Scratcher Joined 7 years, 2 months ago Italy
About me
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (39)
View all- Scratch Telegram Bot by DavideGamer38
- Media dei numeri by DavideGamer38
- Rilevatore frase palindroma by DavideGamer38
- Text To Speech Engine With Lip-Sync International by DavideGamer38
- Ultra Zoom hack by DavideGamer38
- House remix Fixed by DavideGamer38
- Gravity Enemy by DavideGamer38
- Writer by DavideGamer38
- Bounce (BETA) by DavideGamer38
- AI learn to guide TEST by DavideGamer38
- Color by DavideGamer38
- Nightmare by DavideGamer38
- Distance from Sprite without distance block by DavideGamer38
- Relaxing ScreenSaver 100% Pen by DavideGamer38
- Arrow 75% Pen [HARD] by DavideGamer38
- Anti Slider by DavideGamer38
- 3D by DavideGamer38
- Start/Stop Detector and Special Sensors by DavideGamer38
- Player List by DavideGamer38
- Intro Template by DavideGamer38
Favorite Projects
View all- Katachi Game (polygon fusion) by 360Genius
- Ghost Duet (FIX PENDING) by -Mico
- Is it Possible? (Collab) remix by Max--X
- Voxel World Attempt by Java_Programmer
- 3D Perlin Noise Terrain Engine v3 by Layzej
- Media dei numeri by DavideGamer38
- CatSource - Open library of Scratch sprites by Locness
- Spring Physics by HowToLogic
- Tutorial - come rimediare all'eliminazione di alcune funzioni di scratch 2.0 by primierotto
- Pen Platformer by -Rex-
- 100% Pen Interactive Rope by DAT_BEEEST
- Bounce (BETA) by DavideGamer38
- Swing [Game + Level Editor] V1.3 by bigha002
- INTERACTIVE mouse trail tutorial by okthisisgood
- Text Wave by nXIII
- Car Physics (Simulation game) by HappyClasher
- Perfect Circle by Archone
- Scratch Hacks by Deathstriding
- City World 2 - City Simulator by macio6
- THE RAINBOW ART by CouvreurM
Studios I'm Following
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- The Fhawkerlis fanclub
- Projects That Need To Be Featured
- VR
- The Game Creators
- Designers
- Bounce!
- Recommended/Recently Viewed Projects
- Blender
- 3D Projoct Contest
- Machine Learning
- [OLD] Propose Projects to be Featured
- Game Developers Inc.
- ☁ Cloud Data ☁
- Coding Kingdom
- pladeform
- GAMES _è-'"(('('('(((''''""""éé&²²&é&
- Cloud Projects ☁
- 3D Tutorials a la Scratch-Minion
- PawPaw Animal Society Studio Contest!
Studios I Curate
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- Join my army UvU
- e
- h
- Art contest ( due date is 2/20/19 )
- roblox club by wolfrocket
- animation club by wolfrocket
- Chat with scratches and game studio
- Anything Club
- This Studio Is To Just Chat! :)
- Ghost Tails
- #The Anything/Advertising Studio
- The studio of 2020
- F4F & advertising studio ( Read description )
- Puppyloverklea's followers studio! ruff!
- The TBC Pros
- I am a savage squid lol S A V A G E B O I
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