Scratcher Joined 10 years, 2 months ago Canada
About me
I play baseball, chess, hockey, soccer. As you can see I am a active guy. SCRATCH ROCKS!
I know how to do html css go follow @radthe
Logo was made by element
What I'm working on
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What I've been doing
Shared Projects (22)
View all- Which Sith Job would most fit you by radsim
- Patterns by radsim
- Cave Jam for school by radsim
- Harry Potter Jokes by radsim
- Environmental run by radsim
- The Farmer by radsim
- Platform Malfunction by radsim
- Drawing competition 2016! CE [OPEN!] remix by radsim
- Space Force Choose your own adventure by radsim
- My intro by radsim
- WORLDS MOST REMIXES remix remix remix remix remix remix by radsim
- CAKE clicker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by radsim
- Building man by radsim
- SnowMan by radsim
- Shapes project by radsim
- Guess the number by radsim
- cube bot level 3 and 4 by radsim
- YO MAMA Harry Potter jokes by radsim
- Dancing penguins TO THE MAX!!!!!!!][ by radsim
- banana throw (JOKE) by radsim
Favorite Projects
View all- Lightcube Platformer by firstject
- Ice - A platformer - by petit-muffin
- -The Water Cycle- by Nemofish84
- Geometry Dash v1.5 by griffpatch
- Red&Blue by ADIADI11
- Hatstall | Official Trailer by The-Marauders
- S W A R M 2 by Saweron
- Looking Into The Sky ☁ (Animation) by whimsical
- The Vector Textbook by WolfCat67
- Environmental run by radsim
- When There's no Doritos by Hobson-TV
- Jumpy Boy by JediForce55
- Platform Malfunction by radsim
- The Floor Is Lava *WIP* V.1.3 by LazerGamer514
- Clash by -CloudSoft-
- Capture the Flag by Thisisadumbname
- 10 SKWERS by htpc
- Black and White by ssamtkwon
- Moar Spoofz ep.2 We All Know Who It Was by Fruitbatty_Test
- Kanon Kitties by flamingenius
Studios I'm Following
View all- Famous
- Please do not click
- The official Dance Moms Rollplay!
- Scratchtastic414 Supporters!!!
- Ender's and Mr-Ant9's studio
- Design and Animation Studio
- Clash of Clans Fan Club
- ★ The Official Star Wars Fan Club ★
- TheRedCreepers games
- studio of no remixed projects
- Emoji Time!
- SCRATCHTASTIC STUDIO---> get up to 10,000 followers
- Follow us we give you followers (OLD!)
- Charlie's Studio!!!!!
- Important
- anyone can join!!!!!!!!!! put in projects lol
- WE NEED LOADS OF SCRATCHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Radsim's Studio
Studios I Curate
View all- New D_i_a_v_l_o project out!
- Queen Cat Cuteness
- Potato
- Total dog & cat cuteness
- Puppy's are cute!
- RaNdOm PrOjEcTs
- Collab4All!!!
- Hogwarts Magic Studio
- HARRY POTTER JOKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Sorry If This Is Sudden... (Read Desc.)
- (: Platformers ONLY Studio :)
- Scratch School
- ◄○Advanced Scratch○►
- add games
- Speak out Guys.
- Follow My New Friend LiveLovePugs on Scratch
- Useful Projects
- add any thing studio
- Follow LiveLoveStars @LiveLoveStars
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