Scratcher Joined 14 years, 4 months ago United States
About me
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What I've been doing
Shared Projects (46)
View all- average (no negatives) by meowza
- minutes hours days by meowza
- automatic shooting by meowza
- changing random numbers by meowza
- fat script by meowza
- memory game by meowza
- bounce block by meowza
- Type Back by meowza
- how to draw a heart by meowza
- cool music by meowza
- percent/decimal by meowza
- Rate it by meowza
- Mad libs by meowza
- point 1 to point 2 by meowza
- happy valentines day by meowza
- number-letter converter by meowza
- glow pen by meowza
- math operations by meowza
- circle divider by meowza
- Dot pen game? by meowza
Favorite Projects
View all- Ball Bounce v.1.0 by BESTFRIENDS4EVER
- How get past the 'Sorry, you have posted a very similar message recently.' message! by BigDolphin
- Scroll X and Y platformer by Jakelsm
- Trigonometry- A Brief Overview by Kileymeister
- Triginometry Tutorial by kuv
- water by Bloing_Gloing
- X and Y axis pole scrolling engine by fireball123
- Wall detection Platformer tutorial by fireball123
- the Best Scrolling Tutorial Ever! (Part II) by tron
- The Best Scrolling Tutorial Ever! by tron
- One Sprite One Script Platformer by tron
- Sprite Movement Done Right by archmage
- Loading Bar by Tutorial_Maker
- Scrolling Velocity by Tutorial_Maker
- Simple gravity by Tutorial_Maker
- Sensors by Tutorial_Maker
- Saving-How to by Tutorial_Maker
- Shooting by Tutorial_Maker
- Custom Sayings by Tutorial_Maker
- Health meters by Tutorial_Maker
Studios I Curate
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