Scratcher Joined 4 years, 9 months ago United States
About me
I specialize in Computers and Musical Instruments. I also Play the Cello
Shout out to @sonysap22
Steps on becoming an excellent scratcher, 1. be you. 2. Code what you want to code :) 3. Share it. :)
What I'm working on
By the end of 2021, I hope to get at least 300 views, 10 hearts, 10 stars, and 5 remixes on a project.
Christmas! :D
Email Is going nuts from Scratch Lab- :O
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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some random project /: by eejp08
Why I'm taking a break from Scratch. by eejp08
Move Prototype by eejp08
Scolling Platformer Collaboration by eejp08
Simulate - 0.1c by eejp08
Simulate - 0.1b by eejp08
Simulate - 0.1a by eejp08
Simulate Version 0.06b by eejp08
Simulate Version 0.06 by eejp08
Simulate Version 0.05 by eejp08
Simulate Version 0.04 by eejp08
Simulate Version 0.02 by eejp08
Simulate Version 0.01 by eejp08
Solar System Sandbox Version 0.5 by eejp08
Crazy Apple by eejp08
Vibrant Hole by eejp08
Platform Runner 1.02 by eejp08
AutoSum (Sorta like Spreadsheets, Excel, Calc, or any other Spreadsheet by eejp08
Bingo-Vertical Bingo by eejp08
The Runner 1.4.4 by eejp08
Favorite Projects
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Piano by germanengland3
The spooky cat by sonysap22
Move Prototype by eejp08
AMONG US - Scratch version by ColorlessWing_Studio
Snake snake snakeeee by Hello1there2
☁️ Cloud Scratch Stats! (API down) v1.4 by TimMcCool
☁️ Among Us Scratch v3.21 (online) by TimMcCool
Catch the ladybug remix :D by sonysap22
Tile Scrolling Tutorial Assets | Parts 1 to 20 by griffpatch_tutor
A thing but you are yellow by TheSpinningMaster
Scolling Platformer Collaboration by eejp08
Cloud Platformer Multiplayer Fun v1.35 remix by sonysap22
vibrant hole remix by sonysap22
F on a test by MyPorg
How To Make Pizza - Lvl 1 by CN-SenseiChris
TVSIM remix-2 by sonysap22
Piano Player : Instrument 004: Celesta remix by sonysap22
Scratch Camp 2020 Teaser remix by sonysap22
find the odd one out by sonysap22
turkey chase do not let it get out by sonysap22
Studios I'm Following
View allStudios I Curate
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THE 25 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS!!! 2020 #ChristmasDigital
What am I thankful for? Eejp08 studio/Thanksgiving
Algorithm Simulation Studio
The School Role Play Game
Hot Dog Resturaunts
The "Happy" Scratchers
EEJP08's Most POPULAR Projects
My New Music Studio
Piano Player: Lessons
New and Improved Projects
Scratch Computer Competition (CLOSED)
eejp08's Music Studio!!! :)
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