Scratcher Joined 5 years ago United States
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- by tacopug570
- Guys I’m moving accounts by tacopug570
- Don’t click by tacopug570
- ogoggd by tacopug570
- Castle Hallway - Single Elementals by tacopug570
- Hi by tacopug570
- Taco Bell Mountains - Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna by tacopug570
- Bruh by tacopug570
- Look at this by tacopug570
- Buggy by tacopug570
- Add a monster to Pizza River by tacopug570
- Best monster melt by tacopug570
- X by tacopug570
- Ohno this is -b-a-d- good by tacopug570
- Pixel by tacopug570
- Pot boi remix by tacopug570
- 8 bit by tacopug570
- NES mode by tacopug570
- Wow by tacopug570
- Hello by tacopug570
Favorite Projects
View all- thingy mabob i made by IPUNCHOLDLADYS
- WATER SIGIL by tylemobile
- Astroverb Animated remix by tacopug570
- Rick Roll by OSperson
- Monsters by Lonrad
- Prism Power Plant - David by TheMSMGuy
- I screenshotted my Bulbo at the perfect time. by chefrhino11
- A glitch occured during msmfandemonium by RealCroco
- The ultra HD image by tylemobile
- Yuggler void by tylemobile
- the celesstebell replacement lol by Emerald_Hopper
- Gobbler/gob crystal void by tylemobile
- Deja jin sprite sheet by tylemobile
- Dof kalimbakrab: for lego by tylemobile
- Kalakkator - The Defunct Factory by Fosserus2020
- Bee City - Single Elementals by chefrhino11
- Wii Sports Boxing by JustNet1234
- When Stop Pressed by hello34090
- Windows Soundboard by a1130
- MY ROOBA RIG by tylemobile
Studios I'm Following
View all- MSM Fan Studio
- Add an MSM
- Msm the lost landscape fan studio /msm tll
- Frondley Love Studio
- Facepalm island!!!
- Glyph Rayuriens
- Powertopia (My Singing Monsters)
- Bulbo like studio
- Project Spiriturals
- Bramball studio
- My smashing monster soundtrack
- msm "rig" things
- Insomniac Utopia
- Whajje Cult
- Mushroom Gang Studio
- TurboWarp featured projects
- ???
- Mythopians in others' styles
- Reality at its worst
- Archived song island and other podcalls stuff
Studios I Curate
View all- 8-bit animations
- Bob fans ONLY
- Funny studio: home of the funnies
- ???
- Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna Peckidn
- my singing monsters studio
- TBFN Studio
- The Generic Collab Group Name Crew
- the Tacalokins
- MSM Fan Studio
- The A-Men (comic group thingy)
- The Collabians
- The Biolials
- Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna Peckidna Peckidn
- Peckidna Studio
- Guys With Pies
- beep me jeuse
- Huh wha? The answers show
- Prismatic studio
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