Scratcher Joined 2 years, 2 months ago Italy
About me
Ciao sono Niky mi piacciono molto le anime, studio pianoforte e amo molto la musica
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (26)
View all- Spero che vi piacca <3 by Nikylove_anime
- Quale?? :O by Nikylove_anime
- Grazie a tutti!! :) by Nikylove_anime
- Scusate per l'assenza...(´。_。`) by Nikylove_anime
- BUON PESCE D'APRILE (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ by Nikylove_anime
- I BTS (´・ω・`) by Nikylove_anime
- La mia voce e mio fratello notiziona!!! by Nikylove_anime
- speciale 10 followers!!!! <3 :3 by Nikylove_anime
- Nezuko <3 by Nikylove_anime
- Vi piaccio? <3 by Nikylove_anime
- TG Frog & sus con zuimamagam3s by Nikylove_anime
- I love roblox!♡! by Nikylove_anime
- Provate a capire cosa ho detto!♡! by Nikylove_anime
- C'è una sorpresa per voi!! by Nikylove_anime
- Grazie ragazzi! by Nikylove_anime
- Seguitemi!!!!!!!!!!! by Nikylove_anime
- Seguite MidoNina!!!! by Nikylove_anime
- Dite la verità! :( by Nikylove_anime
- La mia vita!!! Anteprima!!!! by Nikylove_anime
- Dovrei fare una serie TV? by Nikylove_anime
Favorite Projects
View all- chipy bird by zuimamagam3s
- Pong V1.4 by --CHA0S--
- SPERO CHE LO LEGGIATE!!! by Nikylove_anime
- Don't touch the building by Nikylove_anime
- LENGTH Platformer『縦』 ver 1.5 by hgjkcjlv
- Pusheen~ A Platformer [Mobile Friendly!] #games #all #trending #animations #music #games #all by aear_lee-3
- FLAP2 by 9cj9
- Tsuyu disegnata da me, prima e dopo..... IL MIO 100 PROGETTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO by RidenShogan
- Whopper Whopper (Animated) #trending #all #animations #stories #art #music by IncognitoOrange
- City Run #Games #All (Entry) by yoshihome
- Among us #trending#popular#game by superbpokemon
- Platformer -Drow by -Drow
- [#2]らくがきぷくもの大冒険! - Doodle Pukumo's adventure! V2 by Mo-Puku
- [LESS LAG] Rotato || #trending #all #games #music #art #stories by theCharpy
- ☁️TOWER OF FUN☁️ #trending #all #games #art #music #all #animations #Tutorials by Switch4FortNite
- ブルーアドベンチャー The Blue Adventure #Trending #Popular #Games #Game by 9cj9
- Volcano a Platformer #all#trending#games by FireGames11
- Giornale della galleria by Nikylove_anime
- I BTS (´・ω・`) by Nikylove_anime
- Terminalgamer mode by terminalgamer
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
View all- I miei fan (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ By Nikylove_anime
- ? --
- PG2028 F4F
- イラスト&命名コンテスト開催!! ll Illustration & Naming contest!!
- ベクター絵まとめ!!/Summary of vector illustrations byMo-Puku
- PG2028 Pangolino2028 Followers gallery
- PG2028 Add All Projects
- PG2028 Try to get famous
- Studio Italiano, studiamo l'Italia!!!
- I miei ammiratori :) - My admirers :)
- Fan di Zuimamagam3s
- Solo chi è ITA si può unire!
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