Scratcher Joined 4 years, 11 months ago Australia
About me
Elló? It is me! I am back from a BIG break. So yeah… HI! (I am not)
Alt- @RoadTester99
If you want to see some AMAZING art, go to @DarknessIcing
What I'm working on
Getting back into scratch!
This weird runny stick figure gameZIKIE 40%
Destroyer episode FOUR 5% (I'm not working on it)
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (52)
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Oli cube by RoadRunner99
Oli's word maker by RoadRunner99
Untitled-204 by RoadRunner99
Chick Climb racing by RoadRunner99
Heavy Tower Defense | #games #all remix by RoadRunner99
So I messed with Orbit… by RoadRunner99
The best project ever by RoadRunner99
‘Sly Secrets’ Destroyer E.3 by RoadRunner99
Minecraft terrain generator by RoadRunner99
Rolly| Grassland scrolling platformer by RoadRunner99
Clicker thing by RoadRunner99
WINNERS!! by RoadRunner99
FOR YOU (and not me) by RoadRunner99
SomeRandomScratchGuy by RoadRunner99
100 follower contest REZULTS by RoadRunner99
Stupidly perfect results by RoadRunner99
100 follower contest by RoadRunner99
The COO COO OC chicken dance by RoadRunner99
Harry Potter Quiz by RoadRunner99
Berricake fan art! by RoadRunner99
Favorite Projects
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Battle Voldypan by Olisultana
Cool patterns by Pascratchier
Balloon - surlo by surlo_gamez
Oli cube by RoadRunner99
LAB CUBE by ssato0
Oli's word maker by RoadRunner99
@PrincessSparkle4ev’s OC - princess sparkle by DarknessIcing
automation ~ dmce ~ by DarknessIcing
なかなか成功しないSwitch by sake_740
Cloud Platformer Chase V.2 by Cloud-Multiplayer
Candy Clicker 2 by Coltroc
Would You Rather? by Coltroc
Heavy Tower Defense | #games #all by cs2889410
❄️ Ice Cube SMASH ❄️ TimMcCool games by TimMcCool
- Pokemon Clicker - by tomergan
Level EATEN! - v0.12 by griffpatch
Will_Wam Tower Defense 2 by Will_Wam
Armenia Rush by Will_Wam
The Perfect Circle! v3.1 by mararocolor
Super Scratch Smash by The_Updator
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
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Fantastic Beasts RP
Destroyer Studio
Citrus Club
harry potter stuff
maya_cl friends and followers
please follow @RoadRunner99
Australian Scratchers!
RoadRunner99’s Monthly raffle
⭐ StratfordJames’s Friends and Followers! ⭐
The Studio of Stuff
Sofa's Sofas
★ ☆ Cabinkle Projects ☆ ★
Scratch friends Studio
The crazy pen studio
Optical Illusions!!
The Studio of Bob
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