Scratcher Joined 3 years, 11 months ago United States
About me
I am moving out of town and will not get this account back forever. it has been fun being part of the scratch community and maybe if I have the chance I will make a new account and join back on.
What I'm working on
I will work on nothing from now on, but I have a tinkerCAD account. my username is The_dwarf_112 so maybe check that out.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (44)
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My last project: tinkerCAD helm of darkness by fleez
Easy Platformer Engine remix by fleez
Fleez by fleez
gifs by fleez
"Black" - A Platformer remix by fleez
songs 15 by fleez
==Binky== by fleez
Normal | A Platformer remix by fleez
Spring - A Platformer (Contest Entry) remix by fleez
Electronic (A Platformer Series) remix by fleez
swirl 2 by fleez
Red Cube - Platformer remix by fleez
swirl by fleez
Symbols by fleez
Songs 14 by fleez
songs 13 by fleez
songs 12 by fleez
songs 11 by fleez
character songs 2 by fleez
platformer sprite costume ideas by fleez
Favorite Projects
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Free Follow by Der-F4F-Fisch
Get a Free Follow! by iwillfollowyou-
Scratch Cat A Platformer #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #games #game #games by smallnoseman
character songs 2 by fleez
songs 12 by fleez
songs 11 by fleez
music 6 by fleez
songs 10 by fleez
Grassy-A platformer (contest entry) remix by fleez
-GREEN- A Platformer (Mobile friendly platformer) remix by fleez
Explosion - A platformer (mobile friendly) [entry] remix by fleez
Colorless: A Platformer remix by fleez
music 5 by fleez
Sped up Music by fleez
Music 3 by fleez
backwards by fleez
|| Colorless || A Platformer || remix by fleez
Music by fleez
A-d-v-e-n-t-u-r-e - A Platform remix by fleez
Rainbow a platformer remix by fleez
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