Scratcher Joined 2 years, 10 months ago United Kingdom
About me
Welcome to BackpackAiden!
My birthday is 9th of January.
Name: Aiden
What I'm working on
Me, Aiden's Number Lore, Alphabet Lore and Others.
! - RULES - !
No Mean Comments
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (100+)
View all- Merry Christmas! by BackpackAiden
- Updated 5, 8 and 9 by BackpackAiden
- So many things to do by BackpackAiden
- Jingle bells song by BackpackAiden
- For @AdrianthePVZfan2005 by BackpackAiden
- Vector 5: Vegetables by BackpackAiden
- Meet Jean, Anthony, Gobofan50, and Sasha by BackpackAiden
- Voicing A, C, D, H, J, N, and Q by BackpackAiden
- for Jean, Anthony, Gobofan50, and Sasha. by BackpackAiden
- F jr and F's voicelines by BackpackAiden
- Aiden and friends outro by BackpackAiden
- Aiden and friends intro by BackpackAiden
- Vector 4: Aiden and friends iPhone by BackpackAiden
- Voicing 13 Number lore's by BackpackAiden
- Voicing 2, 3, and J Jr by BackpackAiden
- Aiden's Spanish Alphabet Lore without lore (extras) by BackpackAiden
- voicing CH, É, Ó, and Ç by BackpackAiden
- Aiden's Portuguese Alphabet Lore Reboot: T by BackpackAiden
- Aiden's Number lore remade (31-60) by BackpackAiden
- I Voice 7 Greek alphabets by BackpackAiden
Favorite Projects
View all- Official Number Lore 5 by Jmati0ns
- P acting like a dog by bazaustin
- Spanish Number Lore: 4 Parte 1 by AdrianthePVZfan2005
- Aiden's Portuguese F acting like a dog by bazaustin
- Aiden's F Jr. acting like a puppy (Animation) by bazaustin
- My Own Alphabet Lore by Jmati0ns
- Aiden's reboot F Jr. acting like a puppy (Lick) by bazaustin
- G Jr. Acting like a puppy dog by bazaustin
- Interactive Bachir's New Updated Spanish Alphabet Lore by Bachir05
- Aiden's F Jr. acting like a puppy but reboot by dwtdir
- Aiden's F Jr. acting like a puppy by bazaustin
- D | El Alfabeto Español Serie by jaydobynes1
- CH | El Alfabeto Español Serie by jaydobynes1
- C | El Alfabeto Español Serie by jaydobynes1
- B | El Alfabeto Español Serie by jaydobynes1
- A | El Alfabeto Español Serie by jaydobynes1
- I made my OC Birds by Gobofan50
- Portuguese Alphabet Lore: T (Parte 1) (Unfinshed) by AdrianthePlantsvsZombiesfan200
- Kaydog's Number Lore by kaydenimcmfd
- И by JoetheScratchmaker
Studios I'm Following
View all- My Vector Studio
- Steps and Plans to Save the Lore Community
- 100 deaths of wwwhy
- The Energy Fanclub
- The MakerSpace Fanclub Group!
- Portuguese Alphabet Lore
- Adrian's Portuguese Alphabet Lore Parte 2
- Adrian's Portuguese Alphabet Lore
- Spanish Number Lore
- Number Lore Season 1 (0 - 50)
- My Spanish Alphabet Lore
- Characters Sprite
- Toonphabet Studio
- Aiden's Math lore season 1 & season 2 (OLD)
- Alphabet Folklore
- RALR Parody Multiverse! (Back)
- Scarlet's chatroom
- GOPLAY_E's fanclub
- Adrian's Spanish Alphabet Lore Parodies
Studios I Curate
View all- My Vector Studio
- Zaky's Azerbaijani Alphabet Lore
- Rebooted Portuguese Alphabet Lore
- Gamblecore
- Aiden and laddy show
- Laddy's Number Lore
- Kayden's Follower Club
- Interactives
- 100 deaths of wwwhy
- The Energy Fanclub
- The MakerSpace Fanclub Group!
- Laddy's number lore
- Number Lore Studio
- Battle for Island of dreams
- Opalchan Alphabet Lore
- LGAL: The Studio
- Anahita's Follower Club
- Portuguese Alphabet Lore
- Sasha's number lore 0-50
- Kerolore ghostchat (Alphabe-Lore's Chatroom)
View allFollowers
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