Scratcher Joined 2 years ago United States
About me
10 years old
he /him
: test account
advertising: I don't care
f4f: if I ask
knows some Chinese
comment _meow_
“Say goat for a "surprise!”
say banana for a "surprise"
What I'm working on
你好Say goat for a "surprise!” Say goat for a "surprise!” Say goat for a "surprise!” Say goat for a "surprise!” Say goat for a "surprise!” Say goat for a "surprise!” Say goat for a "surprise!”
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100)
View all- nothing here by zebramidge
- stick fight with ai enemy by zebramidge
- random ai guys by zebramidge
- key spammer by zebramidge
- escape the house by zebramidge
- Platformer Resources remix by zebramidge
- just a random piece of confetti by zebramidge
- random pen thing by zebramidge
- Untitled-3 by zebramidge
- bouncy guy by zebramidge
- what?? by zebramidge
- Don't Love This Project! by zebramidge
- definitely my name by zebramidge
- slingshot by zebramidge
- shaky cat by zebramidge
- Untitled by zebramidge
- bruh by zebramidge
- some scrolling platformer thing by zebramidge
- flappy thing by zebramidge
- umm extended by zebramidge
Favorite Projects
View all- squishy platformer test by WOJelly
- Hacked Block by ProfNic5
- RAGE FORMER by Blue_Pumpkin
- Minigolf Game by warfame
- ☢️ Ballistic Chickens 2 by -ezbreez-
- Massive Multiplayer Platformer+ Win-ters day update! Ver4.6 by master_everyting
- Pixel Art And Drawing by Phoonda
- -NEODASH- (pgma r3) by supermushy
- An Alien George's Adventure V 2.1 [In Progress] (Platformer) by Hypernimtz
- A Generic Adventure by axolotan
- Follow me!!! by blueredbay
- space by veryfriendly
- Scratchy's Adventure by all3game
- Like and fave if u want follow by ThecoolrockABV
- Don't Love This Project! by zebramidge
- Don't Love This Project! by FireTeller
- ╔╗╔═╗╔══╗──────╔══╗ ║║║╔╝╚╣─╝──────╚╣─╝ ║╚╝╝──║║─╔╗╔╗╔╗─║║─ ║╔╗║──║║─║╚╝╚╝║─║║─ ║║║╚╗╔╣─╗╚╗╔╗╔╝╔╣─╗ by 567890abc
- Cloud Multiplayer Engine by Kismat12
- Gem Collect - A Platformer by GoAria
- Platformer Contest!!! #trending #contest by kxie1234
Studios I'm Following
View all- ScratchNimtz
- Create Your Own Mascot
- Translations | 2024: A Year in Review
- stuff
- Propose Projects to be Featured (2/1/2021 - ?)
- Griffpatch Game Jam (Voting Time)
- wubbox theme tournament #2
- LILbirdy1920 Studios!!!
- you, yes you. i'm behind you. run.
- Mick's gallery
- Pi Day 2023
- 3D Raycasting Part 8
- Scratch 2.0 Games
- Add to be famous!!
- post whatever idc what you post
- non popular projects
- tangerinism
- Add Projects And Become Famous
Studios I Curate
View all- Follow if you are new at being a Scratcher here
- ScratchNimtz
- share your projects here
- The Duolingo Studio (sorry for invite)
- stuff
- uhhhhhhhhh
- 1 view is appreciated
- wubbox theme tournament #2
- The Cool Gang | FIRE
- LILbirdy1920 Studios!!!
- Pineapple Cult
- !ADS!
- [FREE SHOUTOUTS™] Charpy's Empire (official fanclub)
- 500 followers raffle!
- Advertising 102
- (Closed) wubbox theme tournament #1
- Advertising 101
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