Scratcher Joined 8 years, 1 month ago United States
About me
learning gutair and love halloween
What I'm working on
life lol
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (40)
View all- HEATHERS- Candystore by Butch666
- Stamp on the ground nightcore by Butch666
- song for a friend by Butch666
- rewind rascal flatts by Butch666
- Rascal Flatts- Bless The Broken Road by Butch666
- sweater weather nightcore remix by Butch666
- ALESTORM by Butch666
- DEATHKLOK-Bloodrocuted by Butch666
- black veil brides remix by Butch666
- kane brown-2 remix by Butch666
- Nightcore-My Demons remix by Butch666
- Eminem-spacebound by Butch666
- But like that- eminiem by Butch666
- Twenty One Pilots Music remix by Butch666
- Warrior song- Hard Corps by Butch666
- Jawga Boyz- Plastic Bottle by Butch666
- Island In The Sun MV (Spike Jonze Version) // Weezer remix-2 by Butch666
- The crimson Armada- The Final Words by Butch666
Favorite Projects
View all- Alestorm-Keelhauled by slayer32
- Nightcore-My Demons by firelily16
- Determination- by djsmell by skyrimlover1987
- David Bowie Blackstar (full album) by comix_boy
- Starman-David Bowie by Princess_Leia1
- Fame David Bowie remix by ctissaw
- Rukkus Dubstep by ethan91708
- Scratch Rap (AMV) [updated with lyrics] remix by ollieisAWEFYTEF
- Angel of the morning(Deadpool) by Bluewaygalaxy
- Just Like You By Three Days Grace Lyrics by PaintbrushWonder
- [Meme] Talking Body (Collab w/ FernPeltKitty) by Moonpaw12345
- Just like the Beatles, man! by Moonpaw12345
- "Stressed out" by Warriors_iz_cool
- AWSOME NEW DEADMAU5 SONG!!!!!!! by daftpunker
- deadmau5 by tankmaster145
- Deadmau5 song Moar Ghosts and Stuff by SpringBonnie287
- Deadmou5- Raise Your Weapons by PokemonMast3r12
- ♡Hσρε.♡ by _GARNETCommander_
- I HATE MY SELF SONG by rosey_the_emo
- ding fries are done by Ninjamon0107
Studios I'm Following
View all- Metal and Rock manina
- cool songs
- xX-Shadow_Trap's Fanclub!-Xx
- Military
- Bored
- Loud Lists
- The Macabre House- Creepy Stuff For Creepy People
- be scene, emo, goth, punk... be yourself
- Disturbed!
- the clasics
- My music playlist
- Cute Studio
- Rammstein
- How Did This Happen
- ~TheEmotionalSignal~
- System of a Down!
- heavy metal fans awesome people
- Beatles, Rolling stones, Mamas and the Papas Music
- Add projects to be advertised - read description
- Cool anime club :)
Studios I Curate
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