Scratcher Joined 8 years, 4 months ago United States
About me
Who cares about being famous, anyway?
Account sponsored by Roadkill Cafe.
"You kill 'em, we grill 'em!"
What I'm working on
My latest project is "Get Off My Lawn v1.0." Play it. Or don't. It's up to you.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (38)
View all- Get Off My Lawn (v1.0) by AidenBug
- Spar [MOBILE FRIENDLY]: A Simple Game by AidenBug
- Sword Duel (vs. bot) by AidenBug
- Prologue: The Game by AidenBug
- Seagull Simulator v2.0 by AidenBug
- [Mobile Friendly] Capture the Flag v1.0 by AidenBug
- Swipe Detector (but infinite directions) by AidenBug
- AidenBug remix - Never Gonna Give You Up by AidenBug
- Crash Scratch by AidenBug
- Seagull Simulator by AidenBug
- AidenBug Plays Duck Obby by AidenBug
- So You've Decided to Make a Platformer by AidenBug
- Repost if you've done these by AidenBug
- the cave by AidenBug
- Tennis 2-Player by AidenBug
- Spider-Man: the Scratch Game by AidenBug
- AidenBug Fighters (Lamer Than It Sounds) by AidenBug
- Lag Generator by AidenBug
- Mr. Boi's Labyrinth 3D by AidenBug
- Stupid Beetles by AidenBug
Favorite Projects
View all- Punch-Out But Excessively Difficult by MISTERMASTER77
- Super Mario Bros. (4 Levels) #games by chipm0nk
- -Legend of the Stick- by Player-64
- Friendly Shark (game) by Castle_Hippopotamus
- Noodle Neck (mobile friendly) by Artsygirlforlife
- Paper Wars 3D by BrowserGamez
- Baba Is You engine (SBO edition) v3.0.3 by Sad_Bread_Official
- Baba is you v1.0 || Scratch Remake by GonSanVi
- I saw @-heron-'s one level platformer and made this by FamousMasterXian
- Non-Euclidean Lemon Grab Raycaster by -Rex-
- Non-Euclidean Lemon Grab Experiment by griffpatch
- Tetracal - Modern Tetris by --HyperZ--
- Cuphead OST (All Boss Themes) by acuo12
- AI Obstacle Navigation Demo by griffpatch_tutor
- Will_Wam Text Engine by Will_Wam
- beat boxer by illogicalapple
- Gotta Go Fax 3D | Endless Runner v0.4 by JYg3_
- Atari Adventures - A Retro Platformer by KettleClog by KettleClog
- Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon Music Playlist by SqueakyCleanStudios
- Tale of the Fiery Dragon v2.1b by griffpatch
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View all- The Studio.
- 700+ followers contest [X-trophy]
- theCharpy Fanclub
- [FREE SHOUTOUTS™] Charpy's Empire (official fanclub)
- Super TD Is BACK!
- ✩ B.P.S ✩ [Best Project of Scratch]
- New Game contest! 500+ =D
- Pokestar Studios
- Duck and Co.
- M.A. Games
- add games!!!
- Raise Awareness of the Message glitch
- Pokéstar Studios!
- Infinite Curators!
- Please Vote!
- Eoxygen Fan, Friend, And Follower Club!
- AidenBug Studios
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