Scratcher Joined 4 years, 8 months ago United States
About me
14 yr old sprite animator with little time to spare
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- PLZZZZZZZZZZ by Rayman567
- collab with @-Sh4d0w2b- by Rayman567
- wick by Rayman567
- rayman's assault by Rayman567
- Fight Endo V.3 [1] by Rayman567
- dude WHAT is this by Rayman567
- FG VS SD [2] by Rayman567
- Hiro VS Silencio [4] by Rayman567
- [ROUND TWO] GHE Tournament #4 by Rayman567
- fight the man child (1) by Rayman567
- the whole fight by Rayman567
- dumb fight by Rayman567
- The Predictor 3 - FINALE by Rayman567
- Fight PNT [2] by Rayman567
- Fight Endo V.3 [REOPENED] by Rayman567
- Fight PNT [2] by Rayman567
- Fight PNT [2] by Rayman567
- account birthday by Rayman567
- yooo i found this scrapped animation by Rayman567
- Red V Hiro [1] by Rayman567
Favorite Projects
View all- WAY BETTER OC by -Gotenks-
- ;) by redbottIeofpoison
- New And Improved Spriterenders Thumbnail by Kandeni
- Stickman Life Leak by Rayman567
- Equator V Triple Move ART by SuperStrongCoder
- Collision Effect 1 by Rayman567
- bam by Chase2006
- BIG BANG ATTACK by MissingNo_1
- Droid vs. spot by Necker02
- lasers or something by T1D4L
- predictor v.s aero [failed to finish] by Rayman567
- axol more like uuuuuuuh by DarkDollar
- Untitled-GH-Tournament-Fight by mr_racconXD
- Echo VS Booler (GHE Tournament) by LordSkunk
- Tempo VS Feuro by BionicBoy554
- Red896 VS Bush by LordSkunk
- That one guy in fighting games by Rayman567
- Roma VS. Brady (6) by Romanqa_
- le lazy(3) by BionicBoy554
- 【棒人間バトル】Mission002:Killer by kame_kun
Studios I'm Following
- Follow if you like pizza
- GHE Tournament #4
- Predictor Productions™
- The SpriteDrenders
- Buffed pixels
- The Game Hackers Poster/Thumbnail Shop.
- The Fighters of Scratch
- GH Shorts
- Scratch Sprite Community
- The Animator's Hub
- Bitmap Animation
- GHE Tourney #3
- Revamps Sprites/Or Redesigh.
- Db Test animations
- |™Sprite-Ripping Community™|
- a life of crime.
- Bog
- DBL Fanclub 2.0 (Official)
Studios I Curate
View all- GHE Tournament #4
- The Stick Temple Sin
- Predictor Productions™
- The Fighters of Scratch
- Bitmap Animation
- Dragon Ball+! All Community's!
- GHE Tourney #3
- The SpriteDrenders
- Scratch Shorts
- SGH2 - Development Studio
- super hacker defense-SHD
- The RHG Community
- Games Made From Scratch
- Random Animations
- The Plasma Ninja Alliance - RHG Clan
- Chong: Blazing Battlefield studio
- GH Shorts
- GH Memes
- Super Game Hackers Productions
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