Scratcher Joined 6 years, 2 months ago United States
About me
woof :3 my profile made on flipaclip. I need for ollowers. I made 8 projects in 1 day. I have a d. I. s. c. o. r. d. server so join now!!!!! my alt https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Puggyalt/
What I'm working on
getting TCOO contestants.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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babysit bitcoin by Puggythedog2009
reason about ERNIE by Puggythedog2009
mayonaise by Puggythedog2009
Camp Craze 6 fake challenge by Puggythedog2009
School in a nutshell remix by Puggythedog2009
Gime your oc and I will draw it in my style! remix by Puggythedog2009
Beat Up youtube kids edited by Puggythedog2009
BFDI camp challenge 3 anti pink fong by Puggythedog2009
bfdi camp challenge 2; WhOoSh by Puggythedog2009
object stupidness intro by Puggythedog2009
bfdi camp challenge 1; BOOM BOOM BOOM by Puggythedog2009
yellow circle dies again by Puggythedog2009
TCOO intro ofa styled by Puggythedog2009
☆ panic room meme by Puggythedog2009
TCOO 2a by Puggythedog2009
i got a new microphone by Puggythedog2009
Untitled-66 by Puggythedog2009
Line answered you by Puggythedog2009
rap music challenge remix by Puggythedog2009
TCOO 1b by Puggythedog2009
Favorite Projects
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Gime your oc and I will draw it in my style! remix remix by ellasophia2011
Baldis Basics 3D by Scratch_U9
How crazy Scratch team is with coding... by theawesomecutecat
TCOO 2a Challenge: Ok i will kill everyone :3 by CyanBallAndBlueFurry
for @Puggyalt by sanicgamer89
my cat by TheAwesomeWaffle
swimming shibe by garfild2006
How the Dino’s went extinct by wscurry
Climbing Trump Tower: A True Story by wscurry
Megalovania vs Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by OzWoody
more shapes and beats: boss 1: long live the new fresh remix by ThaFanGaming
real bitcoin game by sanicgamer89
caillou with gun by sanicgamer89
my apology for Puggythedog by sanicgamer89
ant trooper kindness day by sanicgamer89
caillou remix by awesomejumanah2
Sincomics is Back!!! by awesomedudeforfun
the camp of objects news [14/14] full by Puggythedog2009
DON'T CLICK THE FISH DELUXE by awesomedudeforfun
Virtual Otamatone by PierceTheLlama
Studios I'm Following
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Follow to force the sCaRtCh tOeM to unban him
The Furry Studio! UwU
unban ERNIE
The Puggy corporation
kermit land
dancing cockroach studio
sewer droppers
firey underwear fanclub
TCOO studio
Ant trooper fans
Battle for the Computer Studio
if you like to talk to tomatos
cool stuff :D
Studios I Curate
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unban ERNIE
The Kat Diaries Official Studio! =3
MY Follower Specials OwO (DON'T ADD ANYTHING)
The Furry Studio! UwU
i'm hungry
the puggy's are cool (=
The Puggy corporation vs. nightcore studio
RP and Random Conversation
The Puggy corporation
Object Show
sbeve is cool
❤ † Witnesses For Christ Group † ❤
Unban Garfild2006
kirb studio
big mac bois
Unban sanicgamer89
kermit land
View allFollowers
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