Scratcher Joined 3 years, 3 months ago Antarctica
About me
btw i don't live in antartica
thx to @funnycreeper2020
for pfp
i couldn't put up the other one, YET, but this is the link:
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
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Derpy Bus 3: The Ultimate Revenge by milkycrabapples
glof by milkycrabapples
One to One Hundred by milkycrabapples
Custom Wordle Decoder by milkycrabapples
Appel v1.4 'No Wall Jumps' by milkycrabapples
Tic-Tac-Toe but glitchy by milkycrabapples
LaserFormer by milkycrabapples
a game by milkycrabapples
game by milkycrabapples
Very hard game by milkycrabapples
Floppy Boss by milkycrabapples
Floppy Bird v1.3 by milkycrabapples
derpy bus 2, a continuation by milkycrabapples
derpy bus 2 sneaky peeky by milkycrabapples
Base Calculator by milkycrabapples
studio thumbnail by milkycrabapples
Snek but it's freemove by milkycrabapples
Snek but it's too easy by milkycrabapples
Snek... but you're always hungry by milkycrabapples
Snek but apples reign supreme by milkycrabapples
Favorite Projects
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Chase across the Barrier - LOOP by Robik2019
Locked Out (Locked In 2) by Icicle111
Only Down [SPIKES] by Yourflez
pain by IdioticToothbrushes
Texas Hold'em Poker by pos1999
keepie uppies! Featured by QuantumCubes
Jetpack Fox by VinCrafts
Demo #3: Boss by -Permafrost-
SPACE - ft AnimationsScratch - Mobile friendly by thom1sl
[WIP] PAINT roller by EliAwesome333
3D探索 / 3D Adventure!! by cardboard32
Giant black hole looking thingy by 5darkhorse15
Untitled-1 by griffpatch
^3 by AlphaAxle
DRIFT -infinite- mobile friendly by jonutlatderzweite
Mello 2 // A Platformer #games by chipm0nk
Geometry (Pig) Dash v1.1 by chipm0nk
Blocke Blast v1.1 #games by chipm0nk
Hill Climb Racing v1.0 by griffpatch
Child - Bouncy Boy by Wild_Tinkerer
Studios I'm Following
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Dads & Mums on Scratch
Geometry Dash Tutorials 1 to 12
JacobKees123456789's projects
Follow if you like doge
★ Follow If Your Name Is Not Floppa ★
Find the Markers Memes, Projects and Thumbnails
the bumber bifteen: burger bing boot bettuce
Find the markers:)
Scratch Welcoming Committee!
➤ -Andye- studio ☁
Famous Scratchers
Extreme Weather
Pixel Projects!
All from the Dot
- Game Contest
Studios I Curate
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6 Years
The Studio of Snek.
The Great Dev. Community
vdfsiu d
[FREE SHOUTOUTS™] Charpy's Empire (official fanclub)
Blender Pros
meepmep_'s 200 follower DMC
Advertising 102
didn't I do it for you?(new animation hehe)
Advertising 101
MATH (new project lol)
asdf Studio
➤ -Andye- studio ☁
Detention Escapist Fanbase
Griffpatch followers/ community chat.
One and only Loyal's studio
Villains Backstories... new project lol
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