Scratcher Joined 10 years, 7 months ago United States
About me
CS major at RIT
What I'm working on
idk not active on scratch much anymore but might get back into itlearning rust over the summer!!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (92)
View all- color testsing by Techy2000
- Split Script - Can you make a better one? by Techy2000
- All/Do/Everything Block (Not Finished) remix by Techy2000
- 2D Borderless Scrolling [WIP] by Techy2000
- Pixel's Text Engine (With word wrapping!) by Techy2000
- QuickSort by Techy2000
- How long until school's out? by Techy2000
- Project001 Prototype Version 0.08 remix by Techy2000
- Pen Music thingy (stamps) by Techy2000
- Bored by Techy2000
- "You're Back!" CC *Re-opened!* entry by Techy2000
- The Collision/Energy of Fire and Water by Techy2000
- Me trying to Art. And Failing. by Techy2000
- Directory Scripts by Techy2000
- Anime Eye Tutorial/Speed Draw! (added arrow keys) by Techy2000
- Laser Dodger remix by Techy2000
- Hydropower Animation by Techy2000
- Rounding without round block by Techy2000
- Logo for SonicCsM by Techy2000
- Best day of my life CC by Techy2000
Favorite Projects
View all- Touhou Project - Scratch Edition by ITz7
- ~3-In-1 Speedpaint Special~ (1k+ Followers!) by Greninja714
- Fireworks! [100% Pen] by EJV2003
- + Talons of Power + by Greninja714
- Neon Run v1.3 by -CodePro-
- MEGALOVANIA Piano by AiyanMind
- SKYWARD by -Cubuc-
- ~1 Year~ {Animation Reel} by Greninja714
- .:Wake Me Up CC:. *CLOSED* by -Jammy_Knight-
- Rotate by joshrawesome
- - M o n s t e r - [A Platformer] by Novakitty
- Lucid (Animation) by EnderbrickArt
- The Elements -- Vector Speed-Paint by SpectralHeart
- Welcome by -UltraViolet-
- Nightcore Bring me to Life by XrDarkStorm
- Witches Heart by XrDarkStorm
- Flaming DJ by XrDarkStorm
- Spacial Rend by XrDarkStorm
- Eclipses by XrDarkStorm
- Medicine Cat CC *CLOSED* by Greninja714
Studios I Curate
View all- cats are fun!!
- @TheRainWillCome is Leaving Scratch
- We Have Fun!!!
- Everything dragon, wolf, and cat (fox too)
- Pokemon studio
- Sunshine Studio
- Nature and Animal Studio
- Stop Animal Abuse
- superhero high school role play
- This Has Gone Too Far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ThunderClan New generation.
- NuriaLucia97's followers and friends.
- Emoshy_ Followers
- Who Thinks I Should Stay
- The Clans In The Future
- mbkid404's Kitties
- @Montanagirl1's totally awesome crew.
- For all my followers!!!!!!!
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