Scratcher Joined 2 years, 1 month ago United Kingdom
About me
Can drink 4 light-years in 10 mins.
I love you all! BTW, please follow @DJO77
Comment etiquette: no racism, sexism, unequality, bias, or disrespecting people at all. If you are sad, my friends-
What I'm working on
If you want some art, ask me on any of my projects. I will ask what you want me to draw, so answer. I will make a project for you, and it will have the art in. Feel free to remix anything!-will help
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (91)
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Car age by TheImpostoring
ISS clock by TheImpostoring
Subfactorial (derangement) remix by TheImpostoring
The Impossible Quiz remix by TheImpostoring
forever equals... by TheImpostoring
by TheImpostoring
Prime Numbers Finder v2.5! (Super Fast!) remix by TheImpostoring
Prime numbers / Primzahlen remix by TheImpostoring
Sieve of Erathostenes remix by TheImpostoring
M^p by TheImpostoring
3x+1 by TheImpostoring
Fully functioning calculator by TheImpostoring
Pi in colours by TheImpostoring
Prime Number Toolkit by TheImpostoring
Big maze by TheImpostoring
Memorise pi by TheImpostoring
microsoft paint with better off center cursor that follows your cursor ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh by TheImpostoring
Guess my pattern of 4 characters! by TheImpostoring
Ball do re mi fa so la ti do by TheImpostoring
FASTER prime number test by TheImpostoring
Favorite Projects
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Rubik's Cube Timer V2 (with savable times, scrambles, and more!) by Lokeo15
Rubik's Cube Timer by PullJosh
Prime Number Toolkit by TheImpostoring
Euler's sieve to get all primes (the fastest algorithm!) by TonyBrown148
FASTER prime number test by TheImpostoring
Pretty Accurate Gamma (Factorial) Function by Geotale
Subfactorial (derangement) by Badhbhchadh
Uno Show 'Em No Mercy (Multiplayer) by RokCoder
M^p by TheImpostoring
microsoft paint with better off center cursor that follows your cursor ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh by TheImpostoring
Efficient Maze Solver by ilikelegos
Prime Numbers Spirals by -TSTD-
Prime Numbers by misaacs1
Morshu tts by Hakdog150
GNU Unifont Text Engine by CoderBOI12962
Likes detector 2.5 by Scratcheurscratch
binary counter by GoodNumber
Infinitely Expanding Cat!? remix by scratcher3675467
Pokemon Blue V. 0.0 by Oldschooler2
Find and catch a Pokémon! by lendi200
Studios I'm Following
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Let's add every user and every project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
Pokemon projects ONLY
studio OS
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Every people STUFF !
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non-popular scratchers
Scratch Cat’s Comedy Club
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100M project attempt (Thanks for 10k projects)
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The Geography Guy's Studio!
World Facts
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Unusual IPA
studio of randomness
Studios I Curate
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