Scratcher Joined 2 years, 10 months ago South Korea
About me
What I'm working on
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- 진짜 스접 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ by subway-tv
- Electrical Train Simulator 1.0 - [jongang line] by subway-tv
- 스크린도어 by subway-tv
- wanang smrt 3 Line Simulator v0.1 [DEMO] by subway-tv
- 【English version】Subway driving simulator by subway-tv
- 새거 by subway-tv
- 시청행 막차 발차 by subway-tv
- 철교 by subway-tv
- level crossing by subway-tv
- 377 버전 by subway-tv
- 철교 by subway-tv
- 電車でgo!連結ゲーム ~ver4-uk by subway-tv
- 트램,원앙파산역 by subway-tv
- 합창단??? by subway-tv
- 빠퀴엑스포차량사업소 by subway-tv
- 빠퀴엑스포역 by subway-tv
- 내가 scr 할때 로블에서 플래이한 기차 내부 by subway-tv
- 기차타기,주황선 by subway-tv
- 기차 타고가는 작품 by subway-tv
- 모스카우밈,인기작품 도전 by subway-tv
Favorite Projects
View all- りんかい線ホームドア素材 by masuo0523
- 電車運転ゲーム(小湊鐵道) by porippy
- Slippy Sliding! by Tappos_Creations
- Scratch City Subway Gold Line (UNDER REFUBISHMENT) by kuanyicool
- NYC Subway Engine Draft V.1.3 by garywinsforever
- 【TASC】Osaka Metro 御堂筋線 運転シミュレーター by sosyamada
- MTR West Rail Line Simulator v0.1 [DEMO] by Michael228p
- MTR R-Train on Admiralty by pyrzkwok_test
- Electrical Train Simulator 2.0 by zbx1425
- 【傾向2Pありがとう‼︎】乗客を押し込め‼︎押し屋体験ゲーム‼︎ by Tomotomo7000
- The Ferrari Song by thoyal
- 떡볶이 가게 게임 by songtyranno
- 아빠와 아들:운전 by chris0315
- 고문???1 by chris0315
- scr nutshell by Ell00015
- stepford country railway (scr) st hellens bridge by Ell00015
- Scr class 158 door test by Anson_CookieFan
- 똥 전쟁! by cltthf
- Monorail Cat by iggykoopa
- Trainspotting: Balham by MrMinecraftMan404
Studios I'm Following
View all- Ultimate Realism Collection 2 (feat. TVR_Simulation)
- Stepford country railway (SCR)
- Trainspotting in Repford and the area around.
- 아빠와 아들,엄마와 딸 스튜디오
- trains studio
- trains
- london trains
- Trains UK
- Hyundai Elevator Studio
- railway studios
- 한국인의 스튜디오 - studio of Korean
- 鉄道プロジェクト集まれ〜‼︎
- 鉄道
- TransitFan's Followers and Friends!
- Scratchブログの会
- Scratch Transit Community! (STC)
- 鉄道ならなんでも入れていいよおおおおおお
- 스크래치 게임 Scratch Games
- Sydney Trains Studio by pyrzkwok
- Subway studio
Studios I Curate
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