Scratcher Joined 5 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
I've moved to @TendoMations
What I'm working on
Please excuse all the cringe i've made in the past. I'm a better person now i swear
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (17)
View all- YOSHO (Reinfected) CHAPTER 1 by Nintendo_Fan2009
- Stanley# by Nintendo_Fan2009
- 50 FOLLOWERS! by Nintendo_Fan2009
- THE SPECIAL GUEST by Nintendo_Fan2009
- LIZZY thumbnail remade by Nintendo_Fan2009
- YOSH:Chapter 7:Beach by Nintendo_Fan2009
- YOSH: Chapter 4: Yosh's Mansion 2 by Nintendo_Fan2009
- Black Lives Matter by Nintendo_Fan2009
- YOSH: Chapter 6: City by Nintendo_Fan2009
- Yosh Vector Pack by Nintendo_Fan2009
- Yosh:Chapter 5: Hospital by Nintendo_Fan2009
- YOSH: Chapter 3: Salon by Nintendo_Fan2009
- YOSH: Chapter 1: Yosh's Mansion by Nintendo_Fan2009
- Yosh is finally out! by Nintendo_Fan2009
- When You Lose The Remote by Nintendo_Fan2009
- Wizard Be Gone Commercial by Nintendo_Fan2009
- Super Smash Bros Deluxe!!!!!! (NEW) by Nintendo_Fan2009
Favorite Projects
View all- WE'RE GONNA BE TALKING ABOUT THE... (lazy?) by TheScratchguy89
- Scratcher1049 Version 2.5/3/3.5 + Scratcher's Upgrade by Scratcher1049
- cancelled project 2 by PopGoesTheEggShell
- johnny test reboot leaked footage(real!!1!1) by retrokid011
- Kam66's Adventure Again E3: Temperature Troubles by BACKINGNUM
- babendo party by KaladonDushek
- CodeEater (fixed) by MiniDraw
- CASO Engine (WIP) AE by TheRealReddie
- When you make ma mad by TheRealReddie
- CASO Vector Sprites V2 (But there's nothign wrong by TheRealReddie
- Pico's Daycare full game by puggythecoolpug2021
- I spent 2 days on this -_- by Comiccoder2019
- Fighting Test by SuitcasetheCat
- Red Age Scratcher1049 was Professor Edgy by Scratcher1049
- How to beat Monster without trying ~ FNF by limaxe340497
- Funky Friday [FT: @FireMayro] by THENaterNoob
- AHTeen is gone. by TFTFFTF
- Welcome... by Killa_CASO
- Updated studios by Marry56
Studios I'm Following
View all- Gaming Fandom On Scratch
- Eddsworld characters in fnf
- Sniper_Angel's Vectors and other Vector too
- Calebthemaleb's club.
- TordsWorld (A Eddsworld fan animation series)
- Stuff you made relating to CAC/CASO!
- Everything related to CAC/CASO
- GAMES @Calebthemaleb MADE
- Eddsworld Fanclub
- Eddsworld
- The A+ Animators
- Rylee's Meme Studio: NO ESCAPE FROM THE MEMES
- Rilva Night Rippin' [Album]
- TV References Xtra
- Socko - The Official Studio.
- DaBaby Studio
- Minus Pico's School
- South Park Vectors
- Garfield Gets Real
- Let's Get 100 Cur / man and 100 follows by May1 2022
Studios I Curate
View all- Untitled Studio
- Stuff you made relating to CAC/CASO!
- Studio World
- GO FOLLOW @Calebthemaleb!
- CM's vectors lol
- i need a new family
- Funky Studio
- Socko - The Official Studio.
- Minus Pico's School
- Amazook Q&A
- The Cool People
- illusion of life: QNA (Event)
- illusion of life: The lost tapes
- Untitled Studio
- YOSHO- Official Studio
- Yosho
- DMC!! (sorry for invite)
- Uhhhh (rp)
- Mega Shorts
View allFollowers
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