Scratcher Joined 3 years ago United Kingdom
About me
New games every couple days.Please comment recommendations
What I'm working on
mr headache chases muffin while getting puched by champ while toad watches and milk dances
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (20)
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mr headache chases muffin while getting punched by champ while toad watches and milk dances by WabbitLeader
Pancake Clicker beta 0.5 by WabbitLeader
Remix this Project and Put in Your Own Number remix by WabbitLeader
Untitled 21 remix by WabbitLeader
Untitled-3 remix by WabbitLeader
Remix if you want to save Ukraine! remix by WabbitLeader
Muffin clicker 1.2 by WabbitLeader
Big chungus clicker 2.1 by WabbitLeader
Diamond clicker remix by WabbitLeader
Hi my name is… by WabbitLeader
Honey clicker remix by WabbitLeader
Dodge Dwayne the Rock Johnston by WabbitLeader
Design a pie by WabbitLeader
Doughnut ClickerV2 #pizza remix by WabbitLeader
Doughnut ClickerV1 by WabbitLeader
Geometry Dash Griffpatch HACKED by WabbitLeader
Design some bread with a hole in the middle. by WabbitLeader
Pointless button 1 by WabbitLeader
The fridge war by WabbitLeader
Wabbit Clicker by WabbitLeader
Favorite Projects
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mr headache chases muffin while getting punched by champ while toad watches and milk dances by WabbitLeader
flapping bird 2: revenge of the pipes | (Flappy Bird) by S-Studios
Lobster gunner by slimyderp
EvErY LetTeR TrIggerz A MeMe!1!!!1 AnD EvErY ARroW KeY aNd aLl NuMBerS ExcEpT FoR 4 2 0 6 9!!!11!!!! by StruCool
Geometry Dash 2.2 (Scratch Remake) but good by slimyderp
Chungus riot seizure mode by bobscabob
Official wavengers 3 by Wabbiter
Chocolate Battle! (featured) #games by lucpel
Flappy Dunk - Mobile friendly by AnimationsScratch
☁️ Among Us Scratch v3.21 (online) by TimMcCool
Toast by Bread_Ioaf
CrEaMy PiE cliCkEr by StruCool
Armed: Tower Defense #games by scratchy-coder
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