Scratcher Joined 8 years, 10 months ago United States
About me
I just like playing Pokemon and i like cats :)also redoing pokemon adoptions to ones without the lines thanks to miabee:) i will curate any studio
What I'm working on
stuff involving pokemon! :3
now also working on sun moon dex!
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (22)
View all- Sign if you like Pokemon remix remix remix-2 remix remix remix by skitty213
- Pokemon Go Full Game remix by skitty213
- sun moon adoption 3 by skitty213
- sun moon adoption 2 by skitty213
- sun moon adoption by skitty213
- pokemon adoption 10 by skitty213
- pokemon adoption 9 by skitty213
- pokemon adoption 8 by skitty213
- pokemon adoption 7 by skitty213
- pokemon adoption 6 by skitty213
- flygon pokedex by skitty213
- POKEMON ADOPTION 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by skitty213
- pokemon adoption 4 !!! by skitty213
- my ester egg i made for easter :) by skitty213
- pokemon adoption 3 :) by skitty213
- skitty pizza song :) by skitty213
- pokemon adoption 2 :) by skitty213
- XY EPIC REMIX!! Vs. Champion Diantha remix by skitty213
- Pokemon X & Y Battle Music Player remix by skitty213
- pokemon adoption!! by skitty213
Favorite Projects
View all- Pokemon GO by Evan2963
- online 2.0 by darkshaddo666
- v1.13 (#1) by griffpatch
- sun moon adoption 2 by skitty213
- sun moon adoption by skitty213
- ☁ Ultimate Game Creator 4 by Yllie
- Vivillon Adoption! *LIMITED SUPPLY* by miabee
- - Pokemon Clicker - by tomergan
- Pokémon Fire Red (WIP) by JH-Games
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii For Scratch by Brad-Games
- Pokemon GO! v0.5 by JH-Games
- Pokemon Go Full Game by Radi-8
- SKITTY SONG by L-cat
- Pokemon™ Game Boy Advance by Bluestribute
- Pokemon go! GOTTA CATCH EM ALL! by 15samalm
- Pokemon Black and White Battle Engine by FRENZY405
- Pokémon Region Vote v.1.5 by skinick25
- pokemon adoption!! by skitty213
- POKEMON ADOPTION 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by skitty213
- Pokemon Card Opener! by TotallyEpic32
Studios I'm Following
View all- We are gamers
- Nature Boarding School // RP
- magikarps together
- Pokemon Fans
- pokemon studio!
- StormClan RP
- AnimeGlaceon fan club!
- you home
- vaporion_waters followerz
- invite all minecraft fans!!!
- Froakie team
- quiet MAP
- Undertale AU Hub
- PokeStudio
- Studio lolololol
- lets get every scracher to curate!
- unpopular studio
- Do dare me to do things please!
- which starter pokemon do you think is best?
- The Studio of PokemonScratch101 and followers
Studios I Curate
View all- We are gamers
- Nature Boarding School // RP
- EVERYTHING STUDIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- magikarps together
- pokemon studio!
- StormClan RP
- Game Remakes
- Timmy vs The Internet: An Upcoming Game!
- Pokemon Fans
- AnimeGlaceon fan club!
- vaporion_waters followerz
- The Pokemon Army
- invite all minecraft fans!!!
- Froakie team
- The Awesome Studio
- quiet MAP
- Undertale AU Hub
- PokeStudio
- Studio lolololol
- lets get every scracher to curate!
View allFollowers
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