Scratcher Joined 2 years, 8 months ago Japan
About me
中野 Nakano
JB-07 総武線 T-01 東西線
is my main
i am aware, i may be online.
What I'm working on
@CBA_HugoS > @CBA_HugoS -ALT- > @ArmoredTVMan > @5400AP (current account)
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (61)
View all- Untitled-135 by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- How is this account doing? by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- blast door by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- tank by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- Youkai Zone (CBA Remake) by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- literally a fusion reactor by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- SLOST - Preperation by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- Southern Lights OST - Techinical Notice by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- Ramdom OST - I did something by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- for upcore by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- does this gives you reactor vibes? by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- Spoiler by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- song - Starting A New Generation by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- an ost for my core games. by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- an core #2 by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- bunker by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- a retry by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- Panasonic Windea thing by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- nuclear generation core ting by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- m i n e . by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
Favorite Projects
View all- Crazy Tech. Reactor Power Plant (Alpha) by MasterMindX2
- 京附電鉄04型(檀田〜初淀) by KEAF-
- Singularity Containment Site (The Foundation Update!) by Unkownuser35434
- Quantum Matter Research Facility by reactorcore11_
- EAS Mini Scenario - Yellowstone by TehScratchSpartan
- EAS: Absolute Lava by TehScratchSpartan
- [LEGACY] Atomic Cores Inc PGR 01 (ACPRF) by kakseao
- New WSR Audio To Come by Wolfieboy09
- E231系 VVVF音 by keihinto-hoku
- Red Zone2 by Toyapi_empire_sab03
- Welcome to Master of Inquisitor (v2) by MasterOfInquisitor
- Southern Lights OST - Techinical Notice by CBA_HugoS-ALT-
- Olympia Broadcasting Network: how to make a superstructure reactor by Neon4UltraPlays
- (Discontinued) Unnamed Power Core HD3 by KurtH121514
- Reactor Core Songs by GalleonsAndGators
- Reactor Core Community Slander by ElectroScienceInc
- iiurrb dont wanna make it anymore by Hiiiued
- Innovation Inc Arctic Base Reactor Core by bloonsfan12345
- TRANSJAKARTA-Abyan/7perseus by abyanya
Studios I'm Following
View all- [CLOSED] please dont upload
- Reactor Company Universe | RCU
- (CLOSED) ScratchStation Games
- 春休みREDZONE collaboration
- 車内
- team rocket to blast away at the speed of light
- Reactor Core Studio
- Reactor Cores + more!
- トレインビジョン スタジオ
- 電車ス・タ・ジ・オ でんしゃのすたじお
- 鉄道スタジオ
- 電車のスタジオ
- 鉄道関係いれてね
- ♪ Beepbox ♪
- Reactor Core Facilities
- World Incorporated "Innovating technology"
- FyreTech Inc. Official Project Studio
Studios I Curate
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