Scratcher Joined 5 years, 2 months ago Spain
About me
Empecé programando con jclic pero lo que me parecía mal era que se había que descargar 3 programas y buscando el último encontré scratch y empecé a ver tutoriales y a ir a cursos de robótica.
What I'm working on
Ahora muchos proyectos los voy a colgarlos en mi nueva cuenta @Tostada10
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (20)
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Helado by tostada8
cuentacosas by tostada8
IMITA EL EMOJI by tostada8
atrapa la cucaracha by tostada8
no toques la Ball by tostada8
Cambio de sentido by tostada8
camara de seguridad by tostada8
Fiesta de disfraces by tostada8
Laberinto Por Julio corregido by tostada8
historia fantasma by tostada8
consigue las bannanas remix by tostada8
COME FRUTAS by tostada8
Descubre makecode by tostada8
robot camara by tostada8
la pegatina by tostada8
saltos by tostada8
pong by tostada8
cohetes y metioritos by tostada8
Traductor voz by tostada8
Favorite Projects
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Am I online? by Super_Scratcher07
Contraseña by zae_rita
laberinto 4 by asencior
Comment Stereotypes 5 (fanmade) by scratchdog235
Welcome to animal crossing new horizons by Tostada10
ping pong Battle by Tostada10
Comment Stereotypes 6 (fanmade) by Twine101
Minecraft Mario Platformer ✪ Episode 1 ✪ Mobile friendly platform games ✪ by atomicmagicnumber
Welcome to super proyects ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ by Tostada10
siguenos en: 1.1 by imoik
Helado remix 1.1 by imoik
cohetes y metioritos by tostada8
Concierto Val´s Tik Tok - Valeria ❤️ by valeriacch2008
trimusic-imoik by imoik
super pulpon no oficial promoción by imoik
figuras locas-imoik by imoik
Toy Tanks 3D! Mobile ready game with music, animations and fun! by atomicmagicnumber
Helado by tostada8
VideoResumen ValPat by jimenaguay
Stop Boredom by codeManDude
Studios I'm Following
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Somos Makers
Los mejores juegos de scratch !!!!!
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Super Projects ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
animal crossing new horizons
Super Mario en Scratch
El Tigre !!!!! / 老虎!!!!! / 타이거 !!!!! / タイガー!!!!!
non popular projects
Club de habla hispana / españoles de Scratch
Games Today
Scratch Avatar Creators
Academia MiniVinci
Paula stuuuuuudio
☆Coronavirus Crafts!☆-Crafts to do while quarantined
Directos de programación - ValPat
Quarantine Gym
Studios I Curate
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