手は腱鞘炎でろくにピアノも弾けないし、そんな状況の中、globeのレコーディングが始まりました。
I really care about you, because without your support I could not have lived. Because of you, I am still able to continue as an artist, so don't worry, I'm still Yoshiki, still X Japan's Yoshiki. The spirit runs in my blood, whatever I do and wherever I am. I'll do my best to create music that is meaningful. Also, I am continuously working on Violet UK because Violet UK will be my second project since X Japan, and also the last project in my lifetime. Meanwhile, let me enjoy globe. They are friends of mine and I would like to support them as much as I can. This may sound a little too selfish, but I have been working on Violet UK so hard, and for such a long time, I've gotten lost in it many times. But my fans, I mean you guys, and your warm words made me find the light whenever I was lost. That is why I could keep working on Violet UK till this day. I think the goal is near, but who knows, because the producer is me, "Yoshiki." This guy can't compromise when it comes to his music. Do you understand what I'm talking about? I've been fighting inside because there are several "Yoshikis" in me. But in the end, I will let him bring you music that is beautiful and beyond outrageous, whether it will be popular or not. So please wait another 10 years…..I'm joking. I hope that day will come sooner, maybe even early next year. By the time I finish Violet UK, I would love to visit the countries where my fans are. I can't wait to see you, because I love you, "I love you all."