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New ScratcherJoined2 years, 7 monthsagoJapan
About me
@Sumuj450のサブ垢です。 SumujからやっとSmoothieに直したぜ 詳しいプロフィールはSumuj450のプロフィールへGO! This is a sub-account of@Sumuj450. I finally fixed it from Sumuj to Smoothie! For more detailed profile, go to Sumuj450 profile
What I'm working on
〇まゆげというオリジナルキャラクターを生み出す Creating an original character named "Eyebrow" 〇なんか機械を分解して壊す Disassemble and break some kind of machine 〇英語を勉強しようとするがやる気がなくなる Trying to study English but losing motivation