Scratcher Joined 12 years ago Bangladesh
About me
Im BACK and im on track
What I'm working on
kicks and punches
What I've been doing
Favorite Projects
View all- SCS V 2.0.1 by NoxSpooth
- Green Box by SilverEagle
- The Herobrine Adventure: Episode 3 by Ferrok
- The Herobrine Adventure: Episode 2 by Ferrok
- windows virus by remi
- Paper Minecraft v11.7 (Minecraft 2D) by griffpatch
- Blockman v1.2 by Ferrok
- You've Been Framed! by JJROCKER
- .:Swing:. by 1st_scratcher
- Chess by Midecah
- Everybody do the flop! by avidonna
- Spiral Illusion by Chupi
- Death Note~ L get's an idea. by buttercupfan
- Goku actions by Darkstar108
- Dragon Ball Z Shogun by Raoul01
Studios I'm Following
View all- The Studio Of Good Stuff You Want To See!
- The Super Crew
- The InfintelyCool Team Studio
- Scratch Tasks
- The beach,part 1 to 11
- stick figures randomness
- New Comers United-273
- Epic OS Studios
- OS Library
- tutorials to help you
- When I grow up...
- Awesome Minecraft Projects
- Stop Motion Mania
- art & design
- Complex Scratch Projects
- simulation empire
- Csophie : education
- Artful Projects
- Interactive Pen Projects
Studios I Curate
View all- Songs Played Backwards
- HerobrineHunters | Main Studio
- Randoms
- Anything Studio
- reaching 200 projects
- the weaponry
- dead studio
- Crazy Amount Projects Studio
- The Super Crew
- The InfintelyCool Team Studio
- Gamez Studio
- Epic OS Studios
- OS Library
- Why we Scratch!
- The Herobrine Army
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