Scratcher Joined 17 years, 6 months ago Japan
About me
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- Shi by herbie53
- Tornado by herbie53
- Gir Dancing To Mr. Wonderful by herbie53
- Rubyhowl by herbie53
- Annoying by herbie53
- Jarrassic Park by herbie53
- Morningfeather Animation by herbie53
- Don't Go MaskedStar! by herbie53
- Squirrelpaw caramelldansen by herbie53
- Superman Animation by herbie53
- Silvertail For BigGreenHelp by herbie53
- ShimmerStar by herbie53
- Wheeljack Kitty and his Experiment by herbie53
- Mugger Kitty by herbie53
- Brittish Spoof by herbie53
- Bluestar's death by herbie53
- Fireheart Caramelldansen by herbie53
- OMG! transformers chase game by herbie53
- Remix the iDog! by herbie53
- warriors chase game! by herbie53
Favorite Projects
View all- Gir(Not finished!) by RukiaKuchiki
- GIR Sprites! by Sunstar
- Invader Zim by violetfire
- Zim and Gir by violetfire
- mind color test by pappy-rick
- scratch phone by scratch_the_kat
- Silvertail For BigGreenHelp by herbie53
- Consult StarClan for your Warrior name by herbie53
- Greenpaw's short attention span. by Sunstar
- Beastclan Prolouge by Sunstar
- Greenpaw for WOTR RPG by Sunstar
- its over 9000!!!! by dingdong
- Ultimate Beastclan Carmeldansen(prevew!) by DragonFlight
- Dragon Kitty! (Improved) by DragonFlight
- Roadrage a new decepticon by scout18509
- transformers the game! by hippymule
- Big Guns a new autobot by scout18509
- Cone Head the newest autobot fixed by scout18509
- Armage a new decepticon by scout18509
- Starclaw speaks gir by Starclaw
Studios I Curate
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